Daily reminder you're a mentally ill socially alienated manchild who has grasped onto Trump and this whole jr high neo-nazism called the alt-right because you're a pathetic excuse for a man who just wanted to feel like he belongs and to lie to himself and tell himself he's special. So you grasped onto the first pathetic con of group identity glorification spammed often enough to you...and now you're having a mental breakdown at the house of special ed playing cards comes tumbling down and the retarded short bus parade that are your fellow altrightcucks split on different points of Trump's hypocrisy.
Daily reminder you're a mentally ill socially alienated manchild who has grasped onto Trump and this whole jr high...
weak country weak citizens
Trump is a grade A larper
That really constructed my strawman
polan, you are mean!
really activates my almonds op
you still lost lel
/polgbt/ best Ally to be completely honest with you family
What can I say OP, you're right.
fixed for you. Trannys need to fuck off
>implying Trump isnt God's puppet
The beginning of Revelations 12 is happening on 9/23/17 but what about this part
The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.
7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.
Is a war going to happen soon after? Maybe tensions build up until then then WWIII. Probably for 3 1/2 years.
How is he His puppet? How is "grab em" a regard for women?
Shut up faggot.
itt: shit flags from shit fags.
get good retards.
what the FUCK do we do about the_donald problem?
Nice post
Karachan ork go home
Matka ci pierogi Ĺ‚okciem urobila podlegla kurwo
Include me in screen cap
Yeah, that's pretty much it.
I wish I was dead
No, fuck off
NOT this
What the fuck are you talking about? You type like a Down's Syndrome monkey. You are only capable of childish attacks, and can't even articulate them to have any kind of substantial meaning.
You're too stupid to be a shill, just a waste of breath who comes to a low-life image board to insult people and pat yourself on the back thinking 'yea, I sure showed them'. You're so dumb you can't even recognize how stupid you appear.
Saged and reported, you pathetic baiting monkey.
>this whole jr high neo-nazism called the alt-right
We never called it the alt-right. Other people don't get to name us. Sup Forums is Sup Forums.
I secretly want a qt altright femboy bf.
>tfw your principals clash with your desires
daily reminder that Hillary represented the continuation and escalation of the finance class running the country for its own interest. she represented wall street and the bankers, a vote for her is a vote for a tighter grip on control by this cabal
is trump going to change anything, probably not despite campaigning on a "broken system", but his election, and the evidence that the DNC had to cheat to keep a guy who (albeit misguidedly) wanted to change the system, should scare the banks. We are closer to maybe stepping on their throats, or lining them up against a wall, than we were 5 or 10 years ago, I hope things change... politicians today are nothing more than managers of the government's budget while banks and high finance dictate their policies to the politicians.
Nice get
This, the (((alt-kike))) and their sodomite enabling must be stopped. I told you Trump was a leftist in disguise but you didn't believed me.
>But U R Gay lol XDDD