I live outside an airbase and the alarm me and my wife only ever heard on 9/11 is going crazy right now. I shit you not we saw something like 8 big ass bombers take off. Were about a mile out and they come over real low.
Uhhhh... Pol... Somethings going down
Just saw two more.
I fucked your wife ;^)
we're fucked
We got tornado sirens going off and my digital Westinghouse TV just lost signal.
Why is the brand relevant and who says digital these days?
Something up man I just flew to Finland because I was in Utah and I heard gunshots everwyhere and tanks were rolling in the streets and napalm was falling from the sky. Its truly happening right now guise
>and yet I can still post on Sup Forums
oh fuck are we about to be invaded by westinghouse shills???
>There was a test of the alarm systems last monday and I thought it was fucking nuke time lost my shit and then looked it up seeing it was a test.
It's nothing bro.
Hooly shit guys!!
I live outside Norfolk air base and its going crazyy with activity!!
Also I can confirm I am full of total shit!
Toitko viinaa?
Computer is fine, T.V is giving a loud ass bar tone.
Fort Bragg is lighting up right now
Take a video or fuck off
Take pics of the planes next time
Me too faggot she was good. Kind of fat though.
Toin mut mistäs sulle saatas?
Unless you have satellite TV and cable internet, your internet and cable are coming from the same source. Meaning that's a non-happening.
Your cable is digital you dipshit. If the cable goes out, so does the internet.
I'm at Keesler and there's nothing going on here. Are you sure it's not just a test?
This type shit is destined to go down when a Mongolian Basketweaving Chatboard gets their hands on CIA/NSA's neatest tools.
record it senpai
>be OP
>Has terminal bullshit-spewing disease
>"Uhhhh... Pol... Somethings going down"
Loose lips sink ships motherfucker
And why would we believe you?
only reasonable answer, just a short youtube vid of the tone on your TV and the siren outside.
Oh, look. It's fucking nothing!
post proof faggot
I live outside an airbase and the alarm me and my wife only ever heard on 9/11 is going crazy right now. I shit you not we saw something like 8 big ass bombers take off. Were about a mile out and they come over real low.