>Alt-Right spends all its time bitching about the evils of 'socialism' and 'leftism'
>Suddenly throws its weight behind Ba'athist Syria who shares power with other communists and socialists
Really makes ya think
>Alt-Right spends all its time bitching about the evils of 'socialism' and 'leftism'
>Suddenly throws its weight behind Ba'athist Syria who shares power with other communists and socialists
Really makes ya think
Hmm really makes you think
>implying that facists are even remotely socialists beyond stealing left-wing rhetoric
>australians spend all their time bitch "FUCKING MUZZIES, FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL"
>suddenly support fucking islamist terrorists rather than the secularist lesser of two evils
really activates the almonds
Lol rekt. Fuck off OP.
>T-this means they're National Socialists like my Hitler fanfics!
You're a fucking mongoloid. Never breed.
baathism the arab version of national socialism
they mass murdered commies
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for arab children
Fucking brainwashed ameritards this is why everyone hates us. Its not about race or ideology. EVERYTHING WE TOUCH TURNS TO SHIT. We need to stop fucking around with other countries. Let the fucking European fags take care of it. If we """""""""""""take out ISIS"""""""""""""""" now then in 2 years an even worse group is going to form. It happens every time. Fuck you.
Left and right are outdated terms.
its shills, its fucking really easy to see it.
There is no shills on Sup Forums.
Just shitposters
t. Former pro-trump/anti-trump(yes, both) shitposter
>national socialism
>implying one can be called socialist and not be but the other is definitely socialist provided it's labeled as such
Why doesn't Gaddafi get as much love as Assad on Sup Forums?
so just trolling ?
I don't think we went far enough. We should launch an offensive against the Syrian regime and drive Russia out of Syria. That is what needs to happen. We need to attack Russia.
he does, but the russian shills are paid to push the pro assad agenda.
Gaddafi is a dead meme
Putin and Assad are both war criminals and they need to go.
Gaddafi was a hero. He's gone though.
Socialism is good
Fascism is socialism
Don't breed
OP doesnt know what national socialism is
Really makes ya think
It's just that rational people don't want another fucking useless war in the Middle East.
Probably because he's dead.
No they like assad