8992 usb
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post something real or fuck off
Monitoring. Shit is seriously going downhill fast.
Nothing going on
Traffic has been normal too
Isnt it supposed to be x5 or something?
Just heard it too, something just happened
lmao skyking just responded
what a fukkin dumbass
Anyway I hope its war
Congratulations. You've made it past denial and into bargaining. Soon you will join the rest of us in realizing we were duped.
Fucking classic Skyking.
Always responding when he's not supposed to. What a cut-up.
Skyking was originally black you know.
For the newfags
i dont hear anything on 8992
You clearly haven't been taking your super male vitality then.
All I hear is white noise
Fuck this I'm innawooding right fucking now.
geez burger, ruin the meme
Don't link this please, it is CPU/GPU based and we don't like new people who don't use it seriously.
eyy dont ruin the fun m8 ;)
This 2bh. If this was a ruse please cut that shit out. We have legitimate happening autists monitoring it 24/7, they are our silent protectors.
>kek is here
i need to innawoods asap
I'm in D.C., and I can say without a doubt that nothing is happ
did you record it? nothing is going on right now
Ok fuck this I'm legitimately taking off to Jamul now.
Its an online shortwave radio faggot. you new to the internet or something? Cant fucking google a web address? retard.
What does this mean???
proof or it didn't happen
Kek is speaking.
Daily reminder that skyking doesn't mean anything and you niggers are chimping out for literally no reason
Tonight the final Skyking x4 we have been waiting will sound. Farewell anons!
USB 9410 I am hearing some strange shit
Get out while you still can
>Yes goy. You don't need any Skykings. Let me take on the "burden" all for... I mean by myself.
>foxtrot alpha golf
Do they just randomly say skykings 4 times?
Probably a radar sweep or something. I dont have the radio up rn but it happens all the time.
Because all kinds of shit is broadcast over shortwave.
so do we have to wait for 8992 USB ?
>classified channel
>NATO coding that changes every month and has never been fracked
For all we know, it could be broadcasting weather or we are all retarded.
>0451z kangz: Did anyone hear skykings on 8992 half an hour ago?
>0452z TDMP: No, been monitoring all night
There's nothing of actual interest to listen for unless you're a shortwave radio autist. It's one of the bands the USAF uses for broadcasting encrypted messages.
The messages use a one time cypher. So if there is a broadcast they just read out a callsign and then a string of letters. There's literally no way to know what that means unless you are holding the exact codebook that the message is directed to.
>only people who know this code are higher up NATO officials
Good job faggot, they could be comparing penis size on that radio
Yes, but if they say Skyking 4x it is most likely nuclear or bombing somewhere
>Literally believing that the U.S military would broadcast Nuclear codes over shortwave FM unencrypted.
I mean I imagine being this retarded must not be too heavy of a burden but still I didn't think such stupidity was rampant on Sup Forums now.
1485.12 am. Just fucking mexies speaking
Do you know what frequency that number station the NorK's just activated the other day is on?
>8982 has something
ayo hol up.
>the infograph told me so it must be true
>some fag with a shortwave told me so it must be true
Like the leaf said, have to have the code book in your lap.
It's encrypted. The only thing decipherable is the handshake procedure before the coded message. Priority is a part of the EAM, so whenever "high priority" traffic comes through that coincides with known events, Sup Forums naturally loses its shit.
what did he mean by this
It's not FM either, it's USB.
11735 voice of korea is being jammed
Innawoods can be comfy user
Also quit Sup Forumsing up their poor chat. They hate it when we do that.
I remember my first day on Sup Forums...
repeating numbers and it's over
>no skykings on 8992 USB tonight, i saw the thread too, it's fake unfortunatly... just a pol (YOU) seeker
Digits and EU is the target. FREE BONGISTAN!
What's the yellow mean on 11734.44 USB? It's making a loud ass noise. Whats going on anons?
anyone record it?
fuck off OP
Please nuke portland
>EU is the target
America is the one going into war, this is not the retard roulette.
To know what they are saying you do, but to hear them say SKYKING SKYKING DO NOT ANSWER 4X you do not need it.
4X is high priority, they didn't even use it when the SR-71 while still secret was shot at.
What the hell am I listening to?
9047.50 USB
No one can hear screaming innawoods
1108.41 someone's talking. Like quiet numbers and letters
Give it to me straight, lads. Is OP a faggot?
The "code" you're referring to changes around every other month. I don't think the U.S Military is so retarded to leave classified communications open on shortwave USB that any retard with an Internet connection can decipher their launch codes.
Holeee fugggg
only 1 time though
from Andrews Air Force Base
SKYKING on 8992 just now
jesus whatever number i type in i just hear fucked up sounds
2 skykings nigga, what the fuck does it mean.
Just got 2 skykings legit
Not until I leave pls.
why are you guys up so late arent you sleepy please go to sleep and do not listen to delta transmitting to skyking
5985 for comfy music
lmao. They just announced the Time ffs.
>1 skyking
>2 skyking
literally pointless
9590 NOW
>2 Skykings could mean nothing.
I'm TDMP from the Utwente WebSDR
Stay alert anyways...