The ways Sup Forums has changed us

Thread free of shills, tell us how this board has changed you for better or worse.

Growing up I was was always agnostic, but recently from coming here for a few years now (Sup Forums not Sup Forums ive been here since that Scientology shit) and reading threads day in and day out, I noticed a lot of Christian talk, which of course is strange because well I mean look at this place. After reading into it more and ignoring the Dark ages influence on Christ, I've come to accept that Jesus was the last prophet and the son of God.

It's not just me reading and following some trend, I find anything that gives me a feeling my heart to mean something more. (Not a lust kind of feeling, a real energy kind of feeling). Then I look at something like Islam, its essentially the same as Judaism, as in if your not a Jew you're nothing and worth killing. Did Jesus ever mention in his teachings to kill people? Did Jesus have a 8 year old wife? Did Jesus tell people to bite kids foreskin off? No

Like that stupid Tyler Perry The Passion has more heart and soul that anything that those two religions can convey

Anyway. Tell us about your story user, has Sup Forums shown you light? Darkness? Chaos?

My schizophrenia got worse

i essentially hold the views of the comedian in watchmen.
but its not really all that bad, i just dont take things seriously on the internet

What do you think is the cause? Too much information?

Yeah I get that feeling sometimes too. It's not a bad way to go about it, a lot better than taking it super srs guis

I've found myself in the same situation as you Op, i never gave christianity much credit but recently i found it really heartwarming and transmitting a feeling of belonging and tradition, i wont elaborate further because i'm on my phone.

Yeah, it must be hard coded into us. It's proven we do take after our ancestors so our DNA may play a part.

it's quite literally pic related
we're victims to circumstance. A few changes in your life and youd be a brainwashed commie fighting for something you can't even argue about.
Knowing Hitler was evil yet the only thing you know about WWII is the 6mil meme

I learned that the stormfags were more correct than I thought.

YES, I was thinking something along those lines recently, saving that.

>Before pol
-overly defensive of womyn
-cultural and moral relativist
-communist, pro inmigration and anti racist
-fedora atheist
-pacifist cuck
>After pol
-light misoginy
-body building
-moral objectivist
-light racist
-into esoteric spiritual things
-worship Hitler and other empires
-pro violence and revolution

before pol:
>cultural catholic
>it's ok to pmo
after pol:
>deus vult
>might pluck on my eyes if I can't stop pmo

That's one other thing that I am no longer, used to wear a litter hammer sickle. I cringe at my past.

Before Sup Forums:
>Cuckservative sedated on blue pills (prozac).
After Sup Forums:
>Belives the in a Jewish conspiracy that controls the media
>Pizzagate is real
>some races are better than others
>realizes women are vaginal jews
>disgusted by degeneracy created by cultural marxists
>everyone who is liberal is a commie now
>started listening to thoughts in my head

I now have an increased craving for aryan blood.

Became a reactionary traditionalist, going to study theology.

Studying in school or your own research?

Morality? A word written in a dusty book under a ceiling that is caging in. Logic was stoned to death outside of the Frankfurt School. Apathy was praised for all the heavens to hear, but in turn was brought on a gust of wind of whispers.

So much has been lost and so little gained. Stretch out your hand and realize the years left of grip. Go outside and feel the never-ending light.

Life is beautiful yet living is harsh. One step forward, the whispers hold you in place.

Both actually. I'm going into college, since it's not so bad in here loan-wise.

I'm glad you've found redemption my leafy friend. God bless

In terms of my politics I used to be a very liberal Democrat. Now I'm a very mainstream centrist Democrat who finds himself criticizing his own party than the GOP. I've given up paying attention to day to day partisanship or social happenings where other people view everything as being either "D" or "R." I'm much more interested in statecraft and the workings of the world now.

I've come to view race different. I used to think we're all more or less equal and there are only socio-economic factors driving us apart. Now I'm more and more aware of how genetics affect everything. IQ tests are an invaluable tool, despite the shortcomings of IQ, and they tell us a lot about how we arrange ourselves.

I'm more and more inclined toward supporting policies which encourage "family values." However, while I'm not especially religious I have certainly come to view those issues from a social standpoint rather than a moral standpoint. We have upended EVERYTHING in only the past few decades. Taboos that stood for several millennia have been plowed under.

I'm much more cynical about other people, particularly women. Feminism has devolved to women arguing with other women. They only ATTEMPT to argue with men because that's all they know. The way men and women relate to one another and how we compliment one another endlessly fascinating to me. Unfortunately, I'm watching so many women make terrible choices and life-decisions that end up handicapping them later in life. This social cynicism extends to men as well. In my judgement some people are simply dumb. This is why so many men (and women) act the way they do and make the choices they do.

The great social factors matter less and less to me. Increasingly I view everyone as individuals and see people's lives as their own. Good decisions matter most. Even someone of meager intelligence or talent, so long as good choices are made, can end up successful.

Beautiful man.


>Before Sup Forums
-Radical Atheist, mocking christians
-Centrist politically
-Anti racist
-Civic nationalist
>After Sup Forums
-Pretty much Christian
-Far right, Hitler-worshipping nazi
-Heavy racist
-Delving into obscure spiritual mumbo jumbo
-Know the Jews control everything
Life couldn't be better

Redpill them all ystava

similar to this, but given up on DNC

don't trust RNC but sympathetic to lolbertarianism and related views

His nose is upside down cross. What if Jesus was antichrist and real Jesus was Buddha?

woah just like me except im not falling for the religion meme

Christianity feels great to be a part of. You're told God loves you and encourages you to do good for yourself and your people. We need a new pro-white Christian movement again using facts as a way to win over more followers

Where did you copy this from?

I believe Buddha was the prophet before Jesus.

Hah while looking for this quote on google it was saying that this quote is meant for Muhammad. Had a sick feeling

>raised Baptist
>go full fedora as early teen
>realize that most people will simply fill the function of religion with nonsense like social justice or Utopian / Revolutionary ideology, that is deconstructive and deadly, because that's just their personality type
>understand religion is a noble lie and societal glue, providing a repository for the nation'S culture and history

>realize our peoples and nations are simply being gleefully sacrificed on the altar of global capitalism, by international corporations and monetary entities
>the last generation thought it was pretty nice to live without war, without hard work and without worry; they got the carrot
>the globalists know they don't have to fool or lie anymore; we get the stick

>both liberalism and conservatism are animated by the same spirit, to serve the same interests
>only those "dangerous" ideologies will truly enact change.

We don't need it, but the masses do, and they'll have it. If not from you, then from (((them))) it's a gun not to be left on the table, like media or education, during the renegotiation of society.

i always being anti-semitic in some grade. But now i know why.

I'm a total newfag, I watched a few independent documentaries about the jewish conspiracy in the west and then came here because I caught wind that this was where all the white nationalists/supremacists and anti-semites gathered (this was about a year before the election). And of course, Sup Forums didn't disappoint. I don't think I've laughed so hard ever in my life. Pretty much got here already being Sup Forums material. Although I think Sup Forums has helped me with critical thinking since I get to see so many other opinions and views from people who know what I know.

>I don't think I've laughed so hard ever in my life

That's how this place sucks you in.


Before coming to this board, I literally never heard a pro-white view of history. I had a lot of white guilt and I'm glad to not anymore.

Yeah, most people start out as edgy btards making cringey jokes about Jews, but end up genuinely learning how much of "the narrative", the world in which we live, is a lie, on a fundamental, moral, philosophical and spiritual level.

I realized anyone under 6'0 should be ignored.

This is how did Sup Forums change you, not how did /fit/ change you


Meming aside, this basically eliminates 90% of nonwhites and women, both groups not having the nation's interest and preservation at heart.

It's a good think too. The truth needs to get out there somehow.

I'm pretty sure Sup Forums made me into a extremist Muslim.

I found Jesus browsing Sup Forums. I've since overcome my crippling depression and I am making great strides in my life now, only returning to Sup Forums for current news. Church is also a pretty neat way to meet the qt3.14 conservative chix.

I'm on board with this. Of course a lot of those chicks are "second chance" chicks who are tryna get they lives on track. If you can find a couple who have no kids and haven't been married, then go ahead and hold auditions for the future Mrs. user.
