USA Regular army, alongside special forces, moving towards Damascus
Buildup of batteries in proximity
McCain leading charge of the establishment
Assad refuses to step down, defying USA 4 year deal on his premiership

Other urls found in this thread:

>bump for peace

He played us like a fiddle and all of the /r/the_donald redditors are tying to act like nothing is happening!

i-it's just 14^88 dimensional chess!!!

McCain is based. Fuck off faggot you were never on the trumptrain.


friendly reminder to berate and humiliate chesscucks you encounter from now on

>believing infowars
>not recognizing controlled opposition

I want nu-Sup Forums to GO!

Also fresh OC
Regarding the shipped image of supposed chemical weapons at the airbase

I'm mixed feelings on it. On one hand, I'm glad we can finally stop fighting among ourselves over this, and I'm glad the chesscucks can finally start coming to terms and accept that we've all been duped.
...But I'm not GLAD that they were wrong. Honestly, I wanted them to be right. I never thought it was plausible or likely, but I still wanted their bullshit mental gymnastics to actually be true, because that would mean we wouldn't be doing another war for ZOG.

And we are. I'm not happy about any of this. But at least now we can be united in our butthurt
Live now

pic related: the Shadow Brokers post

NSA compromised
CIA compromines & BTFO
FBI compromised & cucked
Military horny and empowered
MSM BTFO & irrelevant

>Trump train

>Opposing globalist ZOG is controlled opposition
Yea to your ((masters)) merishart

Reminder of the Cernovich-Rice media debacle

Anyone got a good post on the NSA Obama unmasking scandal?

have we ruled out that it's not some big ol US + Russia fuck up ISIS pincer thing? Am i just being optimistic?

>if you're against wars for israel, you're controlled opposition

nu-Sup Forums, everyone

>frag bombs

>being so gullible that you fall for obvious CIA/Mossad plants peddling false information that benefits the JEW

you nu-Sup Forums shitheels need to go back to le leddit already

It's an russki translation merishart
If in merilard militray lexicon frag can only mean grenade they translate frag as in normie cluster bombs aka NOT chemical weapons
They have completely different classification

>ivanka and kush giving in to peer pressure according to cernovich

wish i could go peer pressure them to stop hanging out with the globalists

McMaster takeover

Trump team is split between the ""good guys""" versus the

Kushner & Ivanka are being manipulated, fed false information.
>Didn't think it could be so easy...

must watch

Cernovic explains whats going on in the WH right now.
skip to about 23 min.


A lot of them are aware. They are just being banned and silenced by the (((mods)))


President God-Emperor Donald J. Trump would never ever invade Syria. He said he wouldn't, and unlike the lying press, President God-Emperor Donald J. Trump never lies. NEVER EVER.

And even if he does invade Syria, who cares? They're just filthy Mohammedan shitskin trash. WHO CARES? Are you a fucking shitskin Mohammedan? Assad gassed Syrian Children, just like HITLER gassed the Jews. Do you want America to stand by as Assad holocaust children, those beautiful babies? No child of God should ever suffer such horror. It's our moral duty to prevent another holocaust. NEVER AGAIN MEANS NEVER AGAIN. As a patriotic, god-fearing American, I stand with President God-Emperor Donald J. Trump and EVERY decision he makes. Only treasonous cucks do otherwise.

>calling out kike shills makes me nu/pol/

Why would we want to die for them?

The U.S. provides Israel $9.8 million* in military aid each day, who would keep paying?

spreading mossad propaganda makes you nu-Sup Forums u fgt

How is Assange's Syria prediction coming along?

hide shills like this
don't let them derail thread, post content, it's not a pissing contest

Jared kushner coup?

Is it Happening Sup Forums?

please be true

please be true

please be true

Have a better source than your phone memo faggot

>CIA armed Syrian rebels clash with Pentagon armed militias on the Turkey border

“It is an enormous challenge,” said Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank), the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, who described the clashes between U.S.-supported groups as “a fairly new phenomenon.”

“It is part of the three-dimensional chess that is the Syrian battlefield,” he said.

only 3D chess?
We need peace, and soon.

It's true, Brother. Have faith in kek and President God-Emperor Donald J. Trump. President God-Emperor Donald J. Trump would never betray us. Have faith, and don't listen the cucks and shill, for they know not what they say. President God-Emperor Donald J. Trump operates on a level above us mere mortals.

>its the brit shitposter again.
so how do you propose we make safe zones without troops to keep them safe? are you retarded? do you have brain damage?

This is the real story, anyone who disengages from this line is a shill, the attack was faked and this is COMMON KNOWLEDGE.

The only ambiguity is weather trump was deceived, compromised or what we all fear.

Medvedev statement on Trump - Syria

That’s it. The last remaining election fog has lifted. Instead of an overworked statement about a joint fight against the biggest enemy, ISIS (the Islamic State), the Trump administration proved that it will fiercely fight the legitimate Syrian government, in a tough contradiction with international law and without UN approval, in violation of its own procedures stipulating that the Congress must first be notified of any military operation unrelated to aggression against the US. On the verge of a military clash with Russia.
Nobody is overestimating the value of pre-election promises but there must be limits of decency.
Beyond that is absolute mistrust. Which is really sad for our now completely ruined relations. And which is good news for terrorists.
One more thing. This military action is a clear indication of the US President’s extreme dependency on the opinion of the Washington establishment, the one that the new president strongly criticised in his inauguration speech. Soon after his victory, I noted that everything would depend on how soon Trump’s election promises would be broken by the existing power machine. It took only two and a half months.

>safe zones

arent you conveniently overlooking that trump was in talks with china during the bbardment? That a carrier group was rerouted to norko days after the attack.
However, if you want to ignore evidence in favor of memes and going with the narrative, then be my guest.

yep, declare safe zones but dont put anyone in them to enforce them. leave it to the government that cant hold the cities in their own country in the first place. itll work out fine. fuck trump am I right fellow polsters?

Trump is being lied to. Pompeo called the gas attack a false flag and then got excluded from the decision.

>I would like to clear Jared Kushner. There are two ways to clear him.

>Run him through 3 polygraph tests. One with the NSA, one with CIA, one with FBI. They each have their specializations and abilities.

>The second way we clear him: We have every e-mail he's ever sent. We have every phone call he's ever made. They're in the NSA database but they're buried. Have Binney lead a quick task force to bring up all his e-mails and telephone calls and build a history of Jared Kushner from two years before he met Ivanka to today. If he's talking to the Mossad, we will get him.

Robert David Steele w Victurus Libertas 04/08/17

That and "safe zones" aren't fucking needed when ASSAD WAS ALREADY WEEKS AWAY FROM COMPLETELY WINNING THE WAR. It was effectively over, with Assad only needing to do mop-up.

Saying we need to go in and establish safe-zones now is like going into New Orleans after the flooding from Hurricaine Katrina was already gone and then breaking open the levies ourselves and flooding the place AGAIN and then telling everyone that's just started returning that we're here to help rescue them from the flooding.


>President God-Emperor Donald J. Trump never lies. NEVER EVER.

The complete list of all 172 false things Donald Trump has said as president

The Star’s running tally of the bald-faced lies, exaggerations and deceptions the president of the United States of America has said, so far.

"It's in the media but they won't call it that"
"Marines and artillery lined up"
"Thousands of special forces"
>Pentagon source


What's the latest with nunes, rice and gowdy? Also fuck this war

is AJ live tonight?

I never watch him, but he's spot on here

To many JOOLIES...

he's just going into East Syria to do the safe zone as planned, and wont believe otherwise until I see it.
