There was never really any choice, was there?
There was never really any choice, was there?
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They had Jim Webb and Rand. Burgers have no one to blame but themselves for pushing these fools as far as they did
Since when were that's the only choices ?
Two Democrats and one neo-Republican?
What about all the other great right wing choices?
just the illusion of choice
>There are still Randlets on this board
Sorry you're broccoli cut sporting manlet got bested by a man who's going to stop the gassing of innocent civilians.
Please tell me you're joking
one of these isn't like the other
my 60 year old dad has better muscles than trump in his prime.
I'm not joking, lil' Rand is only 5'8, what a fucking joke.
I'd say Between Bernie and Trump, Hillary was still the worst decision. But overall I still didn't vote in a Second George Bush Jr.
It truly was like Assassin's Creed had put it.
The only option, is to not play at all.
I'm Nat Soc
>What you have inherited from your ancestors, you must earn before you can own. The most precious possession you can own in this world, is your own people.
>a man who's going to stop the gassing of innocent civilians.
At least he keeps himself in good shape. Can't say that about Trump and likely yourself.
>Hurrr violations of the Geneva conventions should go unpunished
What's it like being so cucked by Assad that you'll excuse anything he does? No wait, lemme guess, you think it's a false flag because some e-celeb on twitter told you so. LOL.
Trump promised no more pointless wars in the Middle East. That 16 years of pointless war would end.
Instead he strikes Syria to McCain and Hillary's gleeful smiles, while his Son-In-Law ties the strings to his limbs to dance.
You are legit supporting Neo-Conservatism now, the thing that seeks to start WWIII because some old farts weren't happy about how the Cold War ended without an American victory. Go burn in hell.
You support the idea of a dubya-esque war because a Senator who opposes it is short? Good goy! (((MAGA)))
>Trump promised no more pointless wars in the Middle East. That 16 years of pointless war would end.
Yep, and then Assad being the dipshit that he is, went and used chemical weapons when he was already winning the war.
What a fucking joke. Violations of the Geneva conventions can't just be shrugged off dumdum.
But there's no reason to think that Jim Webb or Rand would have been able to stand up to the attacks any better than Trump did.
Even Rand was courting the neocons on the Iran deal in the election and he lacks Trump's independent means.
>You support the idea of a dubya-esque war because a Senator who opposes it is short? Good goy! (((MAGA)))
He's short and he's apparently OK with civilians being gassed. What a fucking edgy loser.
>muh beautiful babies
we got a bitch when we need a lionheart
I don't know why Randtards think Trump bombing Syria is synonymous to the Third World War. He's not doing a 180, he's enforcing a red line. Tillerson and McMasters have shown that theh still maintain Trump's position on the Middle East.
Wether Assad did anything or not isn't the point you fucking retard. I voted for Trump to fight against the Establishment and their interest, not fight for them and launch missiles at what's supposed to be our mutual ally against ISIS. Those Missiles were to crush ISIS, not help them get an opportunity.
Hell I don't even give a fuck about Assad, I care about the man I voted for betraying mine and other user's interests.
hey neo-ZionistKEK didn't Assad have ALL his "chemical" weapons seized in 2013?!
you're an embarrassment
Those countries never signed the conventions, same reason Japan didn't give a shit about prisoner rights in WWII.
The Convention and Protocols only apply to Western, Civilized Nations, it's just everyone's forgotten that we've never come to agreement with the rest of the world that 'gasing people and explosive bullets are bad m'kay'.
Furthermore, the Geneva Protocol, was signed into force by the League of Nations, a literally defunct organization.
Since 2009 Boko Haram has killed 20,000 and displaced some 2.3 million people.
Where's the outrage? user? We should be protecting these people!
Fuck you, you fucking faggot. Don't support the orange man if he's going to sow the seeds of war and most likely draw my country into it as well.
Sorry that you're an edgy teenager that thinks violations of the Geneva conventions shouldn't have consequences. Non interventionism is cool and good, but the shit Assad pulled had to elicit a response.
>hey neo-ZionistKEK didn't Assad have ALL his "chemical" weapons seized in 2013?!
Obama did a shit job at making sure they were all gone. What a fuck up.
>Where's the outrage? user? We should be protecting these people!
Oh right, remember that time Boko Haram deployed a chemical weapon? Oh wait, they didn't.
>the usa should go to war every time civilians are killed/hurt, 'specially when war would benefit Israel
You're either a kike or you advocate for kikes. KYS
And now there's reports that 14 people, including 9 civilians, were killed in the airstrike, an act that was supposed to target an empty airfield.
That's 9 dead civvies. Where does that fit on your fucking convention?
sure thing ..OR
pic related and muh greater israel plan
Where did I say that? Violate the Geneva conventions by using a chemical weapon and you get a swift response. A basic concept like this should be easy to understand, but apparently you Randlets haven't grown a brain a yet.
>Where does that fit on your fucking convention?
Do you have a link to any of these reports user? Or are you just looking at e-celebs on Twitter?
sure thing
jews want to destroy Damascus to fulfill their insane religious beliefs of muh temple and messiah coming
Why do you care what happens to muslims?
No, there was an obvious choice. But you all just shilled memes about communism and breadlines. Enjoy WW3 assholes.
You still haven't responded to
JIDF is having a slow day..
Bernie was more reasonable than both Hillary n trump but socialism has no chance against the capitalist mothership that is murica
So you're saying a secret cabal brainwashed Assad into using a chemical weapon? You're a sharp guy.
>You still haven't responded to
Syria ratified the geneva protocols in 1983. Are you retarded or something?
No e-celebs.
Governer of Homs supplied the info, and please don't use the "WELL IT'S MEDIA WHO KNOWS" line.
I admit that I take this at a grain of salt too, but it's still worth looking at.
Bernie was the obvious choice and he's the only one I voted for.
I've been saying for decades that the US/UK political infrastructure is a not even thinly veiled drama theatre/popularity contest to keep the working and middle classes at each other's throats whilst the aristocracy and political upper crust laughs to the bank and does what they want anyway. Brought this up to dumb Americans during the election cycle too and was accused of conspiracy theory fearmongering. I don't know how anyone who's lived through even a handful of presidential/parliamentarian administrations isn't able to observe how left wing/right wing governments essentially always implement the same foreign policy, resolve nothing for the working and middle class, get richer at the cost of everyone else every single time and change nothing for the better. Idiots look at non-issues like pro-life versus pro-choice or some other feel-good bullshit cause to decide who their candidate is and think that based on those issues there are tangible and observable differences between a democrat and a republican.
Trump was the last ray of hope as a "non-establishment" candidate and an outsider who was going to "drain the swamp". He hasn't drained shit. He's doing what HRC would have done from day one.
>an economically retarded shill for the DNC delivers a utopia
Ok, let's talk seriously, my (((MAGA))) friend. The Trump admin has been quite clear since Thursday that the US will not allow an Assad-led Syria. The refrain is Assad must go. Meanwhile Russia and Iran have pledged not to allow the US to rule the world. Thus:
1) What's the (((MAGA))) plan? Who rules?
2) Is the plan do flex American muscle and hope Russia and Iran acquiesce?
Fact is this can't be a one-and-done bombing, not with the Trump admin calling for Assad to be removed. Total coincidence that this is the way Bibi wants things, right?
>Ok, let's talk seriously, my (((MAGA))) friend. The Trump admin has been quite clear since Thursday that the US will not allow an Assad-led Syria. The refrain is Assad must go. Meanwhile Russia and Iran have pledged not to allow the US to rule the world. Thus:
>1) What's the (((MAGA))) plan? Who rules?
>2) Is the plan do flex American muscle and hope Russia and Iran acquiesce?
>Fact is this can't be a one-and-done bombing, not with the Trump admin calling for Assad to be removed. Total coincidence that this is the way Bibi wants things, right?
If you actually read the full report and not just listened to dumb e-celebs on twitter, you would have seen that they are calling for a 'political' removal of Assad. That doesn't translate to boots on the ground unless you're some randlet that eats up anything posted by Paul Joseph Watson.
>There was never really any choice, was there?
Bernie would have been the best realistic compromise between trump and clinton.
>"U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Saturday rejected his rival Hillary Clinton’s call for a no-fly zone in Syria, while at the same time endorsing the Obama administration’s year-long bombing campaign in the country."
>"Sanders does not oppose U.S. involvement in Syria, however. “I support President Obama’s effort to combat the Islamic State in Syria,” he said, “while at the same time supporting those in Syria trying to overthrow the brutal dictatorship of Bashar Assad.” The United States has been bombing targets in Syria, including the Islamic State and al-Qaida affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra, since September 2014. Those strikes have reportedly killed at least 240 civilians."
Bernites are even more backwards than Trumpers.
Republican Party- Globalist neocons owned by the Bushes
Democratic Party- Globalist neocons owned by the Clintons
Those will forever be your two choices America
What is it like having no historical intelligence and believing in a narrative that is entirely retarded ?
>Checks flag
O wait my bad it all makes sense.
No, there wasn't. I was telling this faggot board this simple fact since day 1 but none of the memester idiots here would have it.
>Edgy Australian is down with violations of the Geneva Convention
Makes sense that this post is coming from a continent full of criminals.
>“When he [Saddam Hussein] chose to deny inspectors, when he chose not to disclose, then I had the difficult decision to make to remove him.”
-George W. Bush
Any line of logic leads to bad stuff with this situation.
You remove Assad, you remove Russia's strategic position/support in the Middle East and they will feel even more encroached upon by NATO.
You bomb Syria/fund rebels, you increase displacement, fuelling the migrant crisis.
Why do you want this, apart from the moralfag argument?
>implying kike sanders wasn't controlled opposition
>thinking a man who relinquishes his podium to two screaming monkeys can lead a country
Trump was still objectively the best choice. Rand and libertarian idelogy in general is a meme. Trump just ended up being as much of a puppet as was expected.
You guys are just starting to learn that the presidency is a bunch of fucking bullshit anyway and the other chambers of the government are much more important, and ultimately the president is a bitch to the majority opinion of his party in Congress and the Senate
He's saying they framed Assad, like they tried to before. They're Jews man, don't need to brainwash if you can lie.
>Dumdum Australian can't read
Political solution ding dong, this isn't boots on the ground shit.
>Muh frame job
Back to retweeting Paul Joseph Watson's twitter posts with you!
Full of insults but not full of arguments, I see, (((MAGA))) friend!
What I've seen are calls for additional boots on the ground from all who support the missile strike. Nikki Haley says the US will act when it feels it must act. Trump and Tillerson echo this same sentiment. This does not accord with your learned words, goy.
Meanwhile, none of this answers which faction should rule in Syria. McCain says the Syrian people should decide, as if democratic elections will end a civil war. So do say more about the 'political' removal of Assad. It sounds like a euphemism for "what muh god emperor wants".
>between Trump and Clinton
Bernie was far further left than Clinton.
>This does not accord with your learned words, goy.
Yeah they do. They pull another blatant violation of the Geneva convention and we will act again.
A simple re-election would do the trick. No Assad though as he will have to report to the Hague.
>this isn't boots on the ground shit.
You don't know that. You cannot possibly know what Mattis and the rest are planning. It is a huge stimulus for elements of the economy to have a war with a shithole like Syria.
I check the DoD contract highlight pages from time to time. They sold $3.8 billion worth of contracts in a single day last week. To keep saying "muh political removal" after using $100m worth of bombs on a supposedly "empty" airfield does not fill me with confidence.
But no, I suppose you're too partisan and a drone when it comes to this that you can't admit when there's a problem. Pretty disappointing.
>we'll just like remove assad and hold democratic elections and stuff
Thread over folks, this has to be an Israeli shill. This is a childish view of foreign policy and war.
>Not a shithole
Pick one
>heh yes, populist politics are the best, POWER TO DA PEOPLE!
>a tax on HFT would reduce trades by 50% but it's no big deal
>instead of focusing on the shitshow that is primary education let's just make postsecondary education free, there you are millennials!
>Revolution Media is not a shill platform like CTR, we swear!
>remember, no refunds!
>Mah dumb retort
Not an argument. Try again
are you insane, bernie is the ultimate cuck none of his policies work, the only reason any countries with some of his programs look successful is their high rank in economic freedom. So shut your cuck mouth and go get your free stuff somewhere else
>Australian Sup Forums poster QR0J756BN knows what Mattis and the rest are planning behind the scenes using his psychic superpowers
He'll have to turn himself into the hague for warcrimes dumdum. He's going to get locked up.
>Not an argument
Cute rebbit meme, you should head back there.
Argue against my point on the DoD and contract potential, faggot.
You're the one who "thinks" to know their plans, based on a fucking adjective.
Just like Gaddafi?
>He'll have to turn himself into the hague for warcrimes dumdum. He's going to get locked up.
Jew or 5th grader, honestly not sure which.
I'm saying jews in cooperation with isis used chlorine on them to get the (((neocon))) war machine back up
>gassing of innocent civilians.
Yeah, white helmets and (((moderate))) rebels won't lie.
I will not go even with absurdity of
>Kids getting kidnapped, raped, sold into slavery
Nah, it's ok
>Photo of (((gassed))) kids
Fuck you, hypocritical, "holier than thou" piece of shit, your worthless country should've been glassed by Khruschev a long time ago. Soviets would've collapsed themselves, but this fucking Golem won't stop.
>Argue against my point on the DoD and contract potential, faggot.
The military selling a bunch of contracts isn't news user, that's business as usual.
>I don't know how violations of the Geneva Convention: The post
Sounds like someone needs to buy a water filter, only someone with the effects of drinking too much fluoride could be this dumb.
Nice meltdown.
>Yep, and then Assad being the dipshit that he is, went and used chemical weapons when he was already winning the war.
Burgers unironically believe this.
But what I am talking about, you gladly swallowed the "le communism is going to sterilize all murrikans at any moment" pill back in the Cold War.
Pathetic nation of bullies who stir the shit and afterwards live in genuine fear that that may bite them in the ass.
If you just want to gobble up dumb conspiracy theories you should fuck off to twitter.
Sanders, for all his faults, wouldn't man up the HMS myVagina in case shit goes south.
Yes, there was a choice and always will be a choice: our deathless Führer, Adolf Hitler. Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
Join us.
Nigga, i make 100k right now and I'm 23. Meanwhile people working longer and harder hours than i do are struggling. Under Trump I'll probably pay less in taxes, and I'd still prefer Bernie. I'm over the le big government is evil meme. Bad, corrupt, and inefficient government is evil. In America, we've had shitty government for so long that we decided that the free market was better for us. Well for generating profit, the free market is amazing, government can't even compare. But the free market doesn't give a shit about happiness and welfare of the people, good government does that. I believed Bernie could bring good government without crippling our free markets into a communist Oblivion.
But sure, let's just elect the conman instead.
WWIII or not, Trump has made liberal heads explode everywhere. The lulz have been totally worth it.
>Dumb conspiracy theory
>But muh Assad totally gassed those children because fuck you, racist.
Into the oven you go.
The lulz have been had and now liberals unironically love Trump.
which wendys do you work at
Everyone who's not an edgy tween or a twitter e-celeb loves Trump for a swift and proper response to a violation of the Geneva protocols.
ahhh fuck off already jew boy
Software developer but close.
based on the pic, should have gone with cruz.
Reminds me of the hunter's dream.
Oh yes the good guy government league. You don't understand basic economics, profit raises the general welfare in a free market by creating wealth. The government doesnt get good or efficient by expanding its power.
agreed Cruz was best choice.
can't blame the burgers for electing cheeto guy, i mean, he was their best:
-Johnson (a complete idiot)
-Jill Stein (a kike)
-Sanders (another kike)
-Trump (another idiot, though not as much as Johnson, who had the fact of not having committed any sick crime like clinton did working to his advantage)
-Clinton (crazy warmonger that would have started WWIII almost immediately)
so yeah, burgers did not have any choice, they have gotten kike'd yet again, it isn'treally that surprising, you seem to be doomed to be their war dog for the rest of eternity.
>Huuur duuur you ain't nothing buta shill duuur
no grandísimo pedazo de bestia, no se necesita mucho para ver que les han visto la cara de imbéciles una vez más. Como se ha mencionado anteriormente, son los goys supremos y lo seguirán siendo hasta el final.
No Bernie was never an option. He was literally a Hillary plant
Oh wait free markets raise the standard of living and income! You done goofed get some evidence you dense cuck