No shills please. I have a pretty good shill radar.
Does /Pol really hate T_D?
Other urls found in this thread:
since day 1
Care to elaborate?
they just hate his most recent chess moves. But donald doesnt give a fuck he will bitchslap anyone he pleases. even his most diehard supporters, Donald knows what he is doing. His supporters cant see the bigger picture, and they dont know what donald knows.
I just look at them like our retarded younger brother
T_D is like Sup Forums's basterd
We hate reddit in general. It's an inherently status quo board that bans "wrong think." Now fuck off.
Of course not. We just memed his presidency into reality. Why would we stop now?
We haven't even begun the campaign to get him to fulfill our agenda. This is just the beginning.
yes, literally since the day that it was made by some faggots from here it was hated
Yes, and I have a pretty good plebbit radar, and it's going off right now, nigger.
T_D is like Sup Forums's retarded little brother
Yeah, but shills are pushing a narrative too
they are like mexico. fine when they are in their own place, but you do not want them here.
trying too hard
Yeah. It's a Cult of Personality in there. You either worship Great Reader Donald, or you get banned.
Hated reddit since 2011
I do, obviously i dont speak for everyone though, place is cancer.
donald knows how to create drama, he knows how to "push and pull" he knows his supporters will come back loving him more than ever.
he may even become the greatest president in history.
these. Reddit is so faggotty. It's the word equivalent of man on man buttplowing
But they're technically less faggy than reddit overall, but not by much. at all...
Yes, but they are good for distributing our memes to a wider audience and the more they invade us the more they will self-radicalize.
>Muh Narrative
>Muh images of discord
Face it t_d cuck. It's actually over. He's betrayed us. You're either going to support him and his Neo-Cuck ways, or you will hop off that train and come back to the real world.
>still trying too hard
I'm just a Kekistani lost in the chaos we call a world. No hate please just expanding my knowledge one meme at a time. I don't accept anything at face value. Ty for the input so far. Pretty fair imo.
It was fun during the election, still kinda fun now. I just don't like reddit in general, it makes people think their opinions matter way too much. I'll never see this post again. Fags on reddit refresh the karma page every 5 seconds to see how their masterpieces are doing.
The Reddit? Yes.
The person? No.
Yes, they are dumber and less funny. They seem to lack the ability of abstract thought.
I hate reddit in general, nothing personal
No. It is a ShareBlue attempt to divide and conquer Sup Forums
Sup Forums is going into multicultural mode and reddit is going to be a big part of that. And people will resent reddit for it, but without it Sup Forums will not survive.
Read this and fuck off. Sup Forums will hate Reddit till the end of time. No fucking exceptions. You people AREN'T at all like us and never can be.
>Sup Forums being anti neo-con
Nice try, kid.
One thing is for sure, donald is making politics entertaining again,
turning the world into the ultimate reality show.
i didnt vote for him but i was glad he won because of these reasons.
stay tuned for the next episode.
We can't push our agenda from here alone. Sup Forums lite, aka t_d, is an easy way to ease the masses into being truly redpilled.
Otherwise the cognitive dissonance is too strong. t_d will be usefull for some time.
while i agree with your statement and hope he survives to run again, i still can't tell if you're psyopping to make people hate reddit even more
You're not wrong.
Yes they, just like the rest of reddit, is a cancer that should be kept away from this shithole.
nah people kinda do hate them
not for their support of Trump, more for their inherent rebbit faggotry
yes fuck reddit
I wonder but since i m mexican my opinion is discarded be blesedd
This is true. T_D is pretty directly influenced by Sup Forums, whether either likes it or not.
>does Sup Forums hate The_Donald?
>they just hate his most recent chess move
>not "we"
Get. The fuck. Out.
You morons really don't fucking understand that we have hated you since day one? You faggots have COMPLETELY ruined a shit ton of our boards and one of the only reasons that Sup Forums even survived is because you faggots are too chickenshit to say the word "kike" or "nigger".
We hate them and have always hated them.
The current push "go back to x" by shills is to divide us though.
Sup Forums has always hated trumpcucks
you'll notice upticks in hatred during major happenings (we ww3 now) because posts are more reflective of users
during the doldrums it is just shareblue / cambridge analytica shitposting creating illusions of left-right paradigm legitimacy
All of Reddit.
T_D is bad because like the rest of Reddit, the idea of reflection or concern outside one line of thinking is bad. You can't talk about any criticisms about Trump, even if you are trying to be helpful or productive.
They also can't see how cancerous they can be with smaller things (like not saging threads or constantly replying to every bad word about Donald with shill, regardless of them being legitimate shills).
It wouldn't normally be. The current Sup Forumsitical climate is causing a conflation of ideas. Those ideas being "Mexican," and "illegal immigrant."
In short, as long as you don't jump the border, I value your opinion just as much as anyone else's.
>scared to type words
yes. Now leave pls
Go try typing those words on your precious "The Donald" you faggot, see what happens to you. That's why you're fucking scared.
You faggots realize t_d was created by pol users? Like another posted said they are like our retarded little brother. Reddit is gay overall
Fuck off. The only reason The_Donald has survived is because of Sup Forums's memes since they can't make any of their own. They need us more than we need them. Thats why they're shilling so hard for us to support them after the missile strike.
Reddit has been shit since 2010 I don't think I'll ever leave this place
>tfw 2007 was 10 years ago
T_D is a gateway pill.
It is pretty lame ("Look at our BASED SIKH! We're not racist everybody!"; "Look at all these problems with Islam, let's discuss. BTW don't you dare say there are any problems with Judaism").
But on the other hand, it is a gateway pill. There was a highly upvotes post today about how white crime stats are higher than they should be because they include Hispanics.
That is only a hop, a skip and a jump away from GTKRWN 1488.
The_Donald is dying just two days after the bombing
They banned almost half their active userbase
Pure cancer.
>muh russia
Do you work for CNN?
The_Reddit is to us what Bangladesh is to Britain
It may have been created by Sup Forums users, but the platform is cancerous. As said earlier, it does work well for introducing the idea of the redpill to people, but not a lot else.
>than we need them.
Scratch that, we don't need them at all.
you'd be banned if you do that schlomo.
that's literally why everyone knows reddits gay
>>Sup Forums being anti neo-con
Are you joking with me? Of course Sup Forums is anti neo-con. Neo-Cons are puppets of jews.
Nigger they care only about Trump , memes and nothing more. They legit think ""they""" are Sup Forums and we will defeat shareblue ""together"" when they are also cancer.
its not only that. reddits culture is also pure faggotry and everything that is wrong with millenials
Once you're here, you're here forever.
>gulag prisoners stop lying to themselves
>get shot
classic reddit
Yes, i hate them so much, everytime i see this image i start boiling in pure hatred
I personally hate Reddit with a passion because of their toxic (yeah I know libshit word) and hivemind approach to living and discourse and r/the_donald is a huge Redditor hive. Don't forget, newfag, SRS used to "raid" Sup Forums years ago. They always failed but they were annoying and obvious and they can go fuck themselves.
I do not however support any /leftypol/ faggots spamming that shit. Stay on your own site.
Oh yeah you're all ragequitting cripplechan because they put you last on the hack recovery list.
Get. Fucked.
So to sum it all up OP, stop browsing Reddit. It's a shit forum. Fuck it.
I thought he was talking about Sup Forums until "the truth about the jews". reddit is much better.
Not the people, but the ideas, faggot. Sup Forums is and always has been authoritarian right.
Y'know, if you keep incessantly making threads on them you're fueling the flames, this is the type of dumb shit I see on the daily. Just keep it in your head, and stop posting about them.
The real answer is don't give a shit. 12 year old fags trying to change my mind ain't gonna do it.
Yes. We hated plebbit before we made T_D
Cant wait for your next 1-D chess move...
it's Reddit
Reddit is the definition of a hugbox.
Every single sub is one.
that image
Redditors need to be culled
And people are starting to realize this. That's why so many Gen Z find themselves coming to Sup Forums.
Kys faggot you don't belong here you need to lurk at least 1 year before you post
T_D is the bridge your retarded facebook friends walk across to get to Sup Forums. They aren't awful, but the rest of reddit is.
Sup Forums will always hate reddit
1d chess is what the progressives play... only moving forward.
You tell me.
They are one in the same friend.
fucking this , they care more about pepe/trump than politics itself.
I didn't hate them at first but I've grown pretty tired of their "OMG EVERYTHING IS FAKE NEWS 86 DEGREE CANDY LAND" dismissal of everything, especially the shit about McMaster which they believe is just a media psy-op to divide Trump supporters as well as the Trump team. Agnostic has been kind of bad about trying to rationalize the Syria shit too but at least he generally has good ideas i.e. the generational aspect involving the Boomer mindset towards Iran, Israel and war in general vs. Gen Xers and Millennials or even earlier Boomers.
Jewish conspiracy is real user
Yes, and i hate all the bootlicking scum that came here during and after the election, it's never been worse. Trump could piss you people in the mouth and you'd praise the taste.
Go back to
What are you talking about gentiles Jews are peaceful people who would never harm nor use others to further themselves!!
it's more derision than hate