What's a good red-pilled book on parenting?

What's a good red-pilled book on parenting?

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L0Lno fgt pls

HAHA, he thinks this family is white

Sup Forums confirmed for not knowing anything about parenting.


of mice and men, lennie resembles the IQ level of the offspring that will result if any of you autists manage to breed

The Bible.

this guy gets it

>What's a good red-pilled book on parenting?
1984 (Orwell)
A brave New World (Huxley)

Every kid should read these before 8, or you should read them to them, even if they barely understand it.. it will red pill the shit out of them subliminally and instead of a cuck, you'll have a rowdy roddy piper in (((they live))) for a kid.


Okay. Will do. But what's a good book on how to raise children?


>I wonder who's behind this post
Shut it down.

Don't do this.

The book it's still very good.

I wonder who's behind THIS post


The Koran




for boys

Everything from John Taylor Gatto




It's called "Don't fucking have kids." There are already far too many of you tumor cells on this planet.

Fuck outta here kike

Another white woman muddied up

Die off fucker