
I could go on forever baby...
USA=the BIGGEST THREAT to world peace!


Other urls found in this thread:


We don't stand for peace. We stand against suppression and for Freedom. Better dead than red faggot.


Illiterate nigger

Why do you keep writing this post Chad. Like I said last time. Your country is irrelevant. No one cares about your little dust bucket. Jealousy breeds hate. I think you're jealous of the USA. You have nothing and we have it all.

This is now an aircraft carrier thread. Post your country's carriers, if you have any.







ITT: Special needs class circle jerks about how they hate the jock.




The USA is a great place a lot of people like commies and liberals just make is seem bad


Why are you so jealous?
If you were as exceptional as Americans you would do the same.

In those three cases the alternative was always worse. The USA has done some pretty awful shit but they've always been a net positive for the world. Fuck off, commie.


This is the best goddamn cunt tree in the world!

Look kids... I know we raised you one lies amd set you up to fail. But can you just accept that this is your falt, so we can forget about how I passed my failure onto you?







>Threat to world peace
>Mentions a bunch of nations that didn't have a chance at peace in the first place

This. America is the biggest kid on the block so of course it's going to take a lot of flak, but it's a relatively decent super-power when compared to others throughout history.

lol pretty much

We've been deluded that this is the best country on the planet. America is the most evil and corrupt empire to ever exist.




Fuck off you cunt, no one cares about you or your shitty country.

Also that's some solid b8.

Somebody has been listening to too much Alex Jones. This is an Aircraft Carrier thread. Take your Russian propaganda somewhere else.




>We stand against surfers soon and for Freedom.

Meanwhile one of our top allies is Saudi Arabia so...


America is an empire like any other. Though I don't think it will go down in history as a particularly notable hegemon tbqh.


It's funny because people cries about sand niggers here all the time but the ones who enabled the totalitarian regimes of all those nutjobs in the Middle East were the US.

You can add Libya too. Gaddafi was a bro and the US ruined his country just because he step up to them. Because they believe in the invisible hand of the market, but sometimes they have to force it with a little help of the state funded military.


Pretty sure I was standing on the aircraft carrier during this one. Don't miss those fucking days

>for freedom
Pick one

Too bad I cant join the fun...

I mean, it's true. All globalist nigger culture and forced denationalization comes from here, but it's not a practical sell. It's better to just keep pushing the "muh Jewish globalists who in no way are intertwined with the US" meme, to chip away at the empire of international evil.

Meanwhile while we spend billions on shit like this, the country looks like pic related in some areas.

Thank you for your service, sir!

The jews army looks very good.

What's wrong? Aircraft or naval life seems quite comfy. It's infantry that seems like a hell.

But France was in it for the humanitarian reasons?

I'm not a huge fan

Far from it. Brush up on your history faggot. We got it made in these modern times.

>some areas

Most of America looks like pic related. You are an American. Start acting like it.

>56% white
>Massive obesity problems
>Has no cultural
>the Country's History is only 300 years old
>shitty healthcare
>shitty education
>cucked by Saudi Arabia and Israel
>white women get rape by niggers ever 12 secs
>Ruled by a ugly mulatto for 8 years
>Had the worst president candidates in human history Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump
>only voted for Trump because he's sightly better than Hillary
>turns out to be a really crap president
>leftists are destroying the cites by rioting

your country was a mistake and America would have been much better off under British rule. and also

pick one

libya was europe's baby. we only stepped in after their pathetic "militaries" ran out of ordinance to drop after the first few weeks.

Also, what's with the cuck culture? I know where it comes from, but I just don't know how anyone over 13 can be that edgy and stupid.

>the US government, with a foreign policy dictated by (((special interests))) is harmful to the western world and our own people as well
>"lmao at dead kids everyone discos but me I love globalist Jewish cum and brown refugees to spite any criticism, no matter how true, because I've internalized my government's policy as my own ideology"
Come on, now.

Horseshit lib-tard
America is mostly rural farm land.


>what's with the cuck culture?

I dunno, I don't get it either.

Sucks dick, excuse me. Mobile user scum, autocorrect, etc.

The vast majority of Americans live in cities.


Here's another photo of the same city


This. However, they end up as the biggest useful idiots, rather than gleefully cooperative cucks, like inner city yuppies and liberal millennials.

It's like a political rope-a-dope played on """conservatives""", by convincing them that turning on their anti-American, occupational government, is criticism of the Constitution, or Founding Fathers of the country. An anti-nationalist nationalist...


did you forget something?

all these kike loving Americans ITT are a disgrace

No, no and no again. The majority live in small towns and the rural. You leave the city loop and it turns into country, church and guns real quick.

That a lot of money just to defend Israel's interests. You are such good goys. OY VEY

Jewish psychology trips the nationalist defense mechanism in every redblood's mind, but not for the national interest.

don't you have any pics in your "American Squalor" folder more recent than the 1960's?


Viet Cong were aggressors, OP-kun.
The rest is bullshit, though.

The majority of the land mass is rural. The majority of the population is urban and suburban.




We stand for taking your oil killing your leaders installing puppet governments giving Syria to the Jews

usa piece of shit

cum skin fart suckers



Listen here country that I dont known. Fuck off

>niggers everywhere
>woman are all sluts

So small town. "Suburbia" is god and guns land, m8. Huge divide between that and "the city".

Rundown, pls. My hard drive is toast until Friday and if you expect to (((buy))) a (((book))) and (((learn)))...

That's only
Shotholes like NYC, Cali, Seattle, Portland, New Mexico, Texas, big cities or harsh environments turn everyone into massive douchebags.

Never mind.
>armed struggle, rather than people optical subversion.
No. that's just for tying things up after you've already won.


>Accusation of warmongering
>Post military hardware

I don't think the burger cares bro.