1914 risk
1914 risk
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying there ever was a world war one
>implying there was even another war after that
Jewish shill
Changing mind. I'm England
do cities give a roll bonus, or just a victory point?
I claim Spain!
Claiming Germany.
Alliance? I just want Anatolia.
claiming French Empire
Sure, but I get everything south of it. Deal?
Hopefully just victory point roll bonus would be too much
Claiming sweden
Fish and Chip's Alliance
Spain > Portugal
>King Ash of Spain
Take Constantinople.
Take Norway
Take Malta, then land in Albania and Kosovo
OP has confirmed they dont
Invade Norway
Fill Iraq, spill Syria
Btw Greece you can have Cyprus if you want
annexed by sweden, will you invade sweden?
Roll into Germany
so OP, do players (apart from superpowers) start with no bonus and only get a bonus from conquered cities?
Take Luxembourg and Copenhagen. Spills push back the fucking French Fries retard who wants to kill me for no good reason.
I propose a NAP to Russia.
Changed my mind I'll be Russia
Invade Persia
Sure why not. Super power bonus updated.
Palis! Aim for France's cities once I'm done with Copenhagen and Luxembourg. Also, do not waste tiles destroying Denmark, since I'm being attacked. Just take their capital.
Well fuck you too then.
Updating trip
Straight up?
The Greeks will answer.
this map is retarded and uses revamped rules that i didn't see before. i've changed the rules back to the regular 1914 style of gameplay. i've also treated the previous round as the same way as the rules are displayed as here.
I don't know how the bonuses work at the start but either way mine is higher, just saying
Repel the slavshits
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Take Albania and Kosovo
Attack Russia. Take whatever route is shortest, I think that's through Anatolia for now.
Continue raping Sweden.
Take back muh land, attack red in Sweden
Isn't there another risk discord that's floating around or is this it? It was called The Circle and used to have a skype chat
ok thanks
Push into Germany!
Annnex Persia
You don't have +2
Spills to Serbia
The OP's rule change effectively changes everyone's bonus to be, at the very max, +2. Anyone using a bonus higher than +2 is still using the previous rule.
In case things are still the same, though, my bonus is +15.
Keep defending from France, yada yada. Go for their capital. Things get kinda stupid this way.
Claim Austria, invade balkans
Alright, name fixed
Spain > Portugal; spares into Morocco
>King Ash of Spain
Leave the balkans to me please lad
shut up sig.
Keep pushing into the caucus, if greece seals me off then spill to the rest of the Ottoman Empire south of Turkey
You guys can have it, just let me keep what I have now.
Push north to Sevastopol.
Spain > Portugal; spares into Morocco
OP, I didn't say take Gibraltr
>King Ash of Spain
I'm Sig.
Invade Corsica and Tunisia
So long as we keep current borders I'm good.
retake french land, priority on paris
+2 to this roll now
i thought you did, it would've made more sense because its a free bonus but whatever
Is Algeria Open now that I'm dead?
if you don't accept gibraltar than its 4 cities which means no +2 bonus
Okay, no +2. I don't want to take Gibraltr now.
Invade Denmark.
Defend the cities I took from France. Spills try to take two more cities from him, as to remove his superpower bonus.
Alliance? Everyone knows aryans and anglos are the masterrace.
Should've asked earlier Alliance or NAP?
Please cede Gibraltr over to the Spanish Crown.
>King Ash of Spain
Kill Persia
>Invade France
>German-Swiss HRE Revival?
ill count your roll, roll again here
Please count ? Hopefully
Anyway invade Greece
Spain > Portugal; spares into Morocco
>King Ash of Spain
Just march north in some kind of horrific, ahistoric crusade against the Slavs.
First one to Moscow is a rotten egg!
Continue the Eternal Anglo campaign and liberate the Jews from the evil, racist Nazis.
I don't give a fuck, have it.
same with you
anglo-french alliance?
defend from germany/italy, spills invade swizterland
Counter the eternal anglo.
Gibraltr ceded to Spain
Continue diversifying Russia, make sure to take that VP
Finish taking North African Possessions from France, then Take SE France
5 extra spill. use on mainland france?
If you really want to help me focus on the racist nazis. Switzerland can be dealt with later.
How about an alliance? You will soon become a superpower, and you will probably need to expand into the baguette.
We need to form the axis against the eternal anglo scum and his baguette-eating slave.
I'm in a bit of a pickle at home, but I'll do what I can
Invade France to the Seas
Kek mocks you, white boy. Death to Aryans! All Hail Isreal! BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPP
No, waste them. Also, give the algares islands
Can the Swiss enter this alliance?
Sounds good.
I'm happy to let you in.
i think you're bad at risk to be honest
Defend from Swiss and Germans, retake cities in southern france
Namefag btfo
Kill greece
Hey, I'm a superpower now.
Head northwest. I don't want to seal off the Persians.
4d pali