Did Sup Forums back the wrong man?
Would he have been a better President than Trump?
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Ted was born in Canada, so he would have been as illegitimate as Obama. And he's a greaseball.
>as illegitimate as Obama
So not at all then, outside of fringe groups?
Trump is the best man for the job. I can't believe how many shills this place had up until today saying he was a puppet. The discord was going crazy too
Do you have any idea how much Cruz sucked off Israel?
Not that Trump doesn't, but there is a branch of Evangelical Christian that celebrates Israel as a state being a part of the prophecy of the return. Their foreign policy reflects this and Cruz's base is based there.
Damn, he has less hair than Trump.
He couldn't win. He needs to be SCOTUS.
Obama fucked us harder than any other president. Not only was he born in another country, he created ISIS. What a guy.
>did Sup Forums back the wrong neocon
really hard to say
Trump was and is our best shot. Don't give up hope just yet. 4 years to win us back
>"If you will not stand with Israel and the jews then I will not stand with you" - Ted Cruz
>If you don't stand with Israel and Jews, then I do not stand with you
-Ted "Israel first" Cruz
He ate a boogie on live tv
that was probably a tonsillolith. Probably tasted 100x worse than a booger.
Trump was THE guy. The fact that he went full retard proves that the game was rigged from the start.
>Did Sup Forums back the wrong man?
Then commences to post a pic of another "wrong man"
I hate amerucucks
The fact that Donald Trump was even considered for the presidency is a sign of the end times.
He was the only (non-black) candidate not controlled by (((them))). We had to take a chance on him or Dr. Carson and I don't think I could have gone another four years with a KANG president.
>be stupid fat burger
>pretend to believe in democracy
>government BY the people FOR the people
>Trump is illegitimate because he isn't a "career" politician how is he even considered
You don't believe in true democracy. You believe in some kind of "noble" political class.
Lincoln was a self-educated lawyer born in a fucking log cabin in Kentucky to a farmer/carpenter. The fact the he was able to ascend to the presidency is the point of democracy. The people choose.
>not controlled by them
>Praised Israel and had a Christ Killer son in law.
ratto will ratto
Why censor yourself. Just say "the kikes" you edgy anti-Semitic piece of shit
you cruz you lose