What's this dude's endgame?
greater israel
he's going to take all the guns and Make The World Great Again
To use the presidency to enrich himself and his brand beyond his wildest dreams.
crashing this plane
Moving the embassy to Jerusalem, then the ushering in of the antichrist after the temple is rebuilt .
5% GDP growth
New World = synonymous for Utopia
Utopia = literally a Jewish concept
New World Order = while corny and seemingly /x/-tier, NWO means replacing the Old World
Old World Order = whites, Christianity, Western Civilization, democracy
New World Order = Jews, multi-culti homogeneity, Talmudic law, ethno-theocracy projected as socialism
All-Seeing-Eye = symbol of NWO = illuminated capstone represents Jewish elite ruling the bottom pyramid of converted/enslaved goyim and mixed bred servants
Israel Supreme Court = has a massive pyramid with all-seeing-eye breaching it's roof = Supreme Court funded/designed by Dorothy Rothschild (Rothschilds are founders of modern Israel)
Donald Trump = the ultimate NYC Shabbos Goy = the chosen gentile to flip the NWO switch = persona created by TV and Jewish media
Who is Donald Trump? = examine private life, examine what he covets = Ivanka = married to power Jew with lifelong friendship to Bibi Netanyahu, mentored by Rupert Murdoch = Ivanka has Jewish grandchildren before and during election
Trump justifies selling out America as 1) best for his family 2) Yankee business 3) he's a sucker for publicity, now big as The Beatles or Christ 4) Ivanka literally Princess Di of NWO 5) MIC owned by Jewish-backed transnationals 6) never was religious
Here's what's scary: Trump and ZOG not scared by backlash of supporters once we unite (sometime, probably around summer); prediction: no Civil War meme; no WWIII meme (at least a hit war); there will be a population culling of Bible Belt via bio-weapon thus eliminating armed Christian revolt (screencap this)
God help us.
getting rich.
End of Christian World.
dead american soldiers
Get high enough mainstream approval ratings to pursue imprisoning and exposing the shadow government.
He has no idea.
I fucking hope you're not right but part of me thinks this is too crazy
To place hotels on both Boardwalk and Park Place.
Sup Forums got jewed harder than i could have ever imagined
crashing the establishment
Rosneft shares (among others, he has stocks in oil and Raytheon whom's stocks surged after the missile "attack") and helping the zionist lobby, who will make him rich beyond his wildest dreams
i want to die anyway
Builing a wa-
still better than hillary
A giant Jewish dick rammed up his asshole and cumming all over his face
the same for his family members
We're going to manufacture goods for the Chinese, yay America!
To Make Zion Great Again
That actually makes sense. Was thinking that this could be a pretext for some kind of alliance to take down ISIS. Trump gave his generals 30 days, so it should be happening already.
Hopefully theres gonna be some evidence of the gas-attack being a false-flag, so Assad doesn't get taken down for the Greater Israel. Trump administration need to talk shit etc to confuse people on what they are doing, and to keep the neocons happy until they can do whatever they set out to do.