quick, no time to explain
i need racist jokes
quick, no time to explain
i need racist jokes
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Why don't you invite Hitler to a barbecue?
He burns all the franks.
Fuck you for trying to slide real discussion
Everybody knows what to do.
>googles racist jokes
>all of them are shit
>goes to Sup Forums for racist jokes
>redirected to google
Why is the lion licking his asshole?
To get rid of the negro taste.
A jew, a nigger and a muslim walk into a bar. the bartender says "get the fuck out"
How do you fit 4 faggots on a stool?
Turn it upside down
I told this joke in grade 6 gym class and was given an in-school suspension.
I actually found that funny lol
>What's the best place to hide something from a nigger?
His work boots
whats the best time to see a chinese dentist?
tooth hurty!
What separates man from animals?
Mediterranean sea
Hey OP, what do you call a black man with a wife, a job, and no criminal record?
A fairytale!
What do you call one nigger on the moon? A problem. What do you call 2? A big problem. What do you call all the nuggets in the universe on the moon? Problem solved.
What's the difference between a black man and a horse? Both are hung, but only the horse has a big dick!
How do you pickup a Jewish girl? With a broom and dustpan.
>how do you stop 5 black dudes from raping a white chick?
throw a basketball
a black man and his son are on an airplane flying over the atlantic ocean
suddenly there is a loud bang
the pilot comes on the speaker and says
>this is your captain speaking. you may have heard the noise, and i want you to know there's no need to panic.
>one of the engines has just gone out, and we're going to need to get rid of some weight if we're going to avoid a crash.
>we can't get to the cargo hold from the cabin so it's going to have to come from here.
>we can throw out all the carry on baggage but that won't be enough.
>you must understand this is for the greater good.
>there's no easy way to do this, so we're just going to go in alphabetical order.
>so first, all of the african americans need to get off the plane.
nobody moves.
>everyone, this is serious. if nobody leaves we're all going to die.
>ok, on to b.
>all of the black people need to get off the plane.
nobody moves.
>guys this is really not the time!
>okay now for c.
>all of the colored people need to get off the plane now.
the little boy looks up to his father and asks,
>daddy, aren't we colored people?
he replies,
>no, son, we're niggers.
>we get off after the mexicans.
didn't happen so it's not funny
>a black man and his son
the punch line goes at the end :)
two jokes for the price of one
this is good
dude that's actually pretty good.
This comes to mind:
>flying over the atlantic ocean
If they were real niggers they'd be sailing over it.
In chains.
It smells like shit, looks like shit, long like shit, useful as shit, but it isn't shit.
> what is it?
The unemployment line.
What do you call a black man skydiving?
> air pollution
I really shouldn't joke about blacks DESU, I have black people on my family tree. And they're still hanging there.
what's the fastest way to meet 100 people in mexico?
>throw a quarter in the street
what's the fastest way to meet the richest man in mexico?
>it's the guy that picked up the quarter
Two black kids steal a bike and decide to ride it together. One on the seat and the other on the handlebar. They hop over a curb, and pop a tire. Not wanting to carry the bike, they notice a delivery truck and climb in the back with the bike to hitch a ride. Inside they find it's full of watermelons, so they break one open and chow down. Further down the road, the truck zips by a deputy and his trainee. He pulls the truck for speeding and asks if it's ok to look in the back of the truck. He takes one look, returns to the driver, throws his license and registration back in the cab, and tells him to get out of town as quickly as he can and not to return. The trainee is confused and asks "Why'd you send him off so quickly without a ticket?" He replies: "Did you see what he had in that truck? It was a load of nigger eggs, two of them already hatched, and one already stole a bike!"
1. what's the upside to dating black chicks? You don't have to meet their father.
2. how do black women know when they're pregnant? After taking their tampon out and the cotton has been picked.
3. what do tornadoes and black people have in common? it only takes one to ruin a neighborhood.
4. how do you fit 50 jews in a volkswagen? 2 in the front, 2 in the back, and the rest in the ashtray.
5. what's the difference between a microwave and a muslim? the microwave doesn't explode after counting down to 0.
6. what's the difference between a freezer and a faggot? the freezer doesn't fart when you pull the meat out.
>a guy with moving van full of bowling balls is driving down a road at night
>he sees a black kid and a bike with a flat tire on the side on the road
>he offers the kid a ride into town but says he and the bike have to stay in back
>a little while on the guy gets pulled over
>the officer asks him to open the back door of the vehicle
>as soon as he does, the officer yells, runs back to his car and and gets on the radio
>"i need back up! I found a truck full of nigger eggs and one's already hatched and stolen a bike!"
Did you know that white people can't be racist?!
It's true! In many countries, racism is a crime, and crime is for Blacks and Muslims.
What's the difference between a black guy and a bench?
The bench can support a family of three.
Why is the Mexican Olympic team so bad?
Because all the beaners that can run jump and swim are in America.
What's the difference between a baby in Uganda and a pair of Levi's?
The Levi's only has one fly on it
This white girl picked up a nigger at the bar, so their heading to the car and she says that she always wanted to find out wheter its the truth what they say about black guys. He said yes, stabbed her and took her purse