Why is the world so corrupt and full of bullshit?

Why is the world so corrupt and full of bullshit?

Why haven't people realized that it's better if we live and work together to make a better planet instead of going to war over bullshit?

Why can't we see the bigger picture?

>>Pic related

clap clap for the amerifat

money talks bullshit walks

Because helping others means less resources to me.

That's the rule of nature.

fuck off you commie jackass,or I will put my foot up your ass and kick all the way back to the gulag

Because the temptation to screws others for your own gain is embedded in our DNA. It could be for big things or little things. Last Friday we had bagels at our office and I was told to tell others about them. I made sure that I got the ones I wanted first before I told others. It shows up at any level.

Others = more workers = morr resources



>Why can't we see the bigger picture?
sin my friend. And don't listen to those blind Gnostic shills who think that if humanity become 'enlightened' that they will somehow escape their folly.

The only way for humanity to move forwards is through Justification by faith in Christ. Christ (the man in the book (yes that jew), not any altered political version) is the way, the truth, and the life. Through him humanity has hope, apart from him we are all doomed to be slaves to our sin.

>inb4 atheist shills will hate this post
>inb4 im called a "shill" for speaking what i know to be true

Seems legit

This: can be seen as a paraphrase to
this: or vice-versa.

It's not in our DNA, it's kike subversion of phycology. There are what are called mala en se crimes, which are acts deemed inherently wrong whether there's laws about them or not. by people universally. It included theft, murder, kidnapping, etc. basically property and violent crime. When you were growing up (or at least thought you were before becoming a manchild), you watched TV, movies, played video games, etc. that all glorified committing criminal as something badass, that being an irreprehensible jerk is cool (think Bender on Futurama or Homer Simpson) Those characters create an subconscious impression that doing things we often deem as bad or even straight up crimes makes you cool and independent, you're own man per se. Virtually all of American media is owned by 6 corporations all owned by Jews, you think about that for a minute.

most people are animals. One or maybe 2 races have achieved what we call civilization in all of human history, and the rest have been driven by base instincts of force, lust, and power. Throwing all the sub-species (races) of earth into one arena and then asking them to get along, when only groups of about 200 closely related individuals have ever formed egalitarian societies in human history, is madness. Civilization and discourse is a construct of a few specifically evolved races of man and you're asking the rest to defy biology and act like groups that they did not even descend from.

fuck off commie

I disagree. As stupid as my bagel story is I see it time and time again. I work in an office where the lowest paid guy makes 70k a year. We all do well. However when free food arrives everyone acts like fucking savages cutting each other to get ahead. It's so stupid because financially we are above that, all of us but there is still something in our brain that demands we get that free treat and fuck everyone else we want it first.

KOWING things to be true on limited, bad, or subjective evidence is actually one of the fundamental flaws of man and one of the greatest causes of conflict in the world. But you accidentally did choose an okay creed with Jesus, although I know a lot more about early christianity and the NT then you do anyway, and it's still a pretty shit belief system.

Because of the inherent complexity of modern day society.

In a small primitive society a tribal chief might be fair since his family and relatives constitute pretty much the entire village. Personal relationships and mutual benefit keep such a society cohesive and "fair".

But once you have literally hundreds of thousands of people making decisions for hundreds of millions and they all have competing agendas you will not be able to reach any sort of "fair" consensus or equilibrium, especially since certain factions might have it in their interest to keep things out of balance.

Even then, I prefer such a corrupt and large system to balkanization where these competing interests resort to violence due to the lack of a unifying force.

>It included theft, murder, kidnapping, etc. basically property and violent crime.
even apes have been shown to dislike liars and thief and cast out shitty members of their groups. It is indeed in our DNA and such impulses proceed our humanness.

That something in your brain is conditioning. You pretty much just reinforced what I was saying.
>I work in an office where the lowest paid guy makes 70k a year.
>It's so stupid because financially we are above that,

You know it's stupid, nobody there needs to steal anything as basic as food since everyone makes plenty of money. Go asks some coworkers what shows they watch, what games they play, what jackass characters and they think are funny. Do they rip off crude jokes and behaviors from the things they view? I most certainly bet they've all watched similar scenarios of people stealing at work in various places in the media. It's not nature desu.

Tell me then, proceeding the nicean creed who was persecuted by who?

A) gnostics by orthodox
B) aryan by orthodox
C) orthodox by gnostics
D) orthodox by aryan
E) none of the above
F) all of the above

and please be honest, i know my faith like my left hand.

Because lying and stealing are male en se, it's inherently wrong among apes. Of course they'd punish offenders. Look at and They said their coworkers like being asses but they know it's wrong and there's unnecessary stealing cause of how much money everyone there makes. Those people do not ostracize or really punish each other do they unlike the apes who do so as a natural response. Those peoples' behavior is not natural.

Intentional or not, this is a quality post.

>nicean creed
>jesus is totally also god
>just look at this passage that..
>well i'm sure someone will had that part to the canon some time in the future
>But we called it a creed and say it over and over, so it's true

sorry brain hiccup.
I meant the council of nicea.


Why do all jew foods have something to do with genitals? (((Bagels, donuts, kosher weiners, matzo balls)))...