Is pizza gate still a thing?

Is pizza gate still a thing?

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not enough evidence and lived with just pure speculations.

total nothingburger, go to sleep

As real as chem trails

These are just shills the evidence is there. Look into if you care. Don't if you don't care. Whether it's true or not those people will never be put in jail or convicted.

im on a diet

pizza gate?

more like pizza fake!

yeah children never get brutally rape and murders and sliced up while there blood gets lapped up by interdimensional psychic vampires.

go back to your regularly scheduled program goy.

Depends on what you mean.
If you're talking specifically about comet ping pong its hard to tell. There might not have been anything there.
However the (((political elite))) almost certainly fuck little kids all over America and all over the world

burgers cant into diet

not in Sup Forums
mods seek and destroy the threads and call it /x/
especially when there are arrests or other happenings

Pizzagate was never a thing. The thing is the Saturnian cult.

she cute,just my type.
get me some sauce on that pizza boi

I haven't had a single burger in 24 hours. I think I am doing well.

It was real, rabbis were sucking baby dick in the basement of comet ping pong pizza

Yes though not in its original capacity. Most likely something similar to the franklin scandal.

Are you a newfag? Don't you get how this place works? One moron comes up with a retarded conspiracy theory and keeps making threads until others bite the bait and help keeping making threads. Then you have threads after threads spamming the same info graphs for weeks with everyone bumping the thread but no one actually doing anything. I saw this in shekelshoah. I saw this in Hillarygate. This place can be cancer sometimes with the autists.

What gets me the most is how most of this shit and symbolism is so obvious at Comet and at the Podesta's sculptures and the thing where (((they))) met with Abromovic to do some weird shit. All I'm saying is something is up, because powerful people have been abusing children since the dawn of time. Most prevalent with Rome.

Nah man, I tried it. I bought so much fucking dough, pizza sauce, and pepperoni but I could not make a fucking gate that would last longer than a week.

Reminder that Pizzagate translates to 666 in Gematria......

I am a newfag :/ but I'm here to see what the current temperature is on the subject

I would not be at all surprised if they thought far enough ahead to make comet the scapegoat. They make all the bread crumbs lead back to comet, then when their legit isn't anything there, and people find out there isn't anything there, they call all people who figure that these people are pedos "crazy pizzagate conspiracy theorists". It's a pretty basic way to divert peoples attention, sort of hidden in plains sight sort of thing.

However podestas art seems really blatant and straight forward, I don't know what the fuck is up with that it looks so obvious

protip; Anytime you see a conspiracy thread where all autists are doing is posting old information, bumping the thread and calling anyone who questions them a shill, there is a good chance the thread is bs.

Just investigate the Clinton Foundation and save your fucking shitty faggot posts.

The shooter was an actor and his dad worked for a child abduction service.

>The pizzagate shooter, Edgar Maddison Welch, is an actor:

>Pizzagate shooter's dad is Harry Welch Jr.
>He served as Executive Director for Protect-A-Child, a national, non-profit organization to prevent abuse and abduction of children
>He works in law enforcement, has done under-cover operations, was a broadcaster hand-picked by Reagan, is an expert in fire arms, has national security clearance from the Department of Defense.


A thread is BS, unless it isn't.... or until "they" decide it isn't, then it is.

Trump is waiting for his administration to stabilize a bit before engaging in arrests.

They gave up cus they never found evidence. That or they smartened up and took their threads to /x/

Let's say it's as much of a thing as "Russia hacking the election."

Reminder that Gematria is bullshit and people who waste their time on it go through insane gymnastics to get the results they want and simply don't register it in their brain if they don't get the results they want.

"Okay, remove the space, add an exclamation mark, use the UK spelling, swap these letters and it creates 665! Add a one, and BOOM. Bible confirmed."

As long as there are 8-year-old hymens out there, pizzagate is real.

It's crazy how the organizations that are "against child trafficking" are the ones engaging in it. I mean you do have all that access to former sex slaves, so might as well use them right? Crazy.

Madoff's niece was married to an SEC regulator.
The best criminals are in the place you least expect.


You're a fucking dumbass.



Gematria is not bullshit. If it's done correctly it's simple and easy and there's no adding or subtracting.

It is a widespread problem.

Last tweet, the one on the bottom is a fake

>Or maybe they picked Pizzagate as the keyword because it adds up to 666.



Daily Dose:


Cliff Hyde of half past human developed a program that involved predictive language on the web. He could predict trends and future events upto several months away. What he foresaw was a lot of arrests of senators from both parties, as well as celebrities and media personalities. The arrests would be coming around the fall.

you have to understand that most elites aren't actually that smart, only a few at the top are it couldn't really work any other way

I'm sure those pizza gate fucks probably thought they were actually being clever until they got busted and someone higher up bailed them out

Full disclosure, are you actually Finnish or FSB?

Skippy is worried by your digits

It was never a thing to begin with. Babby's first conspiracy theory.



Just a concerned citizen.

>LOTR was warning us
>Harry Potter is a Satanic influence on our children
I don't know what to believe anymore.

This false idol worship needs to stop.

>Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone...

Yes, Pizzagate is real. Those codewords are blatantly obvious. They are completely nonsensical unless you are translating them via the official pedo codeword bank. This isn't even up for debate. How much evidence do you people need?



Now I want pizza


this nigger drops the best info

Yes, the CIA run innumerable child trafficing operations and procure children for elite parties ect. Allot of them are involved in satanic cults, its well documented. Check out Ted Gunderson (ex head of the LA FBI)


$0.05 has been deposited into your shariablue accounts

Pizza gate was when a white guy ran into a local pizzeria with an assault rifle threatening to shoot if they didn't show him their kiddie dungeon, he was motivated by crackpot conspiracies and fake news mainly from this despicable website, of course it's still a thing.

I think they're mostly bots at this point.

Gas yourself you cunt.

You call us burgers but our real vice is pizza

was proved to be a russian effort to manipulate r/thedonald normies

Podesta emails were confirmed via digital forensics to be real.

not gonna lie, former Putin hacker here, i put all the perverted art in CPP and framed the DNC as pedos, but seriously we can't let them get the pasta recipes

you think the russians are stupid? Why the hell does the US still treat them as a threat? Soviet ambitions never left they just changed costume.

yeah, user, grab your AR and go shoot up at pizza parlor

good idea 2017

>digital forensics
>just saying random shit to sound legit


Seth Rich was the insider.

Shill detected

Hmmm really makes me sleep.....zzzzzzzzzz...

Yeah. It's all in Podesta's emails. It's about their child sex or whatever the fuck the codewords mean. Find out what the codewords mean.


are you new

I left Sup Forums because of this shit

kill the cancer


literally retarded


Mango-gate is real
pic unrelated


HAHA that's the cross eyed bitch who found the pizza map hankie

you should go repeat this

no doubt you'll blow this top off this pizzagate case and be heralded as a hero



top kek
they even moved the traffic cam opposite Comet, 24 hours before the false flag.

Got you covered pham


hey do you listen to simon parkes? i remember listening to that podcast the day (and same time of day) the edgar welch thing happened and simon said on his radio show around the same time of the incident "you can't just go with guns by force, it takes lot of time and you have to go thru the justice system." its really weird i wonder if he somehow knew. i know simon parkes is basically david icke level but hey david icke talks about pedophile jews a lot, so he should get some credit at least for that. the reptilian shapeshifter thing, eh, who knows...


Yes, but it's such a deep problem it would require more blatant evidence as in actual video footage.
Pedogate is a diversion from the real to the abstract foundationless.
They're more careful now but there is no way they stopped with that large of an operation.

Wikipedia says its debunked! It can't be real!

No never heard of him.
I was on voat reading the thread the day before when someone noticed the cam had been moved.
A few people there predicted a crazed gunman situation then it happened the next day.
It was amazing to see it play out in realtime

There are several videos, actually.

