Both of you fuck off this board, seriously this it was more bearable when it was filled with horse porn.
To r/the Donald, no one here likes you. We are not allies and we will never be
To Shareblue, why are you even shilling here. We are just a bunch of autists who worship an Egyptian chaos god
To r/the donald and ShareBlue
Don't forget /leftypol/ making it worse.
Is there even a vegan saltier than Kripp? And I'm referring to when Kripp gets Deathwinged in Arena (topdeck) on a 0-2 run after his Mad Bomber missed lethal against a 1 Health Mage with an empty board, who had just used a Shadow Word: Death discovered by Kabal Courier on his Bog Creeper, but not before the opponent used Flamestrike on his board of buffed Doppelgangsters, and then one more time after he just played Onyxia (who then got Ice Lanced and then Shattered).
While /r/The Donald is cringy as fuck, we should take the time to redpill them. They can be salvaged and be used as a vector to spread out hatred.
Never shame away potential converts. Use our leddit visibility as an opportunity.
>to spread out hatred
its a lost cause
they are just like Obama's blind supporters
ShareBlue is a meme cockhead, It's not even here at all.
>People with different opinions are just outside influences now guys, and no longer people with different opinions
Assad is innocent, the gas attack was staged.
Trump is a Neocon kike shill.
Gas the Jews 14/88
>we are cringeworthy
>still got Donald elected
Sure thing Sup Forums c.uckold
Get a load of this newfag. Hate and disgust is the first step. It's not the only one though as self-improvement and education is also very important.
But europe and the US have to be cleansed with violence and fire. It is the only way to remove the cancer. Only retards and cucks think you can change the system any other way. Working within the system always results in failure. Hatred and anger are the best emotions for inspiring the great purge.
Some can be converted, they are not all clueless.
you didn't get Trump elected,
there was no election
The Kikes planned all of this from the start
I really hate people like you. You have used so many fucking buzzwords like kike neocon shill that they've lost all fucking meaning to me. Sup Forums has opened my eyes to alot of evil in this world, but anons like you are just as cringey as T_D. You contribute nothing but the stalest most tired meme and you expect asspats because
>I hate le reddit XD
Your post sucks and so do you
>it was da jooz meme
Literally faggot. There is no proof of Jews being involved at all.
Fuck off jidf
Report all shill posts
Ignore all shill posts
Sage all shill posts
>we are cringeworthy
You are very, very cringe worthy.
>still got Donald elected
You didn't, the alt-right movement started here first. You are a colony of useful idiots organized by 4channers and other white-supremacist leaders.
Yeah I can't understand why, after everything started looking up for Assad, he basically attempted the equivalent of suicide by cop.
And another.
Shareblue plz go
Spotted the Newfag
Hey newfriend! I'm glad you're here to hang out with us!. You should check out It will teach you about our etiquette and nomenclature for posting. Have fun on Sup Forums!
And yet another.
Found the faggot from r_/thedonald/ who's trying to hide the fact he's from "LE LEDDIT XD"
Why don't you fucking shoot yourself you lonely piece of fucking shit.
If i ever fucking saw you i would beat the fucking shit out of you, underage piece of shit.
Have some more.
> Everyone Who Disagrees With Me Is r/the donald, Or Shareblue- The Overly Emotional Person's Guide To /Pol
I'm sure you would
Even more.
The Bolsheviks were 90% Jewish.
This is now a redpill thread.
What do you know, Feminism is also an invention of the Jews.
Kys shariah jew
>mfw Sup Forums really was better when merged with /mlp/
Granted the Syria event was like a massive hammer being brought on the board, with every group with an agenda or disinfo to sell coming in to join the frey, but holy shit the board has been fucking abysmal for days.
>mfw I forgot my face
>mfw Sup Forums really was better when merged with /mlp/
I agree, we really need a couple more days or weeks of the /MLPOL/ merger. That shit was great. my nigger.
Can you actually fuck off with your stupid fucking
I wasn't there during the time, but at one point wasn't Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general infested with bronies and the general consensus was it was shit?
>Subtle ethnic genocide.
It's pissed me off that reddit think that is in the level of Sup Forums, they are inferior to us in every way, they are not our allies and not our opponents.
It should be, "They dont want to die for greater Israel" instead. They literally can't rationalize that at all.
It wasn't based, it was better. It's a fucking travesty that the April Fools joke board made with the intention of pitting the most infamous parts of Sup Forums against each other, was better or at least an actually refreshing change from the usual trash and stale shilling.
Rather than bring it back, find ways to upset this godawful status-quo.
Victory has defeated us.
Nice doctored photos shill
thanks dad
That is true, and the /mlpol/ incident was an April fools joke by the moderator staff to troll Sup Forums. But the constant posting of pony porn and pony dicks had the unintended consequence of scaring away all the shills and redditors who can't handle that shit, which made the discussions for that day very clean ans shill-free.
Since most veteran 4channners are completely desensitized to that shit, we don't really mind.
My leaf is all grown up now.
Fuck off shill.
OH YES I LOVED seeing faggot gay horse cock every second thread/Second Post
OH how "better" that was.
Fuck off you mentally fucked gay nigger.
Sup Forums has really gone full SJW now. Idol worship anyone who doesn't share my opinion is a ___ Doubling down when called out on something delusions of people ganging up on them
I voted Trump and am happier that he is in there than Hillary but let's be honest the Syria shit was wrong and it's looking like he is going to be our Obama, with talking the talk but not walking the walk. I've been here for 10 years and have never seen Pol act so faggy with the blind love for a president when they have fucked up.
>Jews had a huge hand in American slavery yet guilt-trip whites about it without shame.
4D chess is codeword for Greater Israel
If you can't handle bizarre porn from absolute degenerates, you haven't been here long. Edgy swears don't cover your new.
Nice reddit spacing.
But desu MLP is a travesty and so are bronies.
It's almost like he didn't actually gas his own supporters..
I wish I could find the image right now, but I can't. They owned all the slave ships too.
How about you fuck off my board OP?
Yes they are, but that doesn't change the fact that they scare away shills and new-fags.
I'd rather have pony porn than endless shillposts.
Oh I don't deny that, but I'll take the bizarre and fucked up cess-pool I've grown to love than this plague of outsiders trying to game the mix that is the bane of post-election Sup Forums.
I'd like to see that one too, if anyone has it.
Your board? That's adorable. Go back. Fuck T_D. Niggers supporting another iraq war.
Been a poster since 2012' faggot, Did you consider that maybe...
JUST. MAYBE - I don't like seeing degenerate horse porn all the fucking time? Every fucking second post?
The only reason you and other dumb fucks liked it was because you enjoyed the degeneracy. It made your little wee wee hard didn't it?
spotted the redditor
Hi ledditer. What brings you to Sup Forums?
Don't you have a wrist to cut you edgy underage
I guess. I just have a massive hatred for bronies because not only are they really fucked up (though i've seen much worse) but they are REALLY fucking unfunny and thin skinned.
Just saw this one tonight. Good stuff. Bumping for slave ship tribe member photo.
>I don't like seeing degenerate horse porn all the fucking time
>when ponies were contained in 2 threads, 1 was a chat circlejerk used to piss of Sup Forums and the other was a general on Sup Forums during early 2012
>they literally added /mlp/ during feb 2012 and you expect us to believe that you saw all this made up horseporn
yeah ok newfriend
I find anime incredibly distasteful. I don't bitch like a little girl when I seen anime pictures here. I wish to god that shit scared the shills off like pony porn does.
>The Donald will save us.
Same here really. Though I accepted from day one that anime was board culture, but ponies are not.
If our leaders could stop importing shitskins for a few years, we are set up for less crowded cities and countries. Maybe (like always), whites are ahead of the game and want to have more room and fewer people. Do we really need to shit out unsustainable kids like sandniggers?
Trump is failing at a record rate.
Of course this place will tank with him.
Pretty much the same here. It's Sup Forums, so I have to accept anime in order to be here. Why can't the rest of the world understand that you adapt to the culture of the place that you inhabit?
This is the most reddit post ive ever read in my life.
Bullshit shill.
So it's a coincidence?
What? That you're a leftypol shill?
Why? Because it's true? Sup Forums is really acting like SJW's right now. It's fucking embarrassing. If people were like "yeah he fucked up but I'm hoping he'll turn it around, so I still support him" I'd accept that. But instead they are doubling down on this. "no guys its 6millonD chess, this was a good thing".
what happened though. Seriously. I stopped coming for 3 days and plebbit fags and shareblue shills take over? Give me the ponyfags any day over this
This explains the "Act of 1871" a state within the state.
Legal fucking name fraud is a jewish fappening!
Syria bombings. Seriously. It was a wedge that all of the forces against us though they could use to destroy Sup Forums. The shilling is out of control.
I think there were some valid reasons for trumps move. I hope he doesn't do anything else that brings us closer to wars. Is that shilling?
>look at black guy with white girl
>communism would totally work
>bernie was our guy!
>reddit is great
>greetings from T_D
Those are shills.
no, that is a valid position
one that I don't agree with but valid none the less
I guess it makes sense. I thought even MSM was supporting that though. I really didn't think it was controversial
Sup Forums is not one person. The board is an absolute mess right now, 12D chessfags can be just as much Shareblue or more likely Lefty/pol/ being satirical. The rational 'wait and see' types don't carry conversation or reap (You)'s, so we aren't sure who is shilling who at the moment.
I would like to hear you valid reasons. We all know if someone besides Trump did this there would be nobody defending him here. I'm curious as to what valid reasons popped up in the last 3 months because we were 100% against it as of 2 weeks ago.
I'm not in favor of the bombings, but Trump tweeted that intervention in Syria was a bad idea. Then he intervened in Syria. Shill saw this as an opportunity. I'm not defending him either way, I'm just telling you why Sup Forums is so shitted up right now.