Hi Sup Forums, this is my last thread I guees, tomorow I got my trial for raping a under age girl. So can we talk about north korea vs usa please ? Nk with their soldiers + others, tunnels and bunker + nukes... Im not sure if it's juste possible to win exception using a lot of nukes
Hi Sup Forums, this is my last thread I guees, tomorow I got my trial for raping a under age girl...
Was she hot?
very much but... it's really not worth it
let's talk about nk vs usa, i dont give a fuck about syria, since 2001 it's always about sand niggers
You raped someone? She didn't want to have sex with you?
Well I don't know for your country burger bro but here under 16 years old it's a rape by default. But she enjoyed it very much
so no I didn't raped her but because of her age I will get the same thing. She didn't want sex at first because she didn't know what is it but after she enjoyed very much and asked for more
>for raping a under age girl
How old was she?
Was she a child? If so have fun with an asshole the size of a tunnel
We (the world) beat NK by getting China to slowly open them up to trade. Will it ever end without nuking? probably not i guess
it dosen't matter, what you think about nk ?
>be canadian
>can have legal sex with an animal
>can't sleep with a human female a few years younger than you
So what's best/west case realistic scenario
aren't you exempt since you;re a muslim?
don't you think they will attack the warships sent by usa ?
Was she a nymphet?
This is my current theory. Following the example of muhammad. Who can legislate love but Allah
Nigger you're going to jail for raping a girl. We want to talk about that not stupid norks.
I am not muslim and the juge wouldn't care
>Well I don't know for your country burger bro but here under 16 years old it's a rape by default. But she enjoyed it very much
I feel strongly that you deserve legal counsel that can get you the best outcome, and this is your due process right that supercedes all other laws. Why hasn't your solicitor gotten a prosecution agreement? Why are you going to trial?
If you believed she was 16, then you didn't have any wrongful intent, and you aren't guilty without wrongful intent having occurred (unless it's a crime of strict liability).
Nope because Trump dropped bombs on Syria first then tweeted about how bombing runways doesn't do enough damage and can be fixed. It was all just threats at Kim
well she is 11 soon 12, but it's the same thing
Okay but what's best/worst case realistic legal scenario
But she was like 14 or 15 right?
>tfw you've been on The_Donald for over a year but have never been to Reddit
>raped an 11 year old
l e l
doesn't matter where you are, enjoy federal buttfuck prison
Canadians get a bad rap for their shitpost abilities. This was great.
>If you believed she was 16, then you didn't have any wrongful intent, and you aren't guilty without wrongful intent having occurred (unless it's a crime of strict liability).
Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it
>this Canadian LARPer again
every fucking week it's something new
why are you attention whoring so badly, and lying the entire time?
first it was you abused your elderly mother. after that something else, don't remember
just go the fuck away
Well I will use self defense, my plan is to prove that I didn't not hurt her, she enjoyed it, she asked for more and that we are friend. Just her mother is crazy about that thing
I want to give you a serious response because you deserve it.
IMO NK would "win" due to running a long-term insurgency, similar to Al Qaeda or the Viet Cong. However their infrastructure and real military force would be devastated.
>rapes 11 yr old
Get gassed nigger
If you're not LARPing your best defense would be to shut your stupid mouth and let your jew lawyer get you the best deal.
>Nigger you're going to jail for raping a girl. We want to talk about that not stupid norks.
Fuck. Cancel my post not much can be done here. You're probably going to have to do some prison time and be on a sex offender's list. I will recommend that your solicitor should have gotten a prosecution agreement already to get you the minimum sentence. Ask your solicitor about that.
Sums up my life.
That day I crush your throat,when you are tapping a tree. I won't even care.
how old are you? ethnicity?
Best, not guilty, worst 5 years of prison
I'm not sure if rape is as rampant in Canadian facilities as it is here.
You obviously don't understand. Lack of wrongful intent can also apply to facts (such as age).
Enjoy tyrone's black hose user
You're fucked leafbro...kek that's like prepubescent. If I were you I would end it instead of getting ass raped in jail for eternity.
Also don't ever mention a topic more interesting than the one you want to talk about, if you're not a newfag you should know that. No one cares about Kim Fatty the Third and his toy nukes
>Best, not guilty
I said "realistic" not pipe-dream. You raped an 11 year old girl you can't really believe BEST case will be you get to walk free.
I hope you get castrated.
>tomorow I got my trial for raping a under age girl
whoa, how about we talk about this?
gimme the deets, user
>Well I will use self defense, my plan is to prove that I didn't not hurt her, she enjoyed it, she asked for more and that we are friend.
Do not do this. Given the age difference, your best chance is a deal with the prosecutor.
32, white yeah I know im pretty fucked, it didn't worth it
please be bait.
They are roughly the size and population of Florida are they not?
I haven't seen much infrastructure in aerials. How much do they have?
Holy fuck! Leaf Land has a quite liberal age of consent ... what is it these days? like 16? wtf is wrong with you
>32 year old raping an 11 year old girl
If this isn't a larp, you're fucked. Prison time followed by sex offender's registry
hope the rape was only statuory otherwise I hope you get die.
Child rapists just as bad as kikes
I might be going to jail this month because I refused to put money on my ex girlfriend hand as child pension.
It's my money and I choose how and how much I will spent with the boy, me going to the market or the cloth store with him. I already pay for the fucking, not cheap, health insurance. Fuck this fucked up government.
This just keeps getting better and better.
OK, this was a bait thread most likely. But if not, what the fuck? Enjoy prison.
Based pede, we should leave/pol/. All these shartblue paid david brocks baka can't even into MAGA
Girls can enter puberty as young as 9.
this fag is more likely a hebephile in technical terms.
The maple syrup is strong with this one
>Person not taking care of their kid and following the law at the same time
Of course you'd be a nigger
it's 16 in the UK as well, bro. 16 is standard. You can drink legally at 18 here as well, will be same in canada.
I like the format.
I guess I will try a deal to do minimum time... I kinda didn't did anything about it because of panic disorder. Prehaps I should change try guilty for 2 years
>this fag is more likely a hebephile in technical terms.
The ONLY - and I repeat this, and hell I'd scream it from the roof tops if I could - ONLY people who care about that distinction are kiddy diddlers
You are degenerate scum of the earth and should be executed you disgusting excuse for a human, you know what they do to Pedos in prison? hahaha Cant wait until a nigger stomps in your face.
>almost 12
glad you included that because that really changes my take on the situation
it's a good thing canadian men are way too beta to rape another man in prison or you'd be in for a real bad time
canadian prison is chill af. lift weights and read good books, user
2nd option: an hero
Now i know you are lying
Unless you're like 18 and she was 16 and it was just statutory, really doubt someone charged with rape, especially of a minor, would be out on bail. It's one of the more serious crimes and typically once you're arrested you're not seeing freedom until the sentence is done.
NK could hold off the USA troops for a while, maybe using tunnels. It might be like Vietnam. NK's best bet is actually not using nukes, but keeping the world locked in a conventional war. With enough nukes, USA could "win" in a couple of days by simply wiping NK right off the map.
A fucking mudslime
whats a heebephile, they only fuck kike kids?
If this isn't bait this guy is cream of the crop of the Sup Forums losers. A barely literate Canadian pedo hahahaha.
Not like it really matters. Have you sent an eleven year old recently? They're obvious children, the pedo/hebe thing is pure semantics. Good thing this is a bait thread.
Are you an hero yet? Because you should be.
how often did you fuck her? what was it like?
This reminds me of that thread where a guy came here for this same kind of thing except he beat his mother ruthlessly. Everybody mocked the hell out of him.
Have fun in jail faggot.
What the fuck are you talking about? The boy is sleeping right besides me, he spend like three days a week at her house and the rest at mines. I do take great care of him.
The reason is, she's pressing me to put money ON HER HAND as child pension because she wants a fucking extra income for her, not to take care of the boy. It's quite clear, she's a leech.
I told her to fuck off and I'm going to court. She ain't getting no money from me.
Seriously, though, could you take this shit to Sup Forums?
ITS NOT? I'm in California where the legal age is 18 and I've had some 16 cute small blonde wanting it for the last couple of days, having second thoughts about it now
>11 years old
Bahahahahahahahahhahaha you fucking retard
Do you think China would flex?
Would it be best to use S.Korea as the actors and just arming them from there?
In technical terms:
Pedofiles go after pre-pubescent girls
Hebephiles go after pubescent to legal consenting age girls
So to non-child fuckers there really is no difference. If it wasn't so sick it would be amusing because anything pedofiles are mentioned you get all the hebes coming out of their anime threads to provide the clear distinction between the two while also condemning pedofiles
Either a paedo or larping as one.
Oven ready.
>A barely literate Canadian pedo hahahaha.
Surprise: it's a crime of strict liability
I was raped as a kid by a sick fuck like you and have to now go to weekly therapy and am on high amounts of SSRI's. I hope you fucking rot in hell.
go on...
>, worst 5 years of prison
Hol up you say the max sentence for raping an 11yo in Canada is 5 years? That's the minimum for public urination in the US
Were you raped by a man or a woman?
>She ain't getting no money from me
>said by every deadbeat dad moments before he's ordered to be alimony
I didn't fucked her, got blowjobs, handjobs and I did the same to her. It feel good for me and her but I won't do it again. She did really liked it, she came so I did not rape her
man when i was 14 i used to feel bad about being attracted towards a 12 year old
As or SK's, sending them to slaughter or 20 years seems pointless. Either the "allies" get involved or it's not worth it. As for China, yeah, they would make a conventional war even better for NK, and yeah China would certainly assist NK. If nuclear is used against NK but China is warned beforehand, I don't see China retaliating against the USA using nukes.
Green text it
Unfortunately no one wants floor wetters in their jails so it's widely uninforced.
>coming out of their anime threads
Fuckin' weeb loli slave fags. ha ha.
OP, if you arnt baiting I present you with two options in this situation
1) Run for it. Go innawoods. Get the fuck out of dodge, and make your way to some foreign country.
Then join a Buddhist monastery and repent for your past deeds.
2) kys. Not even joking, death would be better than being a pedophile in prison.
>gave her blowjobs
Sup Forums in 3 words