What fucking timeline are we in now? What the fuck is happening?
What fucking timeline are we in now? What the fuck is happening?
Tide is turning. Trump is showing his true colors.
Good thing that guy won't be in charge of immigration
This means Bannon is now firing openly at Trump.
Won't take long before he's gone. I'm sure of it. Trump has sold out.
I just went upstairs to check my old kids books. I have some bad news.....
Drain le swamp right fellow pedes
Grab em
The mandella effect
The reading Steiner
i have no problem with the "left" eating him alive now,fuck'em
RIP poutine-land
It must be bad if Breitbart is writing this.
the "do as we tell you, trump, and we wont have to skin your family alive" timeline
The guys been compromised. Its obvious
>Reddit will support this
We were played.
>138000d chess.
>Hire globalist adviser
>Do opposite of what he says
Yep. The Jews finally harnessed the power of Kek. We're doomed.
So Bannon's old site that has been in the tank and sucking for Trump is now taking pot shots as Bannon is on the way out? That's the real story here.
Have you seen the comments on there? It's overwhelmingly people shitting on Trump and calling him a traitor (on most of their stories, I haven't checked this specific one, but I assume it's the same).
The same t_d fags posting here desperately trying to keep their failing sub from going under are going on Breitbart and trying to talk shit, but they're heavily outnumbered there. The readers hate him now, which is what I'd expect. Breitbart has been a pretty true conservative site for its whole existence. I won't always agree with everything they write, but they have consistency. I'd be seriously shocked if they stop shitting on him.
Fucking sad. We have been played like a fiddle.
>another shill thread
move along kikes and people shit of skin, move along.
honeymoon period is over and the "we will kill your whole family" crowd have made their move on trump
its the only explanation i can come up with for why he has turned 100% full neocon cuck.
Are you kidding me? If anything his family has been threatened you cocksuckers
Either that or he seen what they did to them babies and said 'ok fuck this shit I give up what do you want me to do?'
That's right.
No way Bannon would print that otherwise.
Bannon will be gone soon.
Today i hurt myself
You have to go back
Exactly! Trump is finished, is this the beginning of the end of Trump?
Everyone regrets voting for him, he's lost all support and is on his own now.
hurr durrr
>be less obvious
Nah, Steve Bannon is just butthurt over getting cucked by Kushner.
Well, good. Trump has a massive ego. Imagine if he held a rally and only 200 people showed up. He would be crushed. Unless he is really compromised, the sudden lack of adulation might be enough to bring him back. He desperately wants to be popular with and adored by fans.
Are you ready?
George Dubya Trump.
More illegal immigration, more globalization, more wars, no more weed.
Make America Great Again!!!
g-go away shill
Steve Bannon commissioned this article BTW
This kind of shit pisses me off. What if we really were played? I've got a ton of MAGA stuff. I was on board from the moment he came down the escalators... now he's... a puppet for the jews?
Doesn't he remember the interview he gave on 9/11 where many of his friends died in the Towers? It was the fucking jews who did it.
Trump is the type of guy to actually sign a draft into effect. That is what worries me. I'm past the age now but I have loved ones who are of age for that and I'll harbor them as long as I am alive to make sure they never fight/die for the jews.
Curly haired devil spawn.
We are crossing the streams it seems.
Technically didn't Trump already file to run again in 2020? These pep rallies he has been having are actually campaign rallies. If no one showed up , or better yet had a MAGA hat burning party right in front of his face. He couldn't handle it and would loose his shit. Crowds who worship him is all he craves, it would crush him
>damn, his hair is like mine... but better
I know that this isn't going to be a popular view, but considering how I've never heard of the CEA until now, I doubt that it's a position with tremendous influence or authority.
It could be a sop to the neocon faction which Trump can duly ignore as desired. After all, in politics, access is often confused for influence - this may be a way to placate certain factions without giving them any real power.
The globalist cabal really is in control and pulling all the strings.
We're past the point of no return, we have been for a while.
what were u retards thinking?
>People on anime discussion forum surprised that a New York billionaire, once elected, sides with rich globalists rather than with the truck-driving hicks he conned for their votes.
you Neocon filth are fucking finished
Tulsi/Rand 2020
the one where pol is wrong?
You reddit fags sure are salty. You ban all your users and then follow them around. For people who bitch about brigaiding all the time, you sure love to do it to Sup Forums.
Pic related, t_d wants to censor here as well.
I honestly don't think he could get a big crowd anymore. Not only are conservatives generally less interested in going to rallies, Trump only worked because people saw him as a legitimate person, not as a politician. I'll be seriously shocked if he ever tries to hold another rally. Conservatives despise the media, he knows that well. The fact that the media are now blowing him every night has people seriously pissed off. Again, he knows that's bad, he used it masterfully to gain support. I don't see this not being intentional by him, he was just lying the whole time.
Did you expect him not to flip? It seems like flip flopping is the guys policy as oppose to any actual policy.
indeed trump was a AIPAC plant
breitbart was an aipac plant
huffingtonpost etc are all aipac plants
We're the antagonists in a jewish porn revenge fantasy. You'll live to see white males getting rounded up and sent to 'diversity reeducation camps' where they'll be forced to watch their wives, daughters, and mothers getting gang-raped by young, virile, African bucks for the enjoyment of wealthy Jewish elites in your lifetimes
This is the future your grandparents chose when they decided to fight the Nazis
>Turn on TV
>BLACKED videos on every channel
>put my copy of GTA BLACKED into the disc drive
>gain combo points for running over as many white males as possible as Menace Clan - Kill Whitey plays on loop
>hear doorbell ring and my blue haired wife opens the door
>Tyrone enters wearing Deluxe King Tut Headpiece and matching overalls
>"time 2 prep da bull white boi" as he pulls out his BBC for the 3rd cuckold session of the day
>decide to make a run for it
>jump through the back window as Tyrone pursues with uzi submachine gun
>escape by hiding in a dumpster, hear sirens in the distance getting closer
>suddenly remember I'm wearing my mandatory cuckboi 2000 ankle tracker bracelet but its fastened too securely to remove
>"looky looky, we've got a runner - grab the handcuffs Deshawn"
>sent to internment camp for diversity reeducation training
>master yids dance in circles around you shouting "dirty goyim, dirty goyim" as you enter in and out of consciousness
>Tulsi/Rand 2020
Im starting to like the sound of that
>old fag saw this coming a mile away
>tons of russians using muricas socks
>Russian flag becomes mega rare for 6 months
>mfw trump fucks pol
The entire shill playbook consists of telling them to convince Trump's base to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
It's really kind of sad that they have any effect at all.
>Technically didn't Trump already file to run again in 2020
Yeah, there was some crafty legal reason for this, but I have forgotten what it is.
Nice fantasy faggot, please kys
Thanks for those jobs cucks.
Next are H1Bs.
Maybe Trump was replaced with an alien?
All economists are pro-immigration and pro-outsourcing, those things are good for the economy.
Trump should call them on there bluff then
I don't believe that's the case how suspicious would it be if every single member of his family suddenly died
I supported Trump from the beginning, but this is getting out of control.
>Bannon almost out the door
>Jared Kushner and Ivanka seemingly have huge influence now
>bombing Syria
>no updates on border wall contract bids
>putting pro immigration, pro outsourcing guy on Economic Council
>Gary Cohn, a globalist Goldman Sachs democrat having huge influence in the White House
This is like a bad movie. Now I know how HIllary supporters felt on election day.
I've already bombarded his Twitter, Facebook and WH.gov telling him to enjoy his one term, for his 180. The only thing that can correct this is a military coup. Trump was getting to close to the pedo rings, and has been forced to sell out.
>get elected POTUS
>completely lie and do the opposite of everything you said in your campaign
Why is this allowed?
The type where politicians lie to you on the campaign trail and do complete 180 on the issues you voted them in for
With Bannon losing his grip on power, will Briebart turn on Trump?
>All economists are pro-immigration and pro-outsourcing, those things are good for the economy.
That's like saying all Generals are "pro war".
That would be hilarious
What the fuck am I supposed to do? What the fuck have you done while the German banks have been raping your people?
I'm fucking sickened by it all. I can't believe this shit, and the worst part is, our (((greatest generation))) love it because he's bombing "muzzies"
I don't give a shit about bombing muslims but we need to be doing it on the fact that they're actually doing bad shit, not false flags from the jews. Like I said, this whole thing makes me fucking sick.
I honestly remember reading this to my kids and I swear it was bearenstein
gas yourself kike
>tfw you majored in economics but consider nationalism and a homogenious society more important that a few extra GDP shekels
kek, made me laugh
It's not. Anyone who didn't buy the cult of personality is furious. He's one or two more steps from completely alienating his principled supporters.
There's a difference though.
POLITICIANS running on a platform and doing the opposite is normal.
A NON POLITICIAN running on a platform and saying things like "I'm not a politician who lies and is bought out by special interest groups!" is what got Trump elected.
Possibly 5D chess but more likely WW3
The Khazarian Mafia have taken over
Also, comment here guys the mods are fucking around so it wont show in the catelog or something
I just wanna put nigger dicks in my but, ok
Maybe we'll send do many missiles some will fall short and hit Israel.
Then we get to kill muslims and Jews.. now if we could just hit Chicago and take out all the niggers
haha canada is so fucking gay and irrelevant
>top economic adviser is pro immigration
>"buy american, hire american"
Trump would be the all time greatest shitposter if he did that
Bannon is clearly Cernovich's leaker, and has influence at Breitbart which has to go anti-Trump or lose their whole audience.
Bannon is going to be fired within 2 weeks.
*nigger dicks in my butt
who is this semen demon?
One of the biggest benefits is that nonprofits are not allowed to criticize political candidates (banned from political speech), or else they will lose their nonprofit status.
He can also start raising money through official campaign funding rules without having to deal with legal issues of accepting gifts as a president
If Bannon leaves the administration whether by firing or resignation, it's over. That's your canary in the coal mine. If Bannon goes, it means (((they))) won.
Katherine Timpf, can't you read bro
I just think it's too early in the game to call it. Perhaps Trump saw how obstructionist the entire establishment government was being to any and every action he was trying go make, decided to give up on trying to cooperate or compromise, and went all-in on some sort of Machiavellian strategy. It's too early to tell and often in a grand story the loose ends of confusing beginnings only manage to be tied up and made sense out of in the final stages.
And if not, we've really reached a point where the second Amendment is the only way to fix what has happened to America and the spearhead of the free world.