>go outside
>see a nigger
Go outside
>go on Sup Forums
>it's all shitskins
What went right
That's pretty common in the u.s, senpai.
Lifes fucking ruined.
>see a nigger
Some days this ruins my day other times im just glad it isn't another spic
Chicago needs help
You don't say or do anything you pussy faggot. You just post about it on Sup Forums.
or you could move to canada
>go outside
>see an asian
or you could move to mexico
>go outside
>see hispanics
>go outside
the only time I ever see niggers, is when they're getting arrested on the news desu
>go outside
>be a nigger
I'm scared of anyone with brown eyes at this point
Its the blue eyed kikes you should really be afraid of user.
move to another state where more whites exist join a gang of aryans then kill some niggers
>go outside
>see melanin-enriched gentlemen of an urban persuasion
>immediately reach for my wallet to make sure it's still there
>then place hand near CCW for potential pending street chimpout
It's instinct for me.
Anyone have that shitty comic of the white guy that hands the nig "society" and the nig takes credit for it and then lights it on fire and blames it on whitey? Thanks.
>Look at the mirror
>See a Nigger
this, no one on here is white. and if they are they're usually ugly
>go outside
Since when does a Sup Forumsfag go outside?
Black Sup Forumsacks are the heroes the black community needs.
>neckbeard on Sup Forums
>ever going outside
>Since when does a Sup Forumsfag go outside?
to go to the dry cleaners so I can get the cum-stains out of my waifu pillow
it will be okay because the mexicans rushing the border hate blacks and are racially cleansing California. they are deeply religious and this will start a war with the Muslims.
they will win because they outnumber the muslims 100 to one.
t. shariablue
this just happened to me 30 minutes ago.
that never happens here
>go on Sup Forums to have in depth discussions with like minded invidiuals
>remember that Reddit is on Sup Forums and prevents all discussion by saging all decent threads and creating threads worshiping a Jew lover
check your privilege
I've seen a total of 14 niggers irl in my entire life.
One was a cable guy coming out to install a satellite and broadband.
When you live in a town with less than 2000 people in the woods of WVa you never see a nigger.
They are so rare around here when I see one I stare like I'm at the zoo.
Lets discuss the nigger problem then
Gas chambers
>day ruined
>go inside, see a nigger
>realize it's actually a mirror and I'm looking at myself
what do?