Did he use excessive force? What do you think Sup Forums?
Colorado cop slams sorority girl to the ground
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What do I think of what?
2/10 should have tazed her after she was on the ground
definitely. there are two officers there. the other could have easily helped handcuff her, instead of standing there watching while she get thrown to the ground like a paper bag.
Yeah fuck that faggot. That fat blimp couldn't do that to any real man, so he takes his weak small man disease out on a skinny drunk girl.
That's what you get for not listening to the guy with the badge. Cop was rough, but in the right to detain her.
Stupid cunt
good, stupid bitch got taught a lesson about reality.
>Sorority girl
she deserved it
What's the context? Why was she being arrested? It does look like unnecessary force, but it does look like she was resisting arrest.
If I was police chief I would suspend the cop for a week for this and be done with it.
On a side note, sorority women are cancer, and they act like cult members.
>michaella Surat
I unironically know this sorostitute. Pic related is her
What I'm wondering is, how come the officer on the right pushed the left away when he went to cuff her?
No one seems to be discussing that
blue shirt man saved that guys life. if that was me i would have asked the man going to try to fight the cop, if he was fucking crazy or what
He should have tazed her when she got on the ground and his buddy should have shot that nig that tried to stack up.
Apparently her boyfriend was placed under arrest.
Cop told her she was free to go, but she kept screaming at him. Some are saying she punched him before the camera cut on. Who knows
>Cop tells you to stop resisting
>Keeps resisting
>Suddenly bodyslamed
roastie slut got BTFO
this should happen more often, take these cunts down a few notches.
Her boyfriend was getting arrested and she assaulted a cop trying to fight for him or some dumb shit. she was getting arrested either way- that's what you fucking get for resistance.
that wasn't another cop, that was bystander maybe her bf
I think it's somewhat instincutal for men to protect the women. Those giving sympathy ITT prove it.
beta white knight virgin
nothing wrong with slamming a dumb bitch once in a while
>"I'm a silly girl" face
>shitty hairdo
>not even really attractive
>"I care about people with autism so I'll just overlay autism speaks over a picture of me and do nothing else"
she deserved it
>police are bad guys
Nigger detected
Kek no way. If true she deserves to be body slammed a lot more.
>I think it's somewhat instincutal for men to protect the women
So what you're saying is we need gay racist minority cops to cover all of our social political bases? We could finally form legit death squads
>You can't hate the trump troops! That's racist and bigoted!
Roastie slut BTFO
>dumb bitch expects cops to go beta white knight mode and treat her like the princess everyone else does
>they don't and instead give her the equality screeching harpies have been bitching about for decades
It's always funny when that happens.
>and they act like cult members.
They really do. Holy fucking shit, it's creepy.
You gotta show these sluts sone dominance otherwise they'll cuck you
I used to go to a judo club, and there was a cop that went there. He had that small man disease too. Was always cheating and shit, pretending he was hurt. One day he missed a throw and went down and I pounced on that fucker and arm barred him till he tapped. Forever there after he tried to get me in an arm bar but never could. That's the only time I have been legally allowed to injure a cop, and it was fun.
Why is she dressed like a hooker?
That tends to happen when you have soul crushing insecurity, a classic roastie trait
no context so unsure, but this video brings back happy memories
Pretty industry standard takedown. Cops aren't going to fuck around with you resisting for 20 min.
He was definitely not going to fight the cop(s), look at his body language. I don't see who blue shirt man was or what his purpose was. Maybe he was also a cop?
If you were taller than 5' 8" you wouldn't say that.
Should have caved her degenerate skull in.
Yes they would. Women are vapid annoying shits.
That White knight instantly denied. Bueno
I think you know the answer to that user
>Did he use excessive force? What do you think Sup Forums?
Yeah it looks like it, thin weak girl with high heels, macho cop slams her head onto concrete in way that could easily result in death or at the very least a broken skull, brain haemorrhage, broken neck etc, the cop is an insecure faggot.
Yeah but they have pussies, so there is an upside, not that the little cop could ever get any good pussy...
>The guy laughing
>Played a second time slowed down
>Set speed to .5
Yeah he certainly did. She's like 110 lbs at most. That's like slamming a child.
>assaults cop
>then resists arrest
next time do a flip
Depends, she might be clawing him with her nails on her left hand, she looks like the type to.
Notice how she starts to push him? Yeah. That's a no no. You don't get physical with cops. They have the use of force on their side. They can choose to use it at will.
Right or wrong. That's the way it is. You push a cop you're getting tazed, body slammed, punched, kicked or killed.
Eh, do as the pig says and end of the story.
Why didn't he rape when she was on the floor? In for a penny in for a pound.
>Mardi Gras
Why aren't these festivals of filth outlawed
White knight
I'm sure your pride will be a lot of consolation when the boot is on your neck
Annoying cunts are annoying. Least the cops couldn't bodyslam her ugly
Didn't watch the video, but no
You reddit red pill fags are a cancer. But muh beta. Muh alpha. If women were truly liberated, they would get gangbanged by all types of men. Some handsome, some influential, some intelligent, etc. Don't fall for Grandpa Soros' Jew tricks. That shit was the opposite of what the Jews did with feminism to further separate men from women, and make men just as insecure as the women are.
"But muh height. That guy can't get laid. What a beta."
Fuck off
>Other cop was watching for interference.
I bet she spat on him. I bet she'll never do that again.
>Did he use excessive force? What do you think Sup Forums?
Bitch acting like a nigger gonna get treated like a nigger.
>better to submit than do the right thing
Authoritarian burgers truly are the lowest form of life.
It does seem excessive to me.
I'd love to see you defy an American cop in the name of "doing the right thing."
There are plenty of mass graves in Siberia filled with "freedom fighters" like you.
bravo. the cop just wanted some upskirt action.
kek what a cry baby
acts like hot stuff, gets a dose of reality and starts bitching and crying, jesus how pathetic.
and up her twat
You think cops should pass up chances to beat down degenerates?
>get unlawfully arrested
>jew nosed lawyer makes you a mint
and all you have to do is not resist, but comply under duress.
Of course it was excessive. He threw her face-first into stone with the deliberate intent of hurting her. She could've been immobilized and cuffed using a tenth that force, but he wanted to punish her for mouthing off to him.
This is disgusting, and you're an intellectually dishonest piece of shit if you defend it for any reason.
Why the fuck should I care? Getting really tired of these shitty local communities leaking their shitty outrage news to the national level. Fuck off and fix your own communities.
Wow you're really tough for a cop-hating Antifa fruit loop
lmao I went to school with her
>just make the police do what you want!
Great plan
Just couldn't hold back, huh leftypol.
Welcome to equality
haha so many fucking triggered normie redditors in here it's glorious. shouldn't resist the law faggots!
completely viable thing to do when you're acting cunty
Who cares?
Don't break the law.
if it's so wrong, why am I hard?
First thing that comes to mind when I see a girl get beat up is if she's a feminist.
>reddit tier attempt at misrepresenting argument
>reddit spacing
Found the manlet.
>Obey me or die
pls move to North Korea, bootlicker.
Is there a 'reddit' way to breathe, as well? How can I avoid being a reddit breather?
bet she wont refuse to comply again
Nice fanfiction faggot. Dont you have a trashcan to attack?
Bootlicking trump supporters will support this.
It's not right, but you know it will happen. Just like a woman getting black out at a frat party knows she'll get raped.
Don't put yourself in bad situations.
Bitch got her due
>Did he use excessive force?
Why is Sup Forums filled with so many cuckold bootlickers? I hate niggers and sluts as much as the next guy but 70% of interactions I've had with police they act like power tripping fags with little man syndrome for simple speeding tickets or asking why I pulled into a parking lot to check my phone.
completely uncalled for
hope he loses his job and is charged for assault
that's absolutely fucked up, cops are meant to protect the community not slam peoples heads into the pavement
When you buy into the propaganda that only blacks get beaten up.
Lucifer laughing and yelling "I love it" was bit much though