Been nice shitposting with you lads over the years. Nothing will be better than Trayvon or Dorner.
Other urls found in this thread:
do you really think Russia will waste nukes on us
>no more jaffa calling
You pulled me from blissful ignorance. I hate that I love you. Godspeed and god bless
Calm down nigger
The only war will be the european nations glassing the third world middle east
> Hardly damage one airbase
> Its operational the next day
> Russia retaliates with fucking nukes
> Believing this.
Even if they don't, Sup Forums wont exist anymore if the servers are vaporized.
This is the happening to end all happenings. Say what you like about Trump being retarded to fall for a false flag, but any lifelong Sup Forumsack will remember the days of "TURN ON CNN ITS HAPPENING" because of the most minor shit. We're finally cranking it up to 11 boyyyyyyyys
to honest in politics a few rockets sent your way isn't much more than a slap on the wrists. The US wants to keep Assad in line enough so we don't have to pull an Iraq again.
Russia loves life and piece more than they love assad. Do you really think they would go to war over Assad? Haha hahahaha
I wonder what would really happen for srs tho in a US v Russia nuclear war?
You have to assume all NATO countries would be nuked, and at least all urban areas of those would be fucked. Russia too, and presumably some of its allies? Who exactly?
Would China basically inherit the Earth?
>implying that WW3 will happen over a few tomahawk missiles
Please Sup Forums can i be at least honorary white for one day?
I've fought in the first great meme war.
get out (((fear goon)))
>Trayvanderoach or Döner
All I hear is Kebab.
I hope Putin doesnt chimp out
Well you're apparently Chilean, like that Pinochet guy. So I assume sure why not? >_>
It has been truly a pleasure
>pray for favor from chaos god
>get sad when chaos dominates
Good going idiots.
Fucking morans
I'm going for a walk, I may be some time.
Whiteness can only be achieved, not given. No one can confer whiteness upon you but you. Do you think you are white? remember, white is a state of mind, not a skin colour.
you can't corner the dorner