U.S. Navy gonna wreck some shit.
Show me your Hell Yeahs!
U.S. Navy gonna wreck some shit
>most powerful army in the world
>missile is bent
wew lad
Codename piranha. drone swarms to attack carriers. Enjoy being on a floating WTC nigger
>what is the Phalanx
Is he trying to steal a missile?
looks that way
what if they are underwater drones?
you idiots let niggers touch your missiles?
Its a laser guides bomb maplecuck
We used to write "Fuck you Bin Laden" on nearly every piece of ordinance. Those were the days.
No problem.
that's a state secret, leaf. gonna have to ask you to delete this
I watched Crimson Tide last night to get myself stoked for the upcoming nuclear war.
no nigger underwater
Still got a bent fucking sensor on it. No wonder because it seems there is a nigger assembling it.
It's still a missile because it's "launched" and it "flies". So technically I'm still correct.
also piranah a fucken fish underwater! retarded faggot kys
He was in Pakistan
>implying we don't have underwater laser mermaids and countermeasures
like i said you have to be the retarded niggerest leader of the retarded niggers
>0.02 rubles have been deposited into your account, spasiba
Listen leafnigger
It isn't launched it is dropped.
It doesn't fly it falls.
The bent part is a steering mechanism. It needs to be movable.