Guys I hate this. I almost just want to kill myself. Why did Trump do this?
Guys I hate this. I almost just want to kill myself. Why did Trump do this?
no need to kill yourself since we are all about to die anyway.
the only part that sucks is the internet will be down once it starts.
>Why did Trump do this?
Con. Man.
I can't wait to do literally nothing to help the war effort. I'll shitpost here with you guys while millions die
who /comfy/ ?
Because he's a fat lying kike lover who gave his daughter to the jews.
I can't believe we were fooled like this. It was the West's last chance. There is no hope now.
>Why did Trump do this?
To encourage whiners to grow a set.
>1 post by this ID
what's sad is how obvious it was and yet we ignored all the signs. It was too late when the nomination was over anyway hillary is still the worst
wish i voted for hillary
dont worry about that goy
damn, the shilling is obvious
We told you along Trump was a chump. Anarchist Communism is the answer. Google "revolutionary Catalonia" and suck my 50% percent crop yields
>Why did Trump do this?
Do what ?
Trump is controlled by kikes. Stop sucking his cheese doodle and think.
>implying we ever had any other choice
At least Trump's kicking out the beaners, if you want to be truly free from (((them))) it's going to take a bit more effort than meme-ing for a year.
>Reminder that if Jeb or Hillary had won it would have been worse in every respect and the lefties would have the smug.
ffs media blows this shit out of preportion. I am 95% positive that trump did this to get the dems to stop saying he is a facist by bombing a dictator who to them is a facist. Plus if he really wanted to start a war he wouldnt of told russia and syria an hour in advance about this. FFS its literally hasnt been half a year and you guys whine when shit looks bad at the current moment
Except communists of the modern world are just a bunch of LARPers
checking in. gotta love cucknada
>Trump is controlled by kikes.
why should i care? im not a burger, im a schnitzel
>Stop sucking his cheese doodle and think.
I feel you, I've been pretty depress waiting to be manic soon but this just blows it
Start doing heroin. You'll feel better and none of this will matter
plus you guys are very quick to judge a person who is new to foreign diplomacy. He is still trying to figure it out
Trump just put his foot down to show he isn't weak to the rest of the world. If he left the situation alone the world thinks he is weak. If he meets and talks to putin he is seen as a Russian puppet. if he bombs an empty airfield after pre warning everyone there the situation is solved he garners dem support and isnt seen as a Russian puppet. Nothing will come of this. A little fake tensions with Russia and Assad and all is forgotten im a few months.
Muammar Gaddafi all over again
idiots to stupid to see this is another good leader who was doing good shit for his country getting overthrown because he wasn't doing the bidding of western international capitalists.
Because it was the right thing
Because it was the manly thing
Because Obama wouldn't
Because shut the fuck up
ya lets just launch 75 million dollars worth of tomahawks while we figure it out
no need for an investigation or anything
>He's trying really hard guys, don't expect so much from the fucking president.
In for a penny in for a pound. When the face that says to stop takes form reach through. Take what is yours. For every thought of inaction there is a sinner who will take it for you.
How much can you take? Why would you stop yourself? We are all on the same river of love, the wind blows us to the shore just long enough. Overstay and you lose yourself. You forget your raft.
It's only when it rains that we realized where the water was. Yet look into the water and the face will always stop you.
idiot the islamist terrorists did the gas attack at the behest of the western international capitalists as an excuse for America to overthrow the Syrian government.
Who needs investigation, Assad sucks, he's gassed in 2013
Bombs away, women, children and limp wristed Obama fan faggots stand aside
I didnt even mention who did the gas attacks. That's irrelevant as ((they)) will say it was Assad either way.
what if he was showing off for china, shill?
i support the decision 100%
Why wait? Just kill yourself.
I supported Trump while he was running and still prefer him over Hillary but why did so many of you make him a false prophet? People have warned others not to do that for millennia because this shit always occurs.
Its a sign of weakness.
He was owned from the beginning. I'm from the Northeast and know his kind. He could never have succeeded without owing Zionists.
Heroes are for children.
Who gives a damn if Trump kills mud people with drone strikes? What matters is securing your borders and the continued existence of your people.
Better question is how did so many Americans become traitors and Assad lovers
>not even trying anymore
We know what you're up to Sass
Man up cucks
>because he wasn't doing the bidding of western international capitalists.
you're wrong
they ARE doing EVERYTHING the west tells them to do
Ghaddafi literally said " I will step down, I will go live somewhere else" EVERYTHING "But don't bomb the people"
they did just that
not to "remove ghadaffi" but to remove civilisation from the place
If you kill yourself, your enemies win.
>mwf I'm looking through old Trump memes
and do what?
That Trump, huh senpai? He's just not cool. Wish we all voted Democrat! Lets get it right next election. Sup for Democrats!! Noone will see it coming, and it will be crazy lulz!
Also, you all notice how those Antifa guys are so awesome? I'm just enjoying a Pepsi while watching a video of these guys stand up for us. How can we help them??
Don't kill yourself faggot, it would just prove you're a weak little bitch who can't handle the slightest bit of adversity. We need meme warriors for the influx of shills.
This post inspired me