Trans people are disgusting frea-

>trans people are disgusting frea-

disgusting freaks? yes. yes they are.


If you like traps your a sick degenerate that needs to get mental help or just kys


Keep going,you got it right.

They're disgusting freaks.

>trans people
pick one

That kid has made an irreversible mistake.

How could you spend over 1000 hours at the gym and then decide to throw it all away and inject anti-gains juice directly into your bloodstream? What the fuck was he thinking?

Cant even tell if the pic is in order cuz the fuy has a girls face and the girl has a guys face.

Kill it with fucking fire.

>Dat man face

And yes, trans people are disgusting freaks. Either they have a shriveled up dick or an open wound under their skirt, no exceptions.

>he got the same tattoo as her
Beta orbiter as fuck.

Assuming you lift for an hour a day with no off days that is like almoat 3 years of lifting. Even if you lift 2 hours a day 1000 hours is almost 2 years. That pic is like 9 months worth of gains unless he started at hungry skellington mode or has shit genetics.

They are though.
(only 90's kids will get this image)

Just imagine. The whole time you are holding onto a man's deformed silicone chest.

Just imagine the funky sweat of sex is laced with male sweat and male pheromones.

Just imagine that vagina is a gutted and inside-out penis sheath.

Just imagine imagine the soul looking out from your lovers eyes is that of a man. No matter how you change it, it is a man looking into your eyes.

This shit makes me ill. It makes me literally sick to my stomach.

I thought koreans of all people's would be able to know
although koreans ain't that bad compared with others I literally had hard times when in asia telling apart a flat skinny girl from a flat skinny boy
But yes kill it with fire,they have an open wound they have to keep open and insert things to keep it open as the body will try to naturally heal itself and close it,that the vaginally kids... (or so I heard but i couldn't puke myself into more detail)

oh boy here we go with the e-statting, what, you can't press 2 plate for 5 after 6 months, are you even trying?

I'll finish that sentence for you.
Trans people are disgusting freaks that should be thrown from helicopters.

the image looks like a ruse, the "dude" on the left's face is way too feminine for a normal guy. Almost looks like a FtoMtoF trans. The point being theres a FtoM trans "person" at my school who looks fucking shredded because of the ungodly amount of testosterone their doctor doles out to them.

>check flag
Checks out. Castrate yourself.

also kys

id let a hot tranny suck my dick maybe bareback her and im 100 percent straight its only gay if dicks touch

He's actually fairly handsome as a man, just needs to get a better haircut. As a woman, he's just some boring plane Jane.

Arvie was absolutely gorgeous as a male, the Brazil booty one. But he transitioned into Madison Nicole Lee....

Not surprised he decided to become a woman. The standard door frame opening size is 6 foot 8 inches. He appears to be over a foot shorter than the top of the frame opening. The dude is a manlet, 5'7" at most. Manlets becoming women because they'll never be respected as a man, top kek.

> lmao2plaet is an impressive enough bench on Sup Forums to warrant estatting.

That rule only applies in Canada and some Greek islands the rest of the world is ruled by other laws

This silicone breasted tranny with no ass. Arvie was so pretty as a man. Why couldn't he just be a gay man instead of transitioning and ruining that beautiful body and face?

Why do you fucking retards think that the argument against transgenderism has anything to do with whether or not they "pass".

A schizophrenic that convincingly acts as if the government is spying on him is still mentally ill.

Blaire would be fine if she didn't have those long-ass male arms

whats blare whites stance on trans bathrooms?

my dick remembers

do "her" doggy style and you don't even have to see her ladybepis

Ummm, how do we know which is the before & which is the after picture, maybe this is a FTM ?

>be OP
>obsess over diminutive stature
>pour endless hours of energy into the gym trying to get """"big""""
>tfw still manlet, never going to actually be a large man
>turn self into abomination impersonating woman

fuck off leaf sage

>Just imagine that vagina is a gutted and inside-out penis sheath.
Nobody likes post op trannies you fag


>seeing the thing's man-shoulders, man-back, and man-hips
>w-well i can't see it's penis, so no homo?


Go get yourself a tranny prostitute.

> implying this is homosex

That's a literal female with a dick shopped on

It has a penis. It expels male hormones out of it's body. You are mingling yourself in male essence! Fucking GROSS! Look into its eyes and it is a man. You are staring into the eyes of a man while you are screwing him in the ass. He probably even has a deep male voice! Shit would be hilarious if itwasnt so gross.

Did you work that out before or after you wanked off to it ?

Every single time I see this image I read the whole thing and every single time I literally laugh out loud.

Life is really hard these days. Can't blame a guy for wanting to switch to easy mode.


blair white is hideous

if you like trannies you are an extreme degenerate faggot

I would seriously gas all trannies and tranny lovers before the most pathetic body pillow humping anime watching NEET

lmao yeah wonder why your example pic is pixelated to fuck and back

the majority of this board would gas the fags in a heartbeat. The fags are, however, better than the race traitors.

>tfw I'm convinced I will never be pretty or passable so there's no point to even trying
just gas me now senpai

Look, if you're attracted to a woman and you fall in love or whatever, or maybe you just fap to her, you were attracted to her. That's a valid sexual attraction. If you like women and you end up with a trans woman, shes still a woman. that would mean you are still a straight male.

>she's still a woman
Except he's really not.

Since you're conceding that being a girl is better... Why don't you transition too? You can just order HRT online right now. You don't even need to tell anyone.

were invading syria right now when instead we could genocide the canadians...

Why don't trannies just get plastic surgery? Koreans do it and it looks amazing

my favorite tarp

>It expels male hormones out of it's body
I've got bad news for you, so do natural females. Males and females share all hormones, the only difference is relative quantity.

Finally a new assigned male dump thread


>been using Sup Forums for years
>been trapping for longer
Suck my lady dick, niggers.


whose the babe on the right?



Look I'm as straight as you can get, and I hate faggots. My son came out as gay and I told him I didn't want him living under my roof anymore. He moved in with his sister and he's dead to me. But I have no shame in saying that I visit TS escorts and have blown my load many times in their tight asses. I even have a couple of beautiful TS babes who do dom work and they throatfuck me, let me rim their holes and come all over my face. This has nothing to do with being gay. They are women with penises. The penis itself is not male, it's attached to a woman.

A PENIS IS A PIECE OF MEAT. A piece of meat does not affect my sexuality. Do you let someone call you a pervert if your penis touches a pork chop? No. It wouldn't mean you were a porcinesexual.

A penis is flesh. A beautiful lady having a different shape of flesh will not change my sexuality. No matter how many of them I let inside me or how many I beg for their seed. I don't need to be called gay by narrow minded busybodies. How come this concern for policing sexuality only happens to straight men.

For sake of fuck, DO YOU REALLY THINK GEORGE MICHAEL WAS IN HOUSES IN LONDON HAVING SEX WITH LADYBOYS he could afford it but no he was a gay he liked men he would never be with a transgoddess because he realised they were women. Maybe if he would have avoided all gay activity and stayed with traps he would still be with us today, the dirty faggot God rest his soul

Fucking delusional.


you can hide in my attic on the day of the rope (for a price)

I could never date a "guy" with a pussy though. If there was a way for Ftm to have a cock I would be all about it.

as an actual faggot, this image depresses me. He was a good looking guy.

Delusional? I don't know what you mean

>he think THE PRESS refers to pussy bench press.


Ha, fag

teach me your secrets so I can suck my way through the apocalypse in exchange for protection


Gosh they really told him.
I don't know which one of the 3 would have the most anus tonight.
Tranny humour is best humour, their punchlines have real zingers.

it's a couple who got the same tattoo you fucking twats


Justin BTFO


I can detect a tranny 9 out of 10 times
Their man face is always so obvious

Golly it sure is 1950 grandpa

I can detect a tranny 9 out of 10 times
Their cock is always so obvious


Most dadcore photo in existence

>the penis itself is not male
4.2 rating on the bait scale


This is great.
>this copypasta presupposes that there is some scenario where I am slapping my dick with a pork chop
Fucking Mexican intellectuals.

Gee whiz these comics are a hoot! Got any more?

kek now that's funny pasta

Only a few, robin

It's a girl that transitioned into the guy on the left, before photo is on the right !


I had removed it from my memory and currently pretend it never happened, but I had a six month period where I fucked trannies. Not in the UK, but two in Thailand, one in Spain and one in Brazil.

I ended up living with the Brazilian one. I'd acquired a taste for it by then and was in a pretty dark place. No opiates for me, mostly mild weed and strong cocaine but she was using needles quite frequently. She was probably the best looking and most convincing of the bunch, though, so I didn't mind. After a while she stopped charging me for sex and we lived in together, having sex at least five times a day. I told her that I loved her and I would take her back to the UK. At this point I realised what kind of mess I got myself in, so when she was at the supermarket one morning I stole all her money, her phone and her passport and got out of there. Locked the door, pocketed the keys and ran for it. I put the passport in the cistern of a toilet in a bar in the next town, put the keys down a giant hole that I randomly came across in the street and sold her phone after crushing the SD card to some fat kid. Hitchhiked to Montevideo to cover my tracks, spent a week whoring (with natural women) and got on a cheap flight to the British Virgin Islands where I lived on my brother's sofa for two months, crying my eyes out and drinking nothing but orange juice trying to write a novel.

By some stroke of luck I am completely clean.

hahaha, she sure showed that transphobe ! hahahahahaha

I feel kind of bad for the tranny in this totally real story

If a chick has a dick she is sick.

I'll be friends with you Justin ;_;

This is a legitimate insight into what goes on in the mind of an over analytical crazy as fuck nutjob.

>deeply unhappy

I feel like knocking back a tray of zoloft just from reading that.

>was a virgin living in my parents basement
>accepted my fate as a forever alone unemployable fuck up
>decided to try hrt because lol why not
>suddenly everyone thinks I'm cute
>get paid to masturbate infront of a webcam
>spend all day getting hit on and flirting with lesbians
>constantly laid
feels good

What happened to Egoraptor, man.

I'm happy for you really I am.

You just wont ever be able to make a baby and I wont date you either.

I'm not saying this to be mean but your probably going to have to get a job just like every other guy.

If I see you I will treat your with the same indifference I show everyone else.