Really makes you think.
Really makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
it is much more complex than that
my almonds have been activated
How unbelievably sheltered do you need to be to believe this?
>Really makes you think.
that OPS a faggot
>Even their shoes can be used as weapons
Religion of peace everybody!
Everybody is a faggot
You have to stay there, Juan.
Load of shit.
A couple of my drafting teachers were Egyptian Copts. They have tattoos of Coptic crosses on their wrists so that they can prove their faith. They can't let people who don't have the tattoo into their churches because they just get bombed to shit if they do. Both of them fled the country because they are being murdered left and right by the Muslim majority. How many of you have even HEARD of Copts before?
Chinga tu madre
world and islam need to be switched
This one is accurate
OPs version is a fabrication based on untrue superficial fashionable leftist talking points
Consider my almonds activated.
Who fucking cares? Listen - and I know this is hard for any religious faggot to understand - nobody cares. The world doesn't need or want to be converted, to hear about religion, or to suffer under religious social authority. At all.
Until delusionaly ignorant religious followers can learn to accept this, actually keep their religion to themselves and FOR ONCE just live and let live , there will be conflict about religion. It's not the non-religious who keep fucking things up for the rest of the world. Fuck off with your pseudo spiritual self entitlement and take your religious trite with you.
nigger your nuts
islam has bloody borders everywhere they are they try to kill anyone who is not them
fuck them mudslimes
why college professors tho ?
I'm agnostic, but killing people because they don't believe in the same unprovable thing as you is not acceptable and putting the blame on them for being killed by nutjobs who follow a different religion is borderline sociopathic on your part.
This OP is completely retarded.
It's the exact opposite.
Islam has been trying to conquer the world since it's inception.
It never even stopped after the crusades. The Ottoman Empire continued to try to conquer Europe.
It's still the goal, it's never changed. They are in the process of conquering. And as soon as anyone stands up to them the media portrays them as Islamaphobic.
You literally have to be a retard to believe the OP.
Those top two labels are reversed, just so's ya know.
Professors outside of STEM fields are mostly just there for brainwashing youth and squeezing as much money out of their students as possible. It's pretty fucked.
;fuck off kike
The last Mexican starring Brad Pitt really makes me think.
Someone post the beady anglo edit
>your part
Nigger what?
cause they are the conditioners, duh faggot
No walls..... No barriers.....
In the US most college professors are Marxist assfucks who want to 1917 the United States. Virtually all of them view themselves as an American Lenin.
Anybody who says pseudo is a permanent faggot
>People are getting killed for following a different religion from some fucking nutjobs
If you don't see why your casual disregard for their lives based on their belief system is fucked up, then you're just as bad as the Muslims chopping them up with machetes in the streets.
Got it backwards.
thats over most of Sup Forums heads
Why spics?? We love us some Christians my dude. My dad can't go one day without talking about Christianity.
This is what you do instead of wall?
It's not Islam. It is Arabism. A war on Ba'athism. I support Ba'Athism the same way I support European National Socialism.
Saddam was a socialist and a nationalist.
Ghadaffi was a socialist and a nationalist.
Assad is a socialist and nationalist.
All were against islam fundamentalism.
Note, if you are remotely capitalist, you are indirectly supporting these wars. By the end of the day, you wanted and want these "statists" dead.
Long live Socialism and Nationalism. For Europeans, for Arabs, for Africans, for Asians, for Hispanics. Death to liberalism which is inseparable from capitalism.
That isn't true outside of liberal arts college which are honestly irrelevant anyway. Sure the regressive leftist ideology does get away from liberal arts schools and into better ones, it happens all the time. But when it does happen there is always a backlash, and a unification of people who don't like the change. It's natural to not like change when it is superficially made up to be ""progressive"" when in reality it is regressive and authoritarian. The harder the regressive leftists try, the more they piss people off enough to catalyze a 'waking up'. They are so ignorant in the first place that they cant even see it, just like the vast majority of retarded Islamic followers. Assertive ignorance is a huge weakness but it's all they seem to practice. Good for us in the long run I reckon
>muslim literally walks around with a knife-shaped foot
Okay so you're actually retarded then. I really don't know how you got that from my post but your reading comprehension is low due to the pretense you obviously carry around with you. You are so attached to your expectations that you think you're reading inbetween the lines when there is nothing even there
*I* never said anything about killing anyone you mongoloid fucking idiot
>You're only allowed to use words that I say you can use!
Grow up.
Coptic crosses are pretty aesthetic desu
>Post about people being murdered for their religious beliefs despite being very peaceable themselves
>First line of your reply to it is "Who fucking cares?"
Gee, how could I ever have understood your post as being a sociopathic disregard for human life? I must really be mentally challenged, because you definitely never wrote anything remotely like that whatsoever.
>Post about people being murdered for their religious beliefs despite being very peaceable themselves
Uhh except that was you in the first place and I still have yet to make a post about that. This is your last (you) from me you retarded ignorant idiot
Never again.
Do I actually have to post ">Be me" for you to understand that the first line of the greentext is first person?
You know, if you're going to call someone a "retarded ignorant idiot", it's helpful to not be a shining example of those very adjectives and noun yourself, lest it come across as projecting the very things you see yourself as from doubtlessly hearing those things chucked in your direction during your formative years. You only use them because they have cut you deeply and you expect them to hurt others as much.
>religious people expect nonreligious people to solve their problems for them
Into the trash it goes. Christianity, Judaism and especially especially Islam are anti-intellectual social tools used to develop and spread willful
Religious problems are for the religious to deal with, but when the rest of us start suffering as a result of those problems, it's time for religious people to fuck off.
Willful ignorance*