Is this map accurate?
Is this map accurate?
You should probably tell them OTAN means NATO.
Also quite accurate on our behalf. We just don't know whom to root for.
Turkey can't be pro-Russia if they are part of NATO. If anything, they should be blue or purple.
What makes you think we would align ourselves with Russia? There's nothing to be gained for us, or them, for that matter.
Turkey is in NATO, duh.
All south america is neutral
Yeah we best pals with Putin even tho we kill each others soldiers every now and then
Mexican elites had been pro us, nwo, globalism, since the 80's, there is no way they'll align whit Russia
wtf im a viking now
Turkey & Greece should definetly be blue they are literally part of Nato. Also China would more likely be purple or gray at least as of this moment, since they've stayed pretty neutral on the US strike in Syria. Iraq and Jordan would definetly be blue as the current government are supported by the US. Southeast asia would be gray I don't know why you would think they would side with Assad. What are you even basing the African and Latin American countries off of? Of all of them I would only think Venezuela and maybe Cuba would actually be Green.
Basically the majority of this map is completely unrealistic bullshit.
Wtf what is with all the African countries that are on Russia's side? The US dumps so much money into that shithole a lot of African countries have insanely high approval rates of the US.
No way in fuck India would ever side with the Chinese, especially after Trump has been talking to all those India groups and talking about radical Islamic terrorism.
Mexico is fucked if they side against the USA, they need NAFTA.
The antarctic is my only friend
For the penguins
See what? Your opinion and his? Mexico is in knee deep shit to worry about foreign affairs. The neo-cons in Mexico only care about their pockets, not that of foreign corporations.
No in Sup Forums
Why the fuck is Turkey pro Russia?
>turkey and jordan are green
well you tried, but turkey is extremely anti Russia and so is jordan
More than likely virtually every NATO nation will be dealing with some sort of internal Islamic uprising at the same time. Civil unrest across the board.
Because that niggertinian has no idea what the fuck he's talking about. He even used the Spanish term OTAN instead of NATO.
most of africa, the middle east, and southeast asia is neutral. liberia is as "variable" as naija is.
what a joke. all of south america has US puppets in state positions.
no way Turkey is pro russia
russia and china hate each other
>russia and china hate each other
What are you? A fucking retard? Go back to bed you subhuman chilango.
>Why people have different opinions ;- ;?
Why would any south american country take an economical risk by supporting a side in a war that doesn't affect us at all?, we would support economically both sides as third parties and then get in the winning wagon just like in the WW2.
Right now in this times there no puppets in south america like in the 70's, if I were you, I would be more concerned that USA is a puppet of Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Turkey is literally in NATO, my white friend.
If anything, the collapse of the Soviet Union proved the Chinese right, they have no reason to hate the current Russia. Not in a world where the US insists on aggressively expanding their liberal democracy degeneracy everywhere by force.
South Africa's government is so deeply embedded in Russia's ass because of the upcoming nuclear deal (with billions in backhanders) that they'll support Russia no matter what.
> Turkey and Greece
> Members of NATO
> Would fight against NATO
Pakistan isn't pro Russia.
It just keeps switching sides. It helped bring down the USSR but it loves China.
It's people hate USA but it accepts USAID
It has a nice relation with Iran but Iran hates it
It loves Saudi Arabia but it also loves Iran.
We're retarded.
>tfw you are pro russia because you know about (((nato))) but live in jewsa
>implying there was really a split
This is better
Looks like in the real world, Morocco, Serbia, Cuba, Syria and Taiwan would be quickly and absolutely BTFO in the first weeks of a massive war
You're an idiot.
Orthodox membership card some Greeks helped the Serbs while the NATO bombed them,so I guess generally they are pro russia although not the military.
Roaches are roaches so who knows but same thing probably this was asked to the general populace
I still dont understand why southeast asia would be green. Even Vietnam is allied with the US against China.
all arab countries other than syria will be with america
They will side with them if they really have to.
The president of my country spoke about the subject:
What are you guys even talking about? We are a neutral nation and that's it. The only way we could chose any side is if we get attacked first.
Pakistan is the closest thing to an ally Iran has in the Muslim world (besides puppets like Assad, Hezbollah and Iraq). I think they'd swing to Pro-Russia while India would take up the opposite side.
>Ever siding with the Russians
India is variable? thought they'd poo with us
On pic:
United Nations vote condemning Russia's annexation of Crimea
Green are basically under US influence. Your map looks way off in certain regions.
Turkey is pro NATO
Bulgaria is Variable 100%
RU and Egypt have a lot of military drills together for years now, def pro-RU
>Tfw Australian
>Tfw you realise you're fucked.
>Tfw you realise the Leaves will survive longer than you.
>World politics
>as simple as "Us vs Them", "Good vs Bad"
Poking Holes time:
>Cuba hasn't had anything to do with Russia since '93
>South America stays internal. The US has as little influence there as Russia or China does
>India- unknown. They back the West desu
>Indonesia consider themselves unpuppeted. They don't particularly like any country.
>China... Not it's own colour
>North Korea... Not it's own colour
> Sri Lanka... Why?
>South Africa... capable of war...
>Morocco... Pro anybody
>Egypt... Pro Western...
You need to do your research tbqhwyf
>Cuba hasn't had anything to do with Russia since (('93))
The Lourdes SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) facility, located near Havana, Cuba, was the largest facility of its kind operated by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service or SVR, outside of Russia.
The station was closed in August ((2002)).
Nice research you got there.
>Turkey is pro NATO
Turkey is a lot less pro-NATO after NATO tried to depose Erdogan in a coup
Erdogan is besties with Putin now
>closed in August ((2002))
I wonder why?
Oh yeah, because they don't need Cuba anymore...
The last one.
The USSR armed and funded most of the post colonial revolutionary groups and trained their leaders.
Also South Africa should be Green.
Not forgetting we already sold out to the Chinese.
Zimbabwe should be green.
aussiefag here
fuck nato, one step closer to globalism bullshit. fuck that. i hate that nato exists.
>montenegro not in nato
those cucks just fucking became a nato member
Still disagree on Egypt.
I'd say that Turkey and Jordan are variable.
Also, I think Vietnam is more on the side of OTAN. China is more of a threat to them than OTAN is...
Too much green. And India should be neutral or green we selling them lots of weapons and BRICS.
China is neutral.
Ask yourself what the average Egyptian thinks of the USA and I doubt you would find a particularly welcoming response.
This is way wrong. BRICS Cuba and Venezuela will go Russia. Jordan, Liberia, Turkey and Greece would be with us. Basically we would have the whole of NATO and the EU. Russia has all the commies.
I am no expert but India is Russia's close ally. In 1971, while India was in a war with Pakistan, USA sent warships to attack India and in response, Russia sent theirs to help India. Also, there were rumors that our ex PM might be a KGB agent. So our govt is pro Russia but the population in general support USA (but not really anti Russia either)
Best map yet
Just have Iran side with Russia
>Rajiv was kgb agent
Why would russia need agent when we were allies and willingly cooperating with them.
Brazil is neutral.
Its on our constitution that we wont meddle in international affairs and we will always opt in solving conflicts peacefully and diplomatically.
I'm not implying people care about our constitution or anything but that if WWIII breaks out our leaders will maneuver to stay out until they cannot anymore and then they will send peace troops or some other gay shit several years after the whole thing started.
tfw you realize that pretty much every poorly planned failing authoritarian shithole is in the green
Yes, that was my point.
Egyptian government and Egyptian people are pro-RU not only for historical reasons (when USSR was the only nation to sell them weapons) but also for current events I linked.
Serbia should be neutral or variable, Montenegro should be pro-Nato
blue = good guys
green = evil monsters
>Rushing B