Jews against subversion

any other Jews or happa Jews (me) who are against Jewish subversion and the plan for Greater Israel?

I'm not a Jew but I wish I was. And if I were, I'd be all about some Jewish subversion. And I'd be up to my eyeballs in shekels.

Your nature is duplicitous and i will have nothing to do with you

Well you're a parasite.

I don't blame you but I do have blonde hair and blue eyes at least if that means anything but I understand and I'm sorry for my people.

did you make that in MS Paint

what happened to oman

I didn't make this a group I'm part of did. It's based off of what Israel will take

Everyone successful is a parasite.

You're a cuck if tou want to suck my dick. I'm trying to stop subversion

Whoa man, nobody mentioned dicksucking until you did.

What map is that? That's a bigger area than I've seen in other Greater Israel maps.

well you seem like a gay

The annihilation of the Amalekites and the clearing of their land to make way for the Jewish settlement of Greater Israel would be the best thing to happen to the Middle East in 2000 years.

Do you want peace in the Middle East? Bevause it won't happen till not a single sandnigger is left alive between Cairo and Baghdad.

If you have a problem with that, go back to sucking off your Arab "boyfriends" and stop calling yourself a Jew.

I assume those ones were made by JIDF fags to subvert. This map is what we predict will happen if Greater Israel happens.

either your a Jew or you're a gay. Well, which is it? That or you're out of order.

Well...I'm not. Just greedy.

you're fag just admit it and the dick will come (cum)

fuck meant to say it to you:
you're fag just admit it and the dick will come (cum)

Looking at that pic literally gave me a little seizure. Flashes like crazy to my autistic eyes

fuck fuck fuck I'll tell the director to edit it. Shit. shit. shit. Are you okay? I'm so fucking sorry

You're a really shit tier kike, you know that?

Nice dubloons, though.

really? But there's only 17.4 million Jews in the world according to wikipedia. Do they plan to breed a lot or will there be non-Jews living there too?

Probably kick them out to the muslim lands

I just realized your ID says "learn to fucking suck".

Don't understand what you mean. I meant that that's a huge land area for 17.4 million people. It's going to be very sparsely populated.

I think we should listen to Sven. I mean look at how many Muslims they've been able to fit into Sweden. You don't need nearly that much space for the Jews.

that's gay lol why did you notice/think of that lol? Dick in the mind?

If it is true that that is the planned area for Greater Israel then that really piques my interest. Because I don't know what the exact land area is but it's probably going to mean the Jewish populations is somehow going to increase dramatically, or non-Jews are going to live there too. Either that or it's going to be just endless wasteland probably. Imagine all the ghost cities, like in some science fiction movie, was it The Road or something one was called? Also, what is a boxhead?

>Also, what is a boxhead?
I'm really not sure. I was wondering about that myself.

Hey it's your ID, asshole, not mine.