The fuck is wrong witg Varg?
He cherrypicks pictures of Gypsies and a literal Turk and call them Southern Europeans:
The fuck is wrong witg Varg?
He cherrypicks pictures of Gypsies and a literal Turk and call them Southern Europeans:
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't know why he us so proud. Nord's have literally accomplished nothing in their entire history and when they (Sweden) were relevant they were still weak compared to actual powers.
>He cherrypicks
Well, yeah. That's what he always does. He's no advocate of the scientific method and he's pretty open about that. His rational is riddled with fallacies. Just get used to it and chuckle along while appreciating his overall message. His videos are comfy.
Unless you are blond haired and blue eyed you are not white according uncle varg
just do what normal people do and don't take him seriously
What a fucking asshole
I have been to Europe and the average South European, even the average South Italian, looks nothing like a fucking arab. Of course there are are some arab looking people but then you have Mongoloid like Bjork in Northern Europe
So yes, he has the right idea. There are some South Europeans that look like literally moors, but they are a minority, not the fucking average.
He's just a faggot
He is right in that there is certainly some overlapping, although he greatly exaggerates its frequency. I've met some Lebanese and Jordanians and at first, while certainly dubious, I wasn't sure if they were actually foreign or just south Italians.
Hello, this is a son of the Germanic tribe, Franks.
he isnt fond of civilization thats why. his whole shit is anti civilization and domestication. hes all about retunring to barbarian status
Sometimes i like him, and i admire much of his lifestyle, but other times he comes across as so arrogant and sure that he is right about a particular topic even though he doesnt really provide any logic or evidence other than "im right and you are wrong", that it really repels me. A lot of the time he just comes across as the ultimate pseudo intellectual.
>why he us so proud
He does not take pride in civilization, burger
>Nord's have literally accomplished nothing
A bunch of nords are noble prize winners and made progress in science
>they (Sweden)
He's from Norway
>weak compared to actual powers
>muh atomic super power
He is not interested in being a powerful nation/people.
He wants to live in the forest and for whites to not be degenerate.
Simple as that.
>inb4 you a varg fanboi herp derp
Stop talking to turks (Southern Europeans).
I have some trouble disagreeing with that. I'm brown hair/brown eyes, so varg wouldn't like me, but a lot of Southern Europeans do look like Arabs to me. The few Greeks I've met made Turks look White. And I can't say I consider Turks to be White.
That wasn't the point of his video
the point of his video was that why do European rightwingers want Muslims to put away their hijabs and robes? That's what allows us to identify them.
Hes right though. There is a strong non-european look in a lot of south Europeans.
At least the diaspora ones are all middle eastern looking.
>I'm brown hair/brown eyes, so varg wouldn't like me
Why would he not like you?
Varg likes you so long as you don't live in Northern/Western Europe.
He always has a unique take on things, I admire that. There is something to be said for his anti-civilizational stance, he did predict Trump would cuck.
Fuck you barg, Iberians are not arabs
So he would rather larp in the woods instead of furthering mankind's knowledge of the universe? The philosophy of a failed artist.
Why does be care about degeneracy if he doesn't give a shit about civilization and wants to live in a forest?
Southern european here, yeah Varg is cherrypicking and contradicting himself (I have 99.9% no problem telling southern europeans apart from arabs) However I do support the overall message, We should be going back to our roots. A lot of knowledge and civilization has been lost in europe, in the north aswell as in the south.
Did someone say "failed artist"?
The fucking irony of your post.
Okay Pedro
>downloaded the same picture twice
gg faggot
I used to think Varg was onto something, then I realized he's just an anarchist playing innawoods.
I only listen to Molyneux now.
I named two different picture the same, idiot.
>he thinks that's what that filename means
lol fag
then you should have no problem pointing it out
this guy is a retard.
I've never watched Varg's vids before, but I watched this and I agree 100% with everything he said.
He's completely right.
>furthering mankind's knowledge of the universe
Where has doing that lead us to though? Progress could have literally stopped 150-200 years ago.
Because he loves his fellow Europeans and wants them to thrive and not degenerate. Something a hedonistic consumer like you would not understand. Also it's not like he is forcing people at gun point to do what he wants like the muslims do.
What are you doing in Sweden, was the Mediterranean too white for you?
He's probably from non white balksn "Southern Europe"
born here nigga, will inherit house and move south soon though. u a jelly arab or something?
>So he would rather larp in the woods instead of furthering mankind's knowledge of the universe?
>The philosophy of a failed artist.
He innovated a genre of music and continues to live off of his art to this day, I don't think that qualifies as "failed."
>varg spouting basic bitch divide and conquer
This guy has got to be getting paid off.
>lives in Sweden
>thinks I'm jealous
I'm Greek and I can confirm that we look like Middle Easterns
I think he's a Germanic/Nordic nationalist, not a white nationalist.
That's not what he was doing at all, he was complaining about the removal of middle eastern attire as a means of helping middle easterners better infiltrate western societies while mascarading as southern Europeans. He always goes out of his way to include Greeks and Romans and shit as "Pagan" and therefore "good."
Jewish subversion of European society through social sciences is a serious issue, however the real sciences are naturally filled with Europeans. The progression in which when coupled with a strong nationalist ideology can provide the white man with more free time to improve his society and maintain his traditions.
Yeah but that's stupid. Nordics/Germanics aren't going to be able to fight off the poz and invaders without the support of whites of all types.
Civilization is for mutts unable to sleep in muh trees. real men are uncivilized savages living in the wild.
t. varg (he actually said that)
A lot isn't the majority
Arabs from Lebanon, jordan, syria, tunisia, algeria etc.. on average are much lighter than greeks, southern italians, Portuguese, and Spaniards.
he is a tribalist, he doesn't buy into crap like white nationalism and he is right in doing so
Varg is a nutcase. You are only supposed to listen to him for entertainment.
>Where has doing that lead us to though?
For starters, the thing you're using to post.
I did confuse my Italian math teacher for an Iranian kek
Who the fuck cares about religion though? We care about race.
If you pigmentize varg he'll look like a literal Arab and Afghan. His eye shape, and facial shape is middle-eastern.
>this much delusion
I hope you are joking.
personaly I find his music lacking in subtlety and meaning, but perhaps I lack the ability to understand it as you do.
Hes a LARPagan retard ignore him
There's a reason they're called snowniggers. They had to be tamed by Southern Europeans once before, and now they're slipping back into their savage ways.
Iranian national football leam
You're missing his point, even if his point was kind of moot. His point was that only superior men can survive in the wilderness, while civilization keeps weaker specimens alive. He's not wrong, on that point. His "hurr fuck technology" mentality, when taken to its logical extreme, would probably lead to human extinction though.
shit forgot pic
Varg is living proof that Nordics are a problem race. The jews are honestly doing us a favor by importing millions of shitskins into their countries.
>For starters, the thing you're using to post.
Why do I need this thing? Why do I need to shitpost on pol?
Do you ever question anything or was any kind of critical thinking bred out of americans?
KeK no, once upon a time that may have been though
>Prize invented by Swedes
>Given to other Swedes (and Jews)
>Loves his fellow Europeans
>Burns down church
>Tells them to get rid of religion that has defined Europe for almost past two millenia in favor larping
>Lives off welfare like the common nigger
Turkish National football team
Greek national football team
>muh indoaryan heritage
Awesome Varg. He always disliked them for Meds are niggers
Not at all joking. Ive been to these countrys.
Italian national football team
Being a vargite kid must be the shit, tale many breaks from homeschool to visit ancient ancestors battle places palaces and such.
butthurt bavarian nigger please, go back to your steppe
>hes all about retunring to barbarian status
but the barbarians were christians
Southern euros are an extention of middle easterners both in race and culture anyways.
funny how it's mostly Anglos getting triggered by the oh so subhuman germanic nordcucks
sure thing buddy, I'm sure you explored lots of google images pics
god europe is a shithole just fucking end yourselves already
You do realize that arabs kept european slaves, right? Even in shitholes like Lebanon and Palestine there are at least 30% or people who have mainly european haplogroups.
>Why do I need this thing?
You bought it, the question is yours to answer.
Shoo shoo
"You see here, this is where Germanic ancestor Barbarossa drowned while taking a bath, now you know get your little Germanic asses to bed now."
He would look more like a poo-in-loo if you asked me.
Varg is a faggot who thinks civilization is a negative think resulting out of race muxing
Well he's not wrong. Southern Europe got entirely BTFO by different calpihates.
All the people who freak out about his comparison of arab and southern european people.
You do realize that just because there are a bunch of really tall chinese men, chinese men are still on average smaller than europeans.
Your anecdotal "evidence" is no evidence of anything at all. You are not debunking or proving anything here.
>Loves his fellow Europeans
>Burns down building dedicated to the worship of a Jewish Arab.
Don't see the issue.
He once said black people were aryan.
>Tells them to get rid of religion that has defined Europe for almost past two millenia in favor larping
Stop worshiping desert religions.
Middle easterners and semites have always been caucasian and have been mixing with southern euros since the times of the seafaring phenocians.
Fucking disgusting
I wouldn't call Germanics subhuman a large portion of my countries DNA came from Germanic invaders. I just don't believe becoming a Luddite is the solution to our problems, if anything it will put us in a weaker position to defend ourselves.
If you snow people fought Islam you would get wrecked, compare Islamic caliphates to most powerful northern states.
Does anyone actually have a problem with the race of immigrants? I honestly couldn't care less if they lived in white countries or not, if only they didn't bring ANY of their culture along with them. Fully assimilated immigrants are just normal members of the community.
The answer is I don't need it. Neither do you :^)
Why would you be glued to a flickering screen when you could sit around a bonfire with your family, friends and elders and listen to their stories and absorb their wisdom?
Varg is highlighting the fact that europe is under demographic warfare, if this triggers you you probably belong in the middle east.
thankfully now we can just dump them north and let le "mustard rice" deal with them
>taking this guy seriously
Burzum is bretty gud but hes a retard and is only good for shitposting
Because while you and your families jerking off to each other in the bonfire, some other family with better technology will destroy you and wipe of your bloodline.