US War Syria

Now I like Alex Jones, but

Do people really 100% take this...this "news" as...Truth? I take it about 30-45%..

Other urls found in this thread:

100% controlled opposition

>"By the way...You'll.need to.syock up for the Apocalypse. You need...."

Apparently Sup Forums is still bluepilled about Alex Jones being a Russian puppet.

Yes, he is against globalism, he will talk about (((communism))) but you will never see him directly criticizing Russia.

Notice how he is always telling you what the US should do to NOT mess with Russia's interests.

You will see him talking about zionism, globalism, communism but Russia never comes as the one to blame for anything.

PJW as Alex's employee follows the same guidelines.

Forgot to mention Alex's support for Putin during the invasion in Georgia.

Alex usually talks about how American he is when he's called a Russian agent

Their war against Georgia, just like in Ukraine, was a check on NATO encroachment. It doesn't take a shill to want the expansionists to get cut off at the knees.

I've taken Brainforce I've been able to transcend lineral time so I'll vouch for Jones. Fighting breaks out around Memorial Day, those of you still tethered to corporeality should start prepping. Pro-tip: if you want to live, only buy merchandise from the official InfoWars store and not any of its competitors.

Everyone has an agenda. I listen to what Julian Assange says, but that does not mean I just believe every word he says. I try to verify what is said, and if I cant I will generally not bring it in discussion or in serious investigation.

Problem is there are a lot of groups that would like it if Alex Jones was no longer viable. Some of these types act as concern trolls to slowly sap credibility and ultimately audience in an entire political board. I just dont like this beause it is manipulative.


i'm with you op, AJ is funny and entertaining. sometimes rage inducing, sometimes inspiring. but as you said i only believe about 30% of it.

EVEN IF i believed him 100% there's basically nothing I can do about most of it, so it wouldn't even be worth it.

AJ never calls the "globalists" what they really are.

i think alex put a lot on the line in this new era of "muh insiders in the pentagon/intel".

in the next year he's either going to be completely right and get to shit on people for decades, or blown the fuck out (and try to spin it like he was right in a twisted way). Going to be interesting to see.

Interesting... Your playbook predicted this.

No sources at ALL in the description. I fucking laughed. "I got legis sources in the Pentagon saying this is all happening, the news is just not calling it"

"You are just jealous that Trump calls me" -Alex jones

wait till USA invades south syria shill

Woooo bone brother even said Kushner owns 666 tower!

Yes, he does. Globalists.

Whoever it is, it's not the Jews!

I'm not saying you will suck a hard dick but I am saying you'll hold one in your mouth till the swelling goes down.

Alex Jones is an entertainer first, and news a distant second.

However, he is incredibly honest.

In the current "fake news" media storm, Alex has been way higher on the honesty / keeping it real meeter than CNN and MSNBC with their Communist Propaganda 92-99% chance for Hillary to win bull shit echo chamber..

So yeah, he's a shill and an entertainer, but he's no where near as bad as the North Korea style Mainstream Media

I agree with that, I've started to listen to him more and more. However, it's just videos and news like the main video that questions me.


Every non-nigger knows that you can't get news from only one source. OP sucking so much kike cock.


I believe him more than I believe the MSM.

Yon know he speaks the truth when the mods delete these threads.

That's what I've been saying. Why would someone bomb a chemical weapon storage unless they know there is zero risk? That can only mean USA Russia and Syria all working together. This multidimensional chess is played for something else. Truth is not what common people on Sup Forums is told.

you misspelled (((zionist))) usefull idiot

He never mentions Israel, Kushner and his dual citizenship. Always the Saudis.

AJ thought Sandy hook was real.

>parroting a known CIA disinformation program

why do you do these things OP?

yeah, we don't know what the fuck is going on; like most people. We get disinfo out of the whazoo but this isn't 4d chess.

i used to trust alex jones and support his ass. he has totally 180 the whole narrative. fuck him. he is 100 percent koshergoy. he retracted pizzagate and now is ziontrump's lap dog. even michael savage criticized trump's attack on syria.

shame on the jews.