Prove you aren't a contrarian edgy nigger and post an actual coherent criticism of Richard Spencer
I've listened to him a bit and he sounds like a Sup Forumsack, only cleaned up for the public image, would like to understand the hate towards him
Prove you aren't a contrarian edgy nigger and post an actual coherent criticism of Richard Spencer
I've listened to him a bit and he sounds like a Sup Forumsack, only cleaned up for the public image, would like to understand the hate towards him
Other urls found in this thread:
he was a gigantic pussy in DC and was literally running away from a single faggot on a bicycle with a vuvzuela
He's a cuck and a cowardly faggot that talks like a tough guy but runs away like a sissy.
Even Kike Enoch showed more courage at the rally.
Both of you are shills. Go away.
he thinks socialized medicine can work
That's good.
Attention whore
Are you kidding me?
I have no idea who this gaggot is
The only shill is Spencer. He's designed to make right-wingers look like scaredy cats afraid of limp-wristed ANTIFA weenies.
Pic related, how REAL nationalists act when confronted by cucks.
He's a white nationalist.
He is evolving. I noticed he had more fighters with him this last event.
Still he needs to get in a fight. I don't care if he loses. Only then will I respect him.
He likes fag and abortion even in a white ethno-state. Fuck him
Fuck off and lurk more
Fuck off you shilling cuckhold little bitch of a redditscum motherfucker
he's a irl faggot
He's fucking naive. Doesn't understand that his political opinions put him on the same level as pedos and rapists in the eyes of many and doesn't adequately prepare to be assaulted and/or character assassinated.
Severely over-exaggerates the alt-right and also doesn't (constructively) criticize it enough.
Takes pol way too seriously.
Soft on religious question. Was an atheist then a pagan now a "cultural Christian", seemingly whatever the attitude of pol dictates at the time.
Thinks Ann Coulter is on our side.
A single faggot? Try again. It was a group of faggots larger than his own. You think he should take on 30 v 5? Great logic my dude.
At least Spencer is doing something. You're a coward faggot keyboard warrior.
He's just trying (too hard) to get Sup Forums thoughts go mainstream.
Sup Forums is never mainstream...
>pic related.
This never gets old.
Yeah, he's doing something alright: giving leftists ammo to mock YOU.
Spencer has balls to put himself out there and stand for something publicly, while you're a pussy faggot keyboard warrior. Go fuck yourself.
he's dumb as shit and makes us look bad
I would rather have little Benji because at least Benji has a gorillion IQ
Fuck you Spencer, you kike
he appeared out of nowhere near the end of the campaign, was labeled head of the alt right by the media and promptly did a hail trump to add fuel to the ebin nazi meme. he is cia
You make yourself look bad you coward loser.
Spencer himself is a coward though.
The only people that seem to hate him are those that are anti-white. Just watch the butthurt from shit countries that hate him. They sperg out in apoplectic rage performing 46th-dimensional gymnastics trying to justify why whitey must never have its own ethnic state.
He sucked my dick in my dorm room. We went to the same university. He has good tongue dexterity.
Also this, the only ethnostate sodomites deserve is the eternal lake of fire.
In America he would go to jail for that. You think he should risk jail time, and legal fees? Not to mention possibly getting jumped since it was 10 antifa to every one right winger and they were acting violently. He's not a pussy, he is strategic and logical. His only failure at the last event is that his pick up car that he had was unable to pick him up.
>this thread
>unironically shilling for Ben "fire anyone I deem a racist and ruin their lives" Shapiro
Fuck off, kike shill.
Last time I checked Stickman never faced any jail time or even legal fees.
Nah, he's been involved in right-wing circles since 2007 and he had his alternative right and then radix journal since 2011. His now exwife is a prominent Kremlin propagandist and he even had organized a conference with Dugin, which was shut down by Orban. If anything, he's Russian ops. He also has some heavy WASPY ties and is a trust fund baby worth millions.
Eventually it was ONE antifa following them and they were still running for a cab.
He acts like a faggot with the pepe shit. Don't talk about memes in real life.
You can act like the biggest reddit tard in the world online (under pseudonyms or user.) But never show how much of a faggot you are to people that actually know you.
Stickman was part of a scuffle. That guy outright punched another guy with no provocation.
Spencer ignores the fact that the people who would carry out his policies (and the people those policies would be imposed on) are incapable of the refined, aristocratic, and nonviolent racism that he pushes. His policies, initially intended to be nonviolent, would result in a bloodbath.
He sometimes tries to be too "hip" and in-the-know about the latest alt-right memes.
He's also not that good at banter in an uncontrolled environment such as a protest.
He's at his best in his talks at universities and such.
>contrarian edgy nigger
Liking Richard Spencer is contrarian though.
>He's fucking naive. Doesn't understand that his political opinions put him on the same level as pedos and rapists in the eyes of many and doesn't adequately prepare to be assaulted and/or character assassinated.
Who even on the left equates Spencer with rapists and pedos?
>Severely over-exaggerates the alt-right and also doesn't (constructively) criticize it enough. alone has grown in searches every day so maybe that's one lead he has. Constructive criticism is good though so I can agree with you there.
>Takes pol way too seriously.
How so? I follow him quite closely and when he cites Sup Forums I think he is on point.
>Soft on religious question. Was an atheist then a pagan now a "cultural Christian", seemingly whatever the attitude of pol dictates at the time.
People evolve. They grow. He is going the right way, we should encourage it, not discourage him for the past.
>Thinks Ann Coulter is on our side.
She's right leaning but not an alt-righter. A few on the alt-right have quoted her, though mostly just her satire which I think is similar to Spencer.
Nah if you pop someone in the face because they provoked you, no judge will want to give you anything more then like community service. Unless you had priors.
You'd be surprised.
My coworkers jokingly call people cucks now. They're redditors, too.
too many non-whites on Sup Forums to get a real answer
he's fine by me, his Texas A&M speech was pretty good, and Jared Taylor vouches for him that's all I need to know
Keeps getting punched by faggots.
I know the legal system is corrupt in Mexico but here in America we have a thing called bail.
hes a faggot nazi who destroyed any hope of an alt right
My only criticism is that the alt right now has a face to associate with the term. That was a mistake as it gives an actual, physical thing to attack instead of just an ideology which would make people seem dumb for actually attacking.
That's not your proof is it? Did you actually watch it? Additionally, Spencer isn't the muscle alt-right needs. He's the voice. The muscle should be those that have less to lose by committing a crime.
>punching people unprovoked like a literal nigger
that's the kind of thing Leftists love to see, "nazis" acting like criminal thugs they can demonize and move on
Most of the criticism comes from non whites or low iqs from r/the_donald with zero understanding of metapolitics.
You actually think the justice system would give Spencer, someone they can make an example out of, a slap on the wrist and say he was provoked to hitting him? No that is not how the law works buddy. Self defense is one thing, provoking is another.
I watched the whole thing live. They were running for about 15 minutes and eventually no one was even chasing the anymore except that single faggot on a bicycle.
>hurrdurr if you punch your enemies they win!
>hurrdurr let's allow the far-left to define when we are able to defend ourselves
>m-m-m-muh PR!
Even if you're a PRcuck who wants to LARP as Gandhi, why not stand your ground instead of getting dragged out of a cab and prancing away from a single guy armed with a Vuvuzuela like a fucking fairy?
Generally, I like the guy.
He occasionally makes me cringe.
He's too homosexual. I'd bet my house he's bisexual.
>Who even on the left equates Spencer with rapists and pedos?
You can't go public with beliefs like Spencer's. It's social suicide, and in some countries, jail time.
>How so?
He equates what happens on pol to what happens in "culture", but pol is counterculture.
>People evolve. They grow. He is going the right way, we should encourage it, not discourage him for the past.
My issue is his weakness. He's at heart, an atheist, and he admits this. He seems reluctant to admit that these days due to fedora memes (which is dying out anyway). Again, I feel it's more of a matter of "I have to be like pol to have influence in the alt right".
>She's right leaning but not an alt-righter. A few on the alt-right have quoted her, though mostly just her satire which I think is similar to Spencer.
I feel like Coulter is just out for money and fame and not much more.
Everyones racist, they just don't like to admit it.
acting like a stereotypical skinhead thug isn't going to convince anyone
the modern "dressed up in suits-version of the white nationalist movement" as the Clinton campaign called it, is where our victories lie.
He's like every other NatSoc in that he focuses so much on whiteness that he doesn't nice, neutral or even forgiving to other races. He could just say, "Oh we respect all races, and we think that each race should have it's own continent, and this is a white continent." But no, he has to be a fucking asshole and say "This is a country made and maintained for white people only" historically inaccurate spiel
>"This is a country made and maintained for white people only"
How is that historically inaccurate?
Whites only was policy until 1965 with some exceptions.
>He could just say, "Oh we respect all races, and we think that each race should have it's own continent, and this is a white continent."
But that's what he says. He's pretty mild compared to what the liberal kike media portrays.
It was mixed race british, native american indian, spanish from the south, and french from the north from the very beginning. Pure white, or pure anything is fucking dead. The last living caucasoids died out centuries ago. There is no white race. Do you mean white culture?
He buys into retarded left-wing economics despite everything in modern economics pointing towards pro-market economic policies as always being better. He's still pro-Keynesian which was debunked by stagflation. I will say this, at least he doesn't seem to believe in Marxist bullshit (except being pro-state healthcare). It's the most irritating thing to see such a massive number of people pretending to be rational and logical while believing economics from the 1850s (Marxism) and ignoring all advancements we've had since then.
No. I try to be critical of everyone. ESPECIALLY if I find myself agreeing with whoever on what ever topic. He's done his homework and I think people are just making too big a deal of him based on all the FAKE NEWS stories painting him as a combo of Jeffery Dahmer meets Saddam Hussein (with a noahs ark fast food type of vibe to him)
These are actually good points. Any explicitly pro-white leanings make you untouchable to most burgers and going on about Pepe shit irl is really cringey. He's not all bad though and is learning slowly.
Sorry but you're an idiot and wrong. Racemixing was never a thing outside of conquesting. It was never encouraged like it started to be in the 50s and 60s.
He's out in public what are you doing since you see fit to call him a coward.
Another NatSoc problem: Some weird sehnsucht for the 50's like it was all malt shops and lollipops. We just got over a fucking war, like c'mon.
Cuck is a little different. It's replaced faggot and retard. People can't really complain about it otherwise it shows they're the lowest of the low.
i think he's a cop. but apart from that he's too unlikeable. even people who share his ideas dont like him
>You can't go public with beliefs like Spencer's. It's social suicide, and in some countries, jail time.
That is only because the low iq hoards claim racism which it is not. There are actually plenty of places in this great nation that will accept those on the far right. If it is social suicide, so be it. The people that are too dim to understand the real meaning behind his views do not deserve our social circle anyways.
>He equates what happens on pol to what happens in "culture", but pol is counterculture.
I'll have to look into this or I'll be talking out of my ass which I don't want to do.
>My issue is his weakness. He's at heart, an atheist, and he admits this. He seems reluctant to admit that these days due to fedora memes (which is dying out anyway). Again, I feel it's more of a matter of "I have to be like pol to have influence in the alt right".
I think a lot on the far right still hold this notion that without religion you have no sense of morals or values. This may be true for some. But I believe that you can raise a good family that still has the strong family values and morals without using religion as the reasoning or crutch.
>I feel like Coulter is just out for money and fame and not much more.
Probably so. She's dipped in the wrong pond one too many times of you ask me. She is however essential for the normies that are on their way to the far right though, so I don't mind her being around. But she is in no way alt-right if you ask me.
That's not what I'm referring to. I'm talking about when the jews put their next stage of globalization into action. I don't have any particular nostalgia for the 50s it kinda repulses me how degenerate it was to be honest.
Sup Forums has never really supported e-celebs or namefags. And thats the main reason. Sorry, reddit will be nicer to you Spencer
His timing is very suspicious.
Wow, it's almost like he came up with the term.
He's faggy and a little autistic. That said, he's still a good guy.
He promotes himself a bit too much instead of promoting white nationalism.
He's too spergy. He's just filling in until a better guy comes along.
How isn't Ann Coulter on our side
Prosecutors confirmed they will not charge him.
Media 101:
Nobody knows Spencer and he is not a good goy so don't give him a second of airtime
People like alt-right, so plaster incrimating video of Spencer all over to spoil the movement