Here's mine:
I view hunting like I view sexual behavior between adults; if it's not between a man and a women, I think it's disgusting but i'm not going to stop two consenting adults. So, I think hunting is degenerate but I'm not going to stop it, and I don't really view it as an issue.
Thoughts on Hunting?
In what way does the animal consent dumbass.
Here we go.
Boring. been hunting a ton of times.
fuck ton of cleaning
Its not like its a challenge to sit still for hours and shoot an unaware animal. No rush in it what so ever.
Who cares.
>Sup Forums logic
>something is boring but it's also not shilling.... better sage and be angry just to be safe.
do you think it's wrong?
I don't think its wrong. I believe it s good for kids/teens to see what a gun does when it hits a living thing and how to kill with it. Hunting is just dumb when you are an adult. Technology and farming has made hunting pointless. It's hardly worth the time and effort to get everything just too hunt. You might bag some meat, but fuck all that work. Much rather be target shooting.
Honestly I've never gone hunting but being spoken to with my parents and target practicing with rifles a couple times was enough to convince me to respect the firearm... and i honestly never want to use one unless i need to.
Trophy hunting any animals other than humans should be outlawed.
>Trophy hunting any animals other than humans should be outlawed.
woke up on the wrong side of the burger?
Why the fuck would hunting be degenerate
Everything in the world hunts except for 99 percent of humans
>Everything in the world hunts except for 99 percent of humans
Humans aren't like other living creatures. That's why we have a conscience, religion, ideas, philosophies, inventions, culture, music, language, and we're advancing in space travel.
Animals also rape, eat turds, don't think or contemplate, or do anything. They're fucking animals. Not an effective way to live.
Who cares we still need to eat
You think slaughter houses are more humane?
why would you ever even imply that anyone gives a god damn fuck what you think
I disagree with trophy hunting exotic animals for the sake of it. If you are going to go hunting, you harvest the animal fully for consumption.
Hunting season can't come quick enough.
You should try stalking instead then dimwit
Hunting is good. It keeps your instincts sharp
I think farming animals and making the prices of meat extremely expensive the only moral way. Then, poor people would eat vegetables and shit, and meat is only for special occasions or rich people.
those insane animal factories are retarded. If we're going to slaughter an animal, it should be respected like one of god's creatures.
I'm for killing an animal, if it means being dignified.
Also, again, i'm not anti hunting. I was just pointing out that saying "well if other animals do it..." is not a very good idea
I only think you should hunt something for food.. Or if you want to trophy hunt, hunt something that has the ability to kill you back.
>muh God's creatures
Genesis 1:26 faggot
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
God also doesn't want you to commit bestiality, or random animal abuse. Ruling over the animals doesn't mean being sinful.
Small game best game
Cheap ammo, plenty of targets
Scope is a bit fuzzy tho
God himself has no problem with farming animals to consume them it has nothing to do with bestiality
Eating meat, whether you get it from hunting or the local supermarket, is fine and your views are asinine
My views are asinine? That I think animals should be respected, and slaughtered respectfully? That's asinine?
I guess in a land of crazy people, a normal thought is suddenly crazy.
Are you faggots paid to make these shitty threads or what?
Nigger stop changing your argument
First it was
> hunting is degenerate
Next was
> eating meat is immoral
Then it was your stupid interpretation of the bible
What's it gonna be next nigger?
Hunting is the most humane way an animal can go out and it teaches people, especially the young, the value of life
I can't take anything you say seriously because you can't read and say nigger every 10 seconds
>I view hunting like I view sexual behavior between adults
So I'm assuming you've had neither?
In other words you can't refute my argument and your giving up because you can't produce a counter point
Not bad if it's done in moderation.
agree to stalk is more fun especially with a bow
Hunting is for niggers.
Not only does killing cause future retribution of being killed and hunted, many reap their EFFECTS in this life. All that hateful energy and thoughts come right back to you. In addition, your mind is muddled and deluded into killing energy and killing thoughts. A killing mind is an unhealthy mind. Scientifically, you can expect chemical imbalance that kills you over time. Some become gravely ill because they killed too much. Some end up looking like deluded pigs or animals as they grow old and fat. Killing causes you to have a killing mind. That's a whole category of thought patterns and types. Just compare a hunter to a vegetarian... totally different perceptions, scope, ideals, and levels of ignorance. Hunters tend to be more limited because their scope of compassion is limited to humans or just family/friends, thusly, their perceptions are limited... they don't see the bigger picture.
>I think farming animals and making the prices of meat extremely expensive the only moral way.
It's pointless to apply morals upon beings inherently amoral.
Hunting isn't "good" or "bad", it depends.
>If you go an massacre a family of polar bears from a helicopter or go way over quota and wipe out a species - that's retarded.
> In many areas, hunting is actually necessary for ecological stability - animals and plants (especially in areas of the US with wild pigs, which destroy farm land and breed like hell). Go hunting is actually about conservation as well - it's not just a tag line.
In terms of sport, that also depends.
> If you go hunting over the internet with penned animals - you're an asshole.
> However, if you observe Fair Chase rules (which means the animal always has a chance to escape) you can actually challenge yourself.
> Also, stalking certain animals with a bow can be extremely difficult.
u retarded or what?
That's some new age bullshit here.
Kill yourself. Being a apex predator is the ultimate redpill.
Stop trying to cuck your species into oblivion
its shit like this that gives mysticism a bad name.
This is pretty stupid. Aside from eating berries and fucking, hunting animals is one of THE most natural things a human can do (it is NOT like like killing other people at all - unless you were raised truly cucked). It's in out DNA, and why we have throwing skills that far surpass any other animal.
If you can't eat it, you can't hunt it.
How does that analogy about gay sex relate whatsoever to hunting as a whole. If the man and animal are faggots does that mean it's disgusting? But if they're straight it's okay? I'm fucking baffled by this
>killing plants
>not existing on sunlight and water
Its okay I won't judge
Plants are not sentient beings.
Also, plants don't run away and they don't think or feel/register pain. So it's okay to eat vegetables/plants. If we say we can't eat plants either, then how about the air organisms? We can't breathe the air then either.
Animals display the same reactions we display when we get hit, shot, sliced, etc. Animals try to run away out of fear of death--THAT IS EMOTION AND THOUGHT. Rubbish if people animals can't think. Why does an animal pick and choose what it eats? Why does an animal feel thirst and hunger? Why does an animal run away from humans but not its own kind?--That just implies concern for personal safety and it can feel fear or caution from strangers yet feel comfort with its own circle. Animals eat on instinct when they are hungry, just like humans. Instinct, is therefore not a principled argument that animals act instinctively and have have no emotion/thought.
have you tried wild hog hunting with a couple of dogs and a knife? it's much better than using guns.
>I view hunting like I view sexual behavior
You are one sick lil pupper.
>In other words you can't nigger my argument and your niggering up because you can't nigger a counter point
I have no issue with hunting for food or pest removal but hunting for sport always comes across as a jewish insecurity type thing.
Well don't just sit and declare the ride started.
In what way does an animal consent?
In general, you show approval of killing and hunting as a lifestyle. Your actions demonstrate that life is "survival of the fittest". Thusly, you are okay with hunting and being hunted.
For example with birds, the suffering you cause by shooting birds: pain to the dying bird, inability to live, baby chicks (children) without parents, loneliness of a widowed bird or widower from losing their mate. This applies to all life. You don't just take life, you affect other lives.
Boars are cunts. Nearly got gored by one when I was 13.
This shit is so stupid. Something something my grandpa said its manly
Probably the biggest issue I have with the right wing. Consider myself hard right wing, but hunting is just so fucking stupid.
I love my dog, I love animals. Let the few that still exist outside of our development live in peace. I still love nature, I love walking through the trails and seeing a beautiful buck. I don't snapchat him but I also don't blow his brains out. I give him a nod and appreciate the beauty of nature.
Deer and boar have no natural predators here. They become a problem when they aren't hunted.
Also, rabbits are an invasive species that are a threat to our native wildlife.
I agree but if you against hunting deer your a literal retard.
Deer have no natural predators anymore (wolves coyotes etc.) so they destroy underbrush and wreck forests.
Our ancestors didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat tofu, numbnuts!
Ya'll are right and I agree. Rabbits are a fucking pill when I've lived in Victoria & Calgary. More or less talking about beautiful animals that people hunt like OP's picture. Or guys that make a big deal about finding a buck to put on their wall.
Idk. I love fishing and fish monthly but I'm more of a catch & release man unless its salmon season and I can actually smoke em. We'll only kill a dear when we can actually carve em up and cure him properly
If you arent using your fists or whacking it with an axe or something you are a pussy.
Still no counter point
What's wrong don't like the word nigger?
Hunting is a little like eating your own shit. It should probably be legal to do, but not something I'd recommend or would tell people about.
There is some actual gain, however; feral meat is of much higher quality than what you'd find in the shit super market stuff these days. It's cheap enough that it can feed a large family for a long time if you're actually working to fight white genocide by having lots of children, and it can feed a family for weeks at a time, if you ate it every day.
Its important to enact primal instinct and explore where your people first came from. Hunting and killing just the animal I can see how you don't care for it. Being out with your family friends or the guys in the wilderness socializing ect is what hunting is all about. And also its much more ethical meat than the hormone injected shit you eat at the super market.
its gay unless its for food
Good in almost all cases, the exceptions include most canned hunts, which is pointless.
>muh animal fee fees
Other animals actively kill other animals' young in order to remove competition. They don't give a shit if some babbies are feeling down in the dumps, or are being consumed alive; they'll do it themselves if they can get to them.
It is important to cull prey species, as they will actively grow in size to the point that the environment will become absolutely obliterated in the prey's attempt to self sustain. Lol you're just some new age faggot, so what would you know anyway beyond talking to trees and other stupid crap.
Hunting should be mandatory in school.
this is the worst analogy ive ever heard, are you srs