I found this picture on IG and I don't know what to think about it. What I do know is what I believe in. In this troubling time, brothers, remember what brought us together. Remember the 14.
Remember who the enemy is
Other urls found in this thread:
He lied about Hillary in prison
He lied about Syria
He lied about health care reform
He lied about tax reform
He lied about Muslims being terrorist
He wants transgenders to die
He doesn't gay about the homosexual community
He failed with his fake Muslim ban
DRUMPF IS NOTHING BUT BROKEN PROMISES. How can /pol support such a failure of a president?
>I found this picture on IG
You mean you just finished making it.
Nah, fag. We found it on their Discord server. Try harder. You all are fucking bush league.
it's an excuse to be a fucking reddit piece of shit
>Discord server
Maybe you should fuck back off to the one your crawled out of, autist
>remember who the enemy is
Sup Forums hasn't forgotten
Now this is some clever shilling
I haven't seen that one. Holy fuck this is some fucking psy op shit going on.
sure is
>these are the people supporting trump
>these are the people not supporting trump
>having that image saved on your hard drive
>these are the people supporting trump
Have you guys seen this picture from a strange camera angle being used during Trump's weekly address? It looks like a planted microphone. Maybe he was trying to tell us he is still being surveiled? Idk though.
>shareblue trying to act like they don't support cucking
>these are the people who don't support trump
Fuck off
I dont trust any of these posters but I know my brothers are still out there. We will prevail.
Are you THAT fucking stupid!? T_D discord doesn't have a "#general".
One can only conclude you're trying to say, "this is fake!" Which is bullshit since I saw the Discord channel myself chief.
That's not "left ovewr trace" idiot, that's from clicking the image after pasting into an image editor and selecting a brush. SHIT. Are you new to the internet?
That's so badly doctored you can see the real nicknames and text underneath.
The redpills sparked a major shilling operation against us. That means we were making (((them))) nervous. Never stop. 1488.