Her name was Ebba Akerland
She was 11 years old
Ebba Akerlund
Other urls found in this thread:
She was in her nation's capital city
So were Muslim invaders
This is Ebba Akerlund now
This is the future for White children in Europe if we allow Muslim settlement to continue
Now her watch has ended.
Come on redditfags, let's hear it. Let's hear not all of them. Why the fuck are you wastes of sperm and egg defending them?!
The Muslim invaders laughed at Ebba's murder, they will laugh at more murders of White children
Ebba Akerlund's photo won't be pushed in the lugenpresse. She will never be a Kurd on a beach, or a Syrian gassed. She does nit fit the narrative of those who seek to ethnically replace us our homelands, her murder by Muslims she is merely that ethnic replacement in action.
Ok, I have a question for you lads:
It is simply not possible for a man to eat a banana with his hands without looking gay.
>it's another disinfo thread
It was already confirmed to be a mossad psyop, you can stop now.
What is more ironic is the fact that armenian genocide was orchestrated by secular turks who wanted to build a pan turkic, not pan islamic, nation.
Looks like this could be another photo of Ebba Akerlund. Can any Swedes confirm?
Reverse image search for the source (links redirect to paywall, Google image search gets around it for direct link). Google suggests it's her, teeth and nose match.
Nice meme, it was Islamic Jihad oreered by the Caliph of Islam
Same thing today, Islamic Jihad ordered by the Islamic Caliph.
Cool story. Any reason I should care more about this child's death over the other preventable ones that happen all over the planet?
No it was not. I know you wanted to make it an islam vs christianity thing but it was a nationalist movement.
For example the caliph aka the sultan was already controlled by the young turks, more importantly 3 millitary officers, sultan was merely a puppet for those secular nationalist turks.
Similar to hirohito and japanesse generals in ww2
The doctor who officially pronounced Ebba Akerlund dead, murdered by Muslims.
11 years old, torn in have by a truck.
Now she's 1 1 years old.
He was?
Also, why not post the better picture with those rad yellow shoes.
kys faggot
It doesn't really matter if she died. Hell, it doesn't matter if 10 or even a 100 Ebba's died. How many migrants did Sweden save from hellish conditions? 100k? 200k?
So you're saying that the life of a 1 little girl is more than that of 200k people? If the death toll was 10k sweden still should take muslim migrants, because all humans are equal and their life has equal value.
Because contemplating Ebba's murder by Muslims will place you in the correct mindframe to support and do what needs to be done.
You're too basic to bother enterianing your threadsplit. Iranian Kurds were not genocided, Muslim Greeks were not genocided, Christian Greeks and Armenians were, by Muslims, on an official Jihad, officially pronounced by the Islamic caliph.
Yes, one life is reason enough to a country to put this beast in the Mediterranean sea again.
If you fail to see this, you are not better than the killers.
>Muslim prevented her from inevitably being raped by another Muslim in the future
Really hums one's dinger don't it
It's not murder when she was asking for it. Call it suicide
>Ebba Akerlund's photo won't be pushed in the lugenpresse. She will never be a Kurd on a beach, or a Syrian gassed. She does nit fit the narrative of those who seek to ethnically replace us our homelands, her murder by Muslims she is merely that ethnic replacement in action.
Hiiwary kwiton
Her name, was hiwwary kwinton
>How many migrants did Sweden save from hellish conditions? 100k? 200k?
Zero, because
1) If you're being saved from hellish conditions, you're a refugee, not a migrant. Who convinced you that the plight of refugees is shared by migrants? Cut that person out of your life.
2) the "hellish conditions" were allowed to come right in alongside the refugees/migrants.
The life of one little White girl in her own homeland is worth more than the life of every Muslim. We take our own side, not theirs.
Has trump commented on this
Young turks who controlled the empire were pan nationalist far far more than pan islamists. Armenians were basically in the way of connecting anatolia with azerbaijan and central asian turks. They also planned to forcefulyl settle them to syria as a buffer between arabs, hardly the thing you would do if you wanted to live with your arab muslim brothers to south.
Anyways, what I see is that armos are perfectly fine with this and rightfully blame the turkish elite who had little to do with religion (though they used islamic rhetoric when it suited them) while it russle a lot of jimmies of "seculars can dindu nuffin and islam is the le only problem" fags mostly non armenian and want to portray it is an islam vs christianity thing.
When armenians and other christian minorities were done with the secular turks began to genocide kurds, check out the kurdish rebellions and kurdish genocides which started about a decade after armenian assyrian and greek genocides. Nevermind the christian turks that were expelled, google karamanlides.
Again caliph was a puppet since the young turk revolution, I'll give you the fact that certain sultans did commit attrocities before young turks, but it was nearly as brutal and as effective as the secular elite. But post 1908 it was the secular soldiers who wee in power. To say the sultan (why the fuck you keep calling him caliph) did it is to whitewash the secular turks.
Ironically enough turks also do this. I don't believe you are a turk but they have a tendency to shift the blame to islamists or sultans. It is as absurd as laying all japanese attrocities blame on hirohito and labeling generals as dindu nuffin.
anyways those are my two cents. My apologies that I have to sleep but it seems you dont want to talk much either so lets agree to disagree
I'd kill that cuck
>why the fuck you keep calling him caliph
point is he was more of a sultan even though he had the title of caliph
also to give you credit, islam was used as an excuse for genocide, but again those who used islam were the young turks. to manipulated the kurds and the local anatolian peasants to murder armenians because they were infidels.
While they themselves were atheists-deist or nationalists like enver who payed only lip service to islam and was more focused on pan turkic ideals.
anyways g2g
Anyone has higher res photo of the dismemberment? This shit gets me hard
You're the exact same kind of barbarian tribalist as the worst of muslims, then. Kill yourself.
This girl'/ death is a tragedy but it's pretty fuckin gross that you literally only care about her as long as it pushes your political agenda.
A little girl gets killed in a botched raid authorized by president Trump? Crickets out of you.
But now your heart is bleeding for this little girl.
You don't even give a shit when ISIS kills little kids in Afghanistan or Iraq because they're too brown for you.
You only care about this one because it's good propaganda
Boo hoo
A future SJW cunt died
I crie evrytiem
"our own side" what do you mean? We're all part of one race, the human race.
If only she had listen.
Hello, where is the proofs?
can we just forget about this like we forgot about the london attack, dont need to dwell on shit like this
You don't want to protect your own tribe? Find your balls man. They're tribalist, your not tribalist, hmm do I really have to explain much more? Force is met with force.
Shit happens
links of knowledge
> ethnocentric (tribalistic) societies outcompete and dominate humanistic / universalist societies
It's science.
If you love Muslims the same as yourselves, but they love themselves above you, they will destroy you. It's not an opinion. The outcome of every simulation is the same. The initial conditions don't matter. The ethnocentrics always dominate.
Unless you rapidly develop the self-preservation instinct that your ancestors had, you will be the evolutionary dead end of your people.
Don't let Ebba Akerlund be memory holed
>we forgot
Not all people forget.
Clearly at this point there is not a "we".
Another photo of Ebba Akerlund post-Islam.
My race. The White race.
Fuck off faggot.
No shit we care about this little girl because she is part of our race and we are WN, NatSoc, and Fascists.
We only care about our Aryan Race which is under fucking extinction.
There will always be 10 shitskins to replace one shitskins.
But when a white person dies, especially white children, that's one inch closer to White Genocide.
Now fuck off faggot.
Well of course, this is pol, land of miserables, what did you expect?
>This is the future for White children in Europe if we allow Muslim settlement to continue
>implying saying "no" would stop these mudshits from invading
I said you can stop shitposting now you stupid fucking faggot
>Police ‘can’t confirm’ reports of explosives found in Stockholm attack truck
It's 100% a false flag, now stop spreading disinfo.
>Shirt still on, shorts still on, underwear off.
Nothing happened, clearly staged.
I take my own tribes side. The alternative choice is to abandon your own people, and take your place under Islam's truck, in your own country, as you are replaced.
At least she wasnt a racist!
Lol fuck off to le_donald fag
Sweden is demographically gone. Swedes are now scattering. "Oh I'm just looking for work in your country heh!" Fucking hate swedes.
Remove kebab when?
Thanks Putin
Because she is White and thus her life is worth more than any subhuman shitskin filth like yours.
Silly bong, there is no terrorism in Sweden.
1 white girl is worth the lives of 1000 muslims.
You can cut it into small circles
Ebba Akerlund's body is removed from the street she was bisected by Muslims on
So Sweden is not getting flooded by filthy subhuman scum?
Kek kys faggot cuck.
Хyй c нeй. Кoгдa швeция бyдeт пpинимaть бoльшe мигpaнтoв?
All humans are not equal and their lives do not have equal value. The invaders are bringing their backwards, third world culture and values to first world countries and murdering our children, while our cucked government subsidize said invaders.
Why don't you go ahead and pack up and move to the middle east? You're such a fan of humans. Maybe they'll let you build a church in their worthless desert. Maybe they won't rape your mother, your wife, and your daughter.
She was deaf? Man this is just awful.
She won't be able to hear our prayers
his name, was robert paulson
Learn from Swedens mistake, Hans. Don't let these fuckers do this to a point where its a normal,everyday thing
The Jews killed her before she was born. All her life would have resulted in is mixed raced babies. The swedes don't even seek revenge when their children are raped by migrants and get light sentences. Try to find a vigilante killer in Sweden, I'll wait. Yeah. They get off on cuck fetish
get out with that shit reddit
She would have grown up to vote leftist because she's a woman.
Less women = less leftists.
How can you not see this is a good thing?
sand nigger confirmed
fuck off and die ahmed
Search up Nordic Resistance Movement
probably in his life that the girl had been attacked by the migrants. and now the migrant crushed her truck. she will never grow, will never marry, never give birth to their children. all the joys of life for her ended. but I do not regret it. the Swedes got what they wanted. and not to blame the terrorist and the Swedes themselves
She attended a school for the deaf according to her mother , so seems likely. We throw our most vunerable to the wolves of Islam, instead of protecting them.
There is some speculation that the dog that was murdered was her therapy dog. Not sure if the location of the bodies match, but it looks to be the type of dog used for it.
>hurr durr girls are leftists and are better off being murdered as children
you stupid ass.
for one thing, a big huge pile of women end up NOT being leftists. white women handed Trump the election victory in the USA
for another thing, you can _cure_ a woman of leftism.
you cannot cure a beautiful 11 year old girl of being cut in half by a truck
white women are the entire key to everything. without white women, there is no future.
If they are broken -- and many of them are -- we must help them.
Fourteen words, you ignorant ass.
hahaha dead wh*te pig
>You don't even give a shit when ISIS kills little kids in Afghanistan or Iraq because they're too brown for you.
Now kindly fuck off and die
Im going to murder you Mehmet
Christ, this shit is breaking my heart.
is this true? BLAAAT FUCK ME. it's just the end
1 white is worth 1 billion sandniggers life . If i could save 1 white kid over the entire africa , i d save the white kid
So, she didn't hear it coming?
>This girl'/ death is a tragedy but it's pretty fuckin gross that you literally only care about her as long as it pushes your political agenda.
Except the brown people who died/are deported have a GIANT FUCKING magnifying glass over them and their tragedy, while white victims, in the past decade, are quietly reported as low-key as possible.
Same with brown people who actually get an academic scholarship etc.
And it's not about them being BROWN retard, they're Muslim. They're living in an Islamic country, and the religion of peaces is still killing each other. Fucking hell.
It's not "good propaganda" it's fucking TRUE. Eat shit.
Islam is religion of peace you piece of shit islamophobic racist fat fucks she is in heaven right now and the murderer in hell
you're cum guzzling ass is next turknigger
remove kebab when?
Only one part of the human race was given the spiritual fire to strive for better things in science and progressing the mankind as a whole.
soon. very soon indeed.