> be on public transportation
> be the only white
> black single moms
> hijabs everywhere
> djellabas
> thugs
> spot an old arab man wearing french style clothing, a beret and all.
Why can't we integrate more of them Sup Forums ?
> be on public transportation
> be the only white
> black single moms
> hijabs everywhere
> djellabas
> thugs
> spot an old arab man wearing french style clothing, a beret and all.
Why can't we integrate more of them Sup Forums ?
>Why can't we integrate more of them Sup Forums ?
You cannot integrate people. They have to want to do it themselves.
>give shitskins welfare
>no incentive to work
>no incentive to learn the languange
Take away all the welfare the problem solves itself.
Because money talks and lets you do what you want in the US.
And they work harder and make more than you. It's why you're a crying bitch and vote for Trump.
I haven't been to Paris since 2010. Must be pretty black since then.
Move out of paris?
>Why can't we integrate more of them Sup Forums ?
Because it's simple. Think of this scenario. You grab a country that is 100% white. It has very rich culture, and history. You place one foreigner in it, and he's going to integrate because he can't relate to anyone.
You grab the same country, but now you dump about 5,000 foreigners in it. They're all going to bunch up and share their own culture and food together
You grab the same country again, but this time, you dump 40,000 foreigners in it, and now you have massive enclaves throughout the country where no one is integrating, because why integrate when you can automatically just hang out with your own kind?
What if you had 6 million foreigners in a land? What would happen then?
Fuck off sharia-blue lefty autistic cuck
Thats not what the kikes want you stupid fucking goy.
Not in Paris. Marseille.
Probably the same non white / white ratio as tho.
Probably right. It doesn't help that illegals have basically more right to welfare than french born french.
Wasn't eligible for healthcare for most of my childhood even though my father worked 50h / week and paid heavy taxes all his life.
I mean. I probably won't see the end of socialism in my lifetime.
People aren't even shocked when a presidential candidate litterally quotes Marx and says she wants to ban companies from terminating employees. It's insane.
>Why can't we integrate more of them Sup Forums ?
What an arrogant question. Why would they integrate themselves to a narcissistic, hedonistic, utterly degenerate society?
Sure, the economic gains are nice from their perspective, but it's YOU who should be learning to how to live from them.
God (and therefore purpose and meaning) and family first, as they know is preferable. You cannot offer something better than this with your comfy+sluts combo. Learn.
You see how turk posters are treated here regardless of their integration. Thats why
1. the guy is french, not american
2. go back to faggit and suck some nigger cock, we can tell by your shit spacing and cock-flavored words
3. you're literally retarded
>Not in Paris. Marseille.
>Probably the same non white / white ratio as tho.
hahaha keep teeling yourself that marseillais
kiss from Paris
>Why can't we integrate them?
Because they are not of European blood.
because you don't force them to integrate. would you integrate if you were in their place? i don't think you would.
>you take one body, inject a single cancer cell into it
>it gets dealt with properly
>you take one body, inject $1000 cancer cells
>the body can probably deal with it, but its kind of sick and might need some chemo
>you take one body, inject a million cancer cells into it
>you get cancer spread all over the place and the body dies
What's Hong Kong like? Ever been to Wan Chai market? Tonnochi Road? Did you meet Maggie Chow and settle the beef between the triads?
You'd have to gas every single one of them
Everybody hates Turks. Not just Sup Forumstards
>be blond brazilian from erechim/rs
>lives in rio
>everyone assumes i'm a gringo everywhere i go
tfw Paris is too expensive for "diversity"
enjoy your aid countryside
Pretty comfy. Used to be comfier, but the fact that cantonese is dying is nice (disgusting language, sounds like korean). I've been to both Wan Chais, several times. I've walked down Tonnochy, but I don't think there's anything notable about it. I take it you played a lot of Deus Ex?
There is no french culture, its all degenerate jew crap nowadays so no surprise immigrants refuse to assimilate.
I would
You should have married Yonlu desu.
Because, fuck integration!
I recently was constantly exposed to this english shit who had lived in a french place, and he was so completely fucking preachy and obnoxious about it, always going on about french culture, always out to coerce others to get with the french way, hellbent on contorting everything around him into the french shit he was so obsessed with, and I just fucking want to kill fuckers like him, icons of frenchness should be burned, traitors like him should be locked up in dungeons and have foie grass made out of them.
>And they work harder and make more than you. It's why you're a crying bitch and vote for Trump.
He's French, are you stupid or what?
Hell yeah dude. That's my favorite game. I thought Wan Chai was made up but that shit is actually real, it's crazy. I didn't know there was TWO Wan Chais. Which one's better?
>she wants to ban companies from terminating employees.
What. The. Fuck.
ok bahamas
Oy veh! Marseille is a dump.
>Take away all the welfare the problem solves itself.
>take away welfare and the animals will turn into civilized human being
>bash french culture
>can't even spell foie gras
>wanting to integrate them
You already lost.
Language isn't an issue, a lot of Arab and African countries were french colonies and have french as the official or second language, same in Quebec but we mainly get haitians instead of Africans, but they stay in their shithole neighborhood and never assimilate anyways.
oy vey watch it this is what we fought ww2 for stop spitting on your ancestors grave goyim! dey died fightin the evil nazis, embrace what our victory has given you!
>Colonizing Africa was a mistake
Fuck that sounds like godly whine.
Fuck that sounds like godly wine.
The West is completely missing the point: the stronger culture is winning. You have nothing to offer personal fulfillment and social cohesion.
Most pathetic of all, you have replaced religion with leftism.
Degeneracy is only attractive to losers.
Why would you come to a country who's culture you don't like / hate ?
It's just beyond me. If I left my country because it was a shithole I wouldn't try to recreate it there.
Yeah, sure. It's not what they want but it should be a prerequisite for anybody coming here.
No exception. It's just common sense. Don't invite people who hate you to live in your country.
Our culture is better in every aspect. If not for the media and the regressives / cucks shitting all over it, wouldn't they realize that ?
You have to run the problem being...where to? Canada?...You are fucked.
Why not when you can have your cake and eat it too? Better economic opportunities and your own value system to prevent the degeneracy of your host from destroying your family.
Would it be possible to spread them out more? Make it so that its only a few dozen families per community, instead of dumping them all in the major urban centers?
>Everybody hates Turks
but they integrate the best among all those nations. especially in america. only well educated turks set their path to america and you still somehow hate them despite their success. I'm not even memeing. They might be total shit in germany but how can you complain about the ones in USA?
Marseilles is indeed very "cosmopolitan" but it's also a magnificent city
how are those economic advantage are going to look when there is no more original population there tough?
I recall what came to be of south africa after the evil whitey went away.
>Living in a city
>ESPECIALLY living in Paris
There's some parts around the harbour which are nice, but everything else is all dirty and arab.
Actually, they learn and speak arabic between them. Even though their grand parents spoke french at home.
Good tastes
She's also pro-open borders because "Workers of the world, unite against the capitalistic class"
Another one said one of his main political goals would be to help develop africa.
And they aren't laughed out of the stage.
Old one had more character, new one will eventually be nice, but i kind of miss the old one.
Anywhere with Africans is awful because they instantly makes streets unsafe.
Pajeets & Chink make streets dirty, but don't contribute to crime/drugs the way niggers do.
Marseilles also have all the ferries from and to Corsica, Tunisia or Sardinia and nice beaches not far away
take away the animals and welfare becomes affordable
>They turn into animals
>Far right rises in europ
Sounds pretty good senpai.
What is it gonna look like if degeneracy is sustained the way it is now?
The fertility rate is shit all over the first world, heck, even here.
To fix this, you need a moral rule. "But muh freedom and quality of life."
You can't expect people that live by some barbaric ideologies written 1400 years ago to assimilate if they never reform their religion
>Its a cuckservative blames biological differances on welfare episode
You don't integrate conquerors, goyim.
They try come in and take your shit, and you either expel them or get your shit got.
Or call in some hussars.
I'll integrate any QT Iranian girls with my cock
At this point, what is left to integrate into?
If I went to USA I'd buy a shit load of guns and eat at Mcdonalds until I weight 400 pounds
Well we'd have to clear out the original inhabitants while simultaneously robbing our own people to pay for their military, food, and infrastructure under the guise of "War on ____"
Put on one of these, release ze gas.
Melbourne has convinced me that even if some Africans can be educated, as a race they shouldn't be anywhere near European Caucasions.
the thing that politicians and even Sup Forums doesn't understand is: many of those shitskins aren't muslims anymore, they're "living life", but as they have inferior genes and thus less intelligence it's impossible to integrate them.
civic nationalism will NEVER work, brown people are too dumb for it
I hope I live long enough to see a radical right wing uprising that will make the 100mill Communism death count of 20 century look like warm up.
french or quebecois?
France was a hell hole, 6 weeks in Dijon, Fucking Dijon, might as well be the sandnigger capital of Bourgogne. Where are all the whites in France, cause I couldn't find them.
Too late now
yeah I can't, all the kebabs I've known in the US were highly skilled and secular
But this is wrong you fucking retard.
The big cities are where all the rats and roaches congregate. Living expenses aren't an issue because of gibs and because third worlders don't have a problem with sharing a single bedroom flat (and thus the rent) between 8 people. The European countrysides are the last white and pilled regions on the planet.
I'm really questioning what reality you inhabit.
>Why would you come to a country who's culture you don't like / hate ?
Eh, if back home was shitty enough, I can see moving somewhere I don't like. But given anything even resembling a choice, I'm going to go for somewhere I like.
That said, what are you actually considering 'integration'? France isn't a mandatory-marriage society, so
>black single moms
actually sounds like a sign of integration. I'm also seeing
>hijabs everywhere
which sounds suspiciously like women traveling unchaperoned.
The big test of integration is how well their kids speak French, followed by how well they do. (Kids first, because it's a lot harder to learn a language as an adult so it's hard to tell the difference between Trying And Bad At It and Not Trying.)
It might not come from where you expect or would want to.
goes very well with foie gras, especially old bottles when the wine have a darker amber color
if white people are smarter and brown people are dumber why is the white smart people in charge of GermaKistan replacing you with them?
I guess we'd have to set up camps for them..where they're in high......concentrations! Yes, we'll call them concentration camps, what could go wrong?
yet they were raised in some muslim countries living with 1400 years old barbaric traditions. Even if they move elsewhere and aren't muslim anymore, they were conditioned by their shithole religion. Women have to stay home in their countries because men can't control themselves when they see one, raping little boy is normal for them(bacha bazi), etc.
you can reach cool places like Corsica or Sardinia easily from there
>be autistic fun
>get on bus first to avoid having to sit next to nigger or mudslimes
>sweet spot sitting alone near back
>mudslimes sit in the next row
>smell of bathing in fragrance and that pungent stench of rotting culture
>deliberately move to empty seat
>get nasty looks
>next stop comes, more mudslimes and niggers
>sit behind and in front of me
>no more empty 2 seater and too much of autistic to randomly switch to sit next to someone
There is no escape from this REEEEEEEE.
They'll rape each other
>calling anyone else degenerate
>Go to the beach
>Nothing but muslims, mexicans and interracial couples
Theres nothing for the white man in the outside world
if this is what goodwill gets us...fuck it why wait to get replaced lets go out with a bang.
buy a car
shouldn't be that hard, if muslims can by trucks why white could not?
Hue is right there is nothing worth saving in modern western culture.
because politicians are screwing us over. they're machiavellist scum controlled by Jews (yes, Jews are superior than whites since they're smarter) and their goal is to fulfill Marxist dreams of perfectly equivalent humans with no difference - one big brown mixed race.
or do you still believe politicians are nice guys?
>Doesn't understand prosperity leads to moral complacency and decay
I went to Europe, typical Italian families were 2br; mom, dad and 30-something child who had never left home.
Muslim immigrant families would sleep 5 or 6 to the same 2br apartment.
The continents future is nothing but poverty & war.
Did you know that the american army ACH is an evolution of the french Adrian helmet shown on your pic and the german Stahlhelm ?
>or do you still believe politicians are nice guys?
no I dont.
But if you are white and superior how can Jews outsmart you?
Are those politicians white? If they aren't, can't you outsmart them?
Perhaps the problem is cultural?
>couldn't find them
in Dijon
but why ?
Well why the fuck would they stay? And why would they try and force others to be shitters like them? Don't get me wrong Brazil, you guy are beautiful and the country has nice jungle flavour, but if wanted my country to upgrade it's level of drive-bys, trannies, and stray dogs, then I would ask you.