This post is so diluted in shit that i can't tell what side you're shilling for, or if you're just a dumbass.
Have a (you)

Semmonen jutku sieltä

We will not fall to your jewish tricks, cunt.
You and your kind can just fuck off back to the dark greasy cave you came from, keel over and die.

Kyllä näin. Koko helvetin shareblue ja sen jutku sponsorit kuuluu suoraan uuniin/kaasukammioon.

Kuinka sekaisin olet? Trump on kaikista pro-Juutalaisin presidentti historiassa ja yksikään presidentti ei ole imenyt niin paljon juutalaisten ja Israelin kullia kuin D. Trump

Heil trump, heil our leader

Mielestäni Trumpilla on sentään jonkinlainen mahdollisuus vapautua juutalaisten hallinnasta. Amerikka on muutenkin on alkanu jo näyttää uudelta israelilta näiden viime 17 vuoden keskellä. Kyllä obongo oli tosin suurin jutkukullin lutkuttaja.


Remember to sage threads that keep this stupid shareblue meme alive.


Remember to bump all threads that fight against the shariablue tyranny.
This has been a thing for longer than you think, kike.
You cannot infiltrate us seamlessly.
We will always find those seams and call you out.

nice try mate

next time make sure that when you LARP as NatSoc, you first check who's side the jews are on

>Sup Forums is just LARPing as natsoc g-guys!
>a-actually i voted for her!
>jews are on NatSoc's side
Sup Forums has always been NatSoc, shill.
If the jews were so pro-NatSoc, how come they demonize it and call "muh holocaust! Muh 6,000,000,000,000" every time it's even mentioned?

Not gonna happen, shlomo.

fuck jews

And also reference to the image here.

Reminder to do the opposite this post says

no, I'm saying that you're LARPing as NatSoc while you're defending a kike-puppet, trying to trigger actual NatSoc into responding. I mean a crappy photoshopped telling us that Trump isn't a neocon? come on Finnbro you can try better than that.

Nigger i'm not LARPing.
I don't like trump as much as you do in the way that he's still under a slight amount of kike control, but at least there's hope for america. We fought against the designated winner in the election, and it's gonna get better.

The point is that fucking shareblue is trying to influence this board, and i'm not gonna allow it.

>slight amount of kike control

Vittu sä olet sekaisin



Vähempi määrä juutalaisia kannattajia = vähemmän juutalaisten hallintaa
Pointti on että Trump oli paras ehdokas verrattuna muihin.

what horrible html design, they're clearly hiring indians for this, KEK

Stop speaking all that viking shit. I'm too American to understand languages that aren't English.

They can't possibly tell their cucks to trask Kek and still expect this to work, not even these people are that retarded, are they?