US allied visitors to be given "extreme vetting" when entering US


>British travellers to the United States face the uncomfortable choice of handing over personal information, including social media passwords and mobile phone contacts, or running the risk of being denied entry to the country, under a new “extreme vetting” policy being considered by the Trump administration.

>Tourists from the UK and other US allies including Germany and France, could be forced to reveal personal data, as well as disclose financial information and face detailed ideological questioning, according to Trump administration officials quoted by the Wall Street Journal. While US citizens have established rights against unlawful searches at the border, the extent to which foreign travellers can resist requests to hand over personal information is unclear.

Apparently refusing it gives them the right to forcefully take as "probable cause".

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Regretting your vote yet, drumpflet?

They can't make you give social media passwords if you don't have social media.

I'm the same as you mate. They'd probably throw us in Gitmo as being a non conformer=Terrorist/Person of Interest.

I'm not on social media so fuuuuuuu merkins,
Not much different from the questions regarding communist party membership that they asked last time I was there, do they still do that ?

>UK and other US allies including Germany and France
What do they have in common?

I laughed when that happened

The U.S. can't help that you've chosen to become an Islamic country Hameed.

wish more illegals were jumping off bridges in mexico

OK, I'll bite... What exactly is the problem with this?

Good, equality for all. Muslims have many doors.

Just don't be a muslim and you should be fine.

if you are coming from Londonistan you must be extremely vetted.


>Apparently refusing it gives them the right to forcefully take as "probable cause".

How are we supposed to explicitly separate the Nigels from the Mohammeds?

It's not like we can just say "No Fuckin' Muslims," m8.

>tfw you can't just say "No Fuckin' Muslims."

Get rid of the muslims, Nigel. We can't go through the work of banning them straight from the mideast and then have some "Brit" named Muhammad come here and kill Americans.

If i gotta get groped and radiated to fly anywhere in my own country you can go through a bit of 2ndary screening cuck.

End run around constitution to view private conversation between you and someone in another country. . Like how trumps phone got tapped

If your countries weren't full of Muslims we wouldn't do this.

Make sense since we don't want them to us EU as a way to escape the vetting, your fault for letting muzzies in.

They don't have to come here. They can fuck right off.

Sounds good


I'm going to the US in Decemeber


Message me fuckers

facebook ID is Slender.Fungus.Mumbai

Send me dicks!
Let them see!

>I want to visit a country but don't want to obey its laws

Ahmed confirmed


>reveal passwords

Nope, guess I'm never visiting America again. Shame to be honest because it;s a nice place and I like the idea of strong vetting, it's the reason Australia hasn't turned to shit yet, but revealing passwords is way too far. I would never reveal my passwords to anyone but my fiancee, who has them only in case something happens to me and people need to be contacted.

It's such an insane risk. Does anyone trust the government to NOT fuck it up and have personal data leaked en masse to hackers and/or the highest bidder. The amount of info in wiki leaks docs alone makes we terrified of what will happen if this goes through.

This is exactly what I wanted.

I've been to London and it was like 1/3rd ISIS niggers. I would treat the UK the same as any other Muslim country.

This is America, if you don't like it, you can GET OUT

"God knows how long it's going to be before he sees his family again."

Real fucking fast if you move to Mexico actually!

To whom was that addressed ? anyone in particular or were you just shouting it out randomly ?

Something tells me this will be targeting your asian citizens.

>British travellers to the United States face the uncomfortable choice of handing over personal information, including social media passwords and mobile phone contacts, or running the risk of being denied entry to the country, under a new “extreme vetting.

I wonder if this will happen to Canada also.

"Asian citizens."

Pretty sure Jackie Chan isn't who they are looking for.

>The U.S. travel and tourism industry generated nearly $1.6 trillion in economic output in 2015, supporting 7.6 million U.S. jobs. Travel and tourism exports accounted for 11 percent of all U.S. exports and nearly a third (33 percent) of all U.S. services exports, positioning travel and tourism as the nation's largest services export. One out of every 18 Americans is employed, either directly or indirectly, in a travel or tourism-related industry. In 2015, U.S. travel and tourism output represented 2.6 percent of gross domestic product.

it's not our own fault Europe is demanding even more "refugees"

If someone "demanded" my social media passwords, they would be shit out of luck. I don't have social media.

Do they really expect everyone to be that way?

You want constitutional protections? Apply for US citizenship.


"Asian" is cuck for Muslim in the cUcK.

Why the fuck would I go to usa? I'm not a nigger, american, terrorist, or retard.

What is the percentage of that from international visitors? I doubt it's as high as from citizens. You forget americucks don't travel outside america (and american colonies) for vacation.

Visitors entering the country under the Visa Waiver Program, which allows citizens of some countries to visit up to 90 days without a visa, would not be required to list their social media accounts, and the forms would not ask for passwords.

are we just pasting shit posts MAY means you MAY have to give your passwords if you come from the UK without a UK passport ya morons.

well yeah of course we're gonna vet Muslims coming from a Muslim country

lots of poor euro fags who never fly internationally.

I don't really understand what they're asking for. Unless they whip out a list of my various emails and social media accounts, why can't I just give them work email accounts that I keep squeaky clean? Not to mention that my own organization would probably ban travel if we had to give up work passwords.

Or do they just mean whatever is on your phone or laptop at the border?

you will probably also never travel outside of your hometown

Don't know mate. Can't be arsed to check either. But tourism is a substantial benefit to most Western nations and idiotic implementations like the one in OP's article will see a direct reduction in tourism.

Naw, I travel to Japan because I'm a super-weeb. I want to go back this summer, desu ne.

Even Trump knows that you cannot trust the Eternal Anglo.

Britbongs BTFO you deserve it for all the shit you (probably) talk on America. Trump is once again dare I say /myguy/

>literal big brother shit like handing over personal passwords

Oh it's fucking nothing. I wouldn't be angry of America did this, but if this is the case it literally wouldn't effect anyone at all.

Maybe it's because of all the shitskin muzzies that are chartering flights from those failing welfare states? We do know that cells are operating through simple social media messaging.

>Here illegally
>Not a criminal
I don't think these fucking people understand what law and order is.

I don't know how many muslims you know or if you have a facebook but when I still had a facebook I liked to play a game: I'd go to a muslim's profile and keep clicking on arab names to see how fast I found problematic posts on their walls. It was incredibly fast

The guardian is also left-wing media who want to bluepill it's readers against Trump.

> trump is a business man, he'd realize that it would hurt tourism which is big in major cities

Probably good honestly

Think about the guy who did the London attack. He was born in Britain, but radicalized in prison. It makes sense to vet anyone when it's citizens of these countries who are doing these attacks and not refugees.

But the "refugee" attacks will come. And they will be fierce.

Brace yourselves, Eurocucks.

They are foreigners and if they want to enter this country, they will do so by the rules we have in place.

This is a fun game. And pretty much every muslim bloke, of any age, comments creepy shit on 13-15 year old girls' photos.

Extreme vetting for muslim countries. We've been over this before.

The FBI and MI5 knew about that guy but still let him become a teacher.

So I don't think it would work at all.

The president actually can bar any people from the country for literally any arbitrary reason, legally. No matter how much the left and their kike judges would love to ignore the law.

this make there vote more satisfying.

>Keeping America safe and enforcing our nation’s laws in an increasingly digital world depends on our ability to lawfully examine all materials entering the US



I bet the courts halting his initial ban ideas thought they'd won, too.


Fuck yeah I tried that, and almost all of them (uk muslims) has pro jihad shit on there fucking scary considering.

Uk germany and france are full of fucking muslims. So yeah we have to vet them

fuck off we're full

I hope it's just against all the Muslims. Actual Europeans should be made welcome. Shit skins infesting European countries should be beaten behind the airport dumpsters.

London irreversibly BTFO

The rest of dad country can come if they want tho.

Well duh. Unfortunately, now many of our allies have citizen/residents that are members of the Religion of Peace. Being French/German/British no longer means you aren't a dirty sand nigger who wants to go boom-boom

Yeah, as long as those rules are just and lawful. This is an invasion of privacy. Those who sacrifice liberty in exchange for security deserve neither.

>muh 1984
>implying you even read it an didn't cheat off a summary in middle school
>implying the 80s wasn't boss AF

this thread brings me joy

This. Amazed people don't know this.

If you're a Muslim or a globalist useful idiot "activist" coming to America to stir up shit, American immigration cops need to be able to find that out so they can deny you entry and put you on the next flight back where you came from.

British pensioners coming to America to see a country where some white people still have nice things, and have nothing in their social media accounts but pictures of their (white) grandchildren, won't and shouldn't have a problem with this.

You can fail job interviews if you say that nowadays

extremely stupid and pointless vetting

>This is an invasion of privacy.
That may be the case, but it's voluntary. You don't like it? Don't come.

I have to get in before i can get out

>t. underaged ladyboy sex worker

"oh no, I don't have a facebook or twitter"

(((Allies))) my arse,

"Asian" means "A person from Asia" in our language. The middle east is in Asia

Not completely, what if a person needs to enter the US for business or work? Either way that's a shitty argument. A voluntary invasion of privacy is still an invasion of privacy.

>what if a person needs to enter the US for business or work
That's still voluntary. You don't HAVE to come to the US.

50% of americans don't even have a passport

That German in pic related has the perfect Aryan Facial Features.
Look at him.
He looks like he could've been in the Waffen SS or a Field Marshall.
Fuck you KIKES !!

That's not voluntary you dipshit bootlicker.
>enter US
>or lose job
Yeah, so voluntary

Do you not understand the definition of voluntary? You have a choice, either come into the country under the set guidelines, or don't. It's pretty simple.

jesus christ kys

Aw shit and they took 70" Smart TV that he stole too, those monsters.

Sounds like Mexico needs to sort itself out.

everybody should ve extremley vetted when trying to enter the united states and the same thing for your country

i dont really see what the big deal is


You are kidding me, right?