So, hypatheticaly speaking, if a black guy got redpilled on race here, what would be the apropriate corse of action?
So, hypatheticaly speaking, if a black guy got redpilled on race here, what would be the apropriate corse of action?
>aproriate corse
found the black guy
Convince other blacks to vote Republican and to stop racemixing
Michael Jackson it.
He's have to 'Roof' his fellow nogs. Except instead of going to a prominent area like an historically black church, he'd go to the ghetto where he could discretely go about it for several hours without attracting cops. He could get 50 if he planned things correctly.
Voluntarily go back to africa, Ooga Booga.
Depends on the degree of red pill. If you are truly redpilled on race you will let your wife fuck white guys.
>implying it hasn't happened already
Also, fpbp
>move to Africa
>kick out the Muslims
>improve quality of life, ending the refugee crisis
Cum inside white women
Mullato here
keep wasting ur money on grillz and bling and shit pls.
reddit please leave
you fucking nigger.
if they aren't a typical ooga booga nigger and have a normal IQ with low expressions of nigger genes like the MAO gene then they should conisder themselves as a potential solution to solving what is currently wrong with black communites, namely a massive brain drain.
protect and help the white race.
Or they could just reproduce less
Black nationalism an starting to help your people move back to Africa.
>Let the retards keep killig eachother off or hurry up the process
>Smart blacks breed with smart blacks
You will have a stable state in Africa within 100 years by segregating the smart from the stupid. Then you continue to multiply and expand.
That wouldn't be allowed, Africa is owned by foreign countries, china for example. That land is for mineral extracting, and exploitation exclusively. If you went there and tried to stabilize or better the quality of life, basically do anything that got in the way of cheap goods you'd end up like gaddafi.
>Not being a nig
>Educating himself in something practical
>Creating a business and hiring people
>Uplifting his poorer breathern with donations
>Leading a good life
Sup Forums is the most diverse white supremecist group on the web, there is a sizable majority of nonwhite lurkers
A vasectomy
Improve your culture.
Same thing as everyone else. Live an upright life, contribute to society, find a black/Mexican wife, and have children.
This is the correct answer. We don't actually hate you. We hate that you leech off of us here. We want you to succeed, but in your on country, without our help. Go and develop your people.
>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW with the 'check out that black guy in a trump hat! fucking based!' attitude
>they think darkness is our ally
>nevermind that muslims are all redpilled on jews, and us being their allies works out fucking great doesn't it
i'll be straight with you, dog heres the jive, dig it?real brothas be training for an african reconquesta. just stop being a low iq untermensch if you can help it and have pride in your race. you're african american so you're most likely west african so Liberia is a good place to start. if and when europe comes back from the brink, neo colonialism is your best best. im sure most western countries would help with equipment, training, ect. just dont be a degenrate, dont breed with someone from a different race and just be a good person
>lmaojk niggers arnt ppl XD
Be a good person who contributes to your society and country. Show people how to be a good and upstanding person by leading as an example.
Probably something involving a rope and a neck, my dude
The US is not a white country though. Griffes are not Africans, any more than they are Europeans.
So called African Americans are actually multi-ethnic griffes. Because their ethnogenesis is rooted in American history, they have no home but America. In essence they are more American than white Americans who can blend right in in Europe.
Rubin v. Sotomayor
Google it on youtube.
Good shit.
in a perfect world a true black kang would go back to africa, become a warlord and unite a bunch of states, kick out the chinks and rebuild infrastucture and mine for diamonds with human rights, and Make Africa Great Again all whilst fending off jew bankers propaganda as they try to take back control. I'd do it but i'm casper.
Africans hate niggers too, they have a one drop rule themselves
Look at Liberia, where alot of slaves moved to post war, the colonists oppressed the natives all the same as the europeons, they still have alot of ethnic tension.
its because of their european admixture. the desire to oppress and enslave exists even in the white mans mongrel offspring. thank god whites are allowing themselves to die off. maybe we will finally achieve post-scarcity once we are free from our parasitic oppressors.
And remember, lightskins are 80% white already, dont even associate with them
never trust a waffle colored negro
There's not much you can do, besides finding a high-IQ black woman, marrying her, and having kids with her.
Also, be honest about crime stats and their relation to race, and spread the word in the black community to the extent that you can. There is a lot of undue animosity towards police and other authority figures, when ultimately most black people benefit from police presence.
take advantage of white guilt and propel yourself towards success
Next, get redpilled on welfare. Get redpilled on abortion, contraception, promiscuity and marriage.
Get married. Stay married. Raise your kids. Be the nice blacks. Maybe be entrepreneurial and start a black gated community. Hell, read some Hoppe and start an all black covenant community
>implying women want blacks who have a disdain for promiscuity and modern ((hookup culture))
They don't exist to women.