Fag genes

If being gay is genetics and genetics die out through natural selection since they can't have children there would be little to no gays yet there seems to be a high concentration of them. Explain.

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gay guys sisters and aunts have more kids on avg

Homosexuality is not hereditary, like dark hair or green eyes.
It's a birth defect. When there's a hormonal imbalance in the woman's womb, like too much estrogen, it can cause a wide range of gender identity disorders or plain homosexuality.

Xq28 gene. Surrogacies

wrong. it's their choice to be a cock sucking faggot.

Except it's not, from an evolutionary standpoint being gay is counter-productive


Its because everyone's a faggot and ones who embrace it are the true red pilled.

Well, it's their choice to suck a cock. It's anyone's choice to suck a cock, unless they're being raped. However, homosexuality is an incurable brain condition.
In fact, a normal male (heterosexual) could technically suck a cock, but that doesn't make them a homosexual. Homosexual males are attracted to males like normal males are attracted to females. Homosexuality is an incurable brain condition, that begins in the fetal development stages.

Kinsey explained sexual orientation on a scale from '0' to '6', from completely hetero to completely homo. Statistically he found there were relatively few 0's and 6's with most people falling somewhere in between, typically with the bell curve peaking between a 1-2.

Sexual orientation is much more dynamic than most of us will admit. While science has not yet identified a "gay" gene, several correlating factors have been observed. With that said, the "nurture" in the nature vs. nurture debate can't be discounted. When we talk of preferences and what makes us who we are...the variables are effectively infinite.

tldr: homosexuality is benign. It just happens.

>Statistically he found there were relatively few 0's and 6's with most people falling somewhere in between, typically with the bell curve peaking between a 1-2.
you're citing a common myth. That's incorrect. It was in reference to bisexuals, not every male on the planet. Kinsey's early sociological studies of male bisexuality != a biological analysis of the male.

the faster people just stop giving a shit about whether someone is gay or not the faster we can all move the fuck on and stop hearing about it.

stop making excuses for your poor lifestyle choices. when you end up with aids i'm sure it will be someone else's fault

Truvada. You dont have any clammosexual diseases? You created all of em so enjoy the fungus and zika and super gonorrhea and herpes

could be, two friends of mine from college had dads who came out of the closet after having several kids each and they both have gay brothers.

I'm a heterosexual. Where did you get the impression I was gay?


Faggots literally have damaged brains. It occurs in humans as well as animals. Under-developed portions of the brain are prevalent in homos. That's science. It's a mental disorder, much like liberalism.

Liberals = Faggots

>homosexuality is benign

Mental illnesses don't exist

You don't understand what put them there. You did. And the devil


This is pretty much all that really needs to be said

just going to tell you that you don't understand genetics and hopefully you will research and figure it out yourself.

Ok fatty babylon you killed us all anyways
Pic. Sources from 80 years ago. You're all doing kikes work and woman's work

Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord::


how am I even remotely doing the kike's job if im pointing out that being gay is pretty much just the result of shit hormones, combined with shit mental health?

Because woman caused the fall of mankind. Jews became matrilineal out of nowhere. This explains ISIS. This is all a fertility cult. They believe Holy Spirit is a woman. And you shit on males. For Jews and Stacies

how did I shit on males? Faggots are all but infertile; they will almost never have kids, and when they do, there is a good chance they'll end up diddled since there is some serious crossover in the diddler and faggot communities, resulting in more faggots and diddlers (the amount of kids who are raped end up gay is rather high)

It's wrong and degenerate and still will be 100 years from now. You won't stop hearing about it.