About everything you know about the distant past is a lie

I dont believe the story of the origin of our people is right, about the start of our civilizations, and the age of our species. When you just look at how much (((they))) lie about what was 70 years ago (WW2), how much do they lie about things that are 100 years ago? 500 years? 2 millenia? 10 millenia? a million years? or 100 million?

>In June 2002, a 270 million-year-old “hidden words stone” was discovered in Guizhou, China. A crack that formed 500 years ago in a large stone revealed six clearly discernible Chinese characters; the characters represent “The Chinese Communist Party Collapses [Zhong Guo Gong Chan Dang Wang].”


There are stories from civilwar about pterosaurs and american natives talk about the thunderbird which could be such one.

This is described to look like a longneck dinosaur, and was allegedly seen africa.

There are fossilized footprints of humans and dinosaurs next to each other

There are rocks showing humans and dinosaurs together

Dinosaurs were around for longer than told, and humans were around far earlier than told

TL;DR: There were highly advanced civilizations before ours, probably even multiple cycles

Other urls found in this thread:


The fuck you on about m8 ?

Hi germanon, I lurked the thread yesterday. Bumping this good shit

Fuck off /x/ retard

pic related are huge megalith in the shoria mountains. allegedly the biggest ever found. how were some cavemen, or to be generous people somewhere in the middle age or antique be able to move such things, or even stack them on top.

there is literally a TL;DR in the OP

appreciate it that people enjoy it

every hundred years or so a meteor comes and flings everyone off
i think were ready this time with our satellites but nasas trying to hide it so im not too sure

baalbek is another area to look at. huge megalith neatly stacked onto each other. here is human for scale

nothing paranormal about this mate

This times 1000 senpai.
What kind of retard would even truck with this shite? A religitard, thats who.

you're possibly the dumbest faggot in the entire history of this board.

It's all right there in front of you, at least give it a look before "Muh fuck off /x/tard". You don't have to believe it but you might find it interesting

göbekli tepe, pic related, is proof on its own that our history is wrong. this side is 12 thousand years old, despite the official oldest civilization, the sumerians, are only 5-6 thousand year old. so the question isnt anymore if our history is wrong, but to which degree.

on another note it seems odd that humanity went on for around 195 thousand years, living in caves and smashing some rocks together, going on a hunt etc, and then suddenly BOOOM civilization

I would bet that people thousands of years ago were smarter than we give them credit for, but I have serious doubt about them being even near what we had going on by 1300. A lot of the evidence presented is either misinterpreted, fake, or uninformed. Those ica stones for example, all proven forgeries. Anyway, this has nothing to do with politics or current events at all... so herbs for you.

It seems like whenever something important drops we're bombarded with dumb shit like this.
Usually giants or flat earth bullshit. Alternate history is a new angle.

the ica stones are in "proven" fake as in that they say the guy who found them created all of the over 15 thousands of them himself. that would be almost as impressive as the thing with dinosaurs living together with humans

>suddenly bloom civilization
Several Native American tribes have passed down legends of a race of white, blue eyed people who gave them technology , something similar is found around the world.

wanted to get to this further down the thread.
in general a lot of stories are very similar from different cultures that shouldnt have been in contact with each other. a great flood is often mentioned, like the one in the bible. even if not all of the world was under water, it probably was enough to make it seem like everything is submerged if you are trapped in the middle of it. the sphynx for example has water corrosion damage which appears like it was caused from the sphynx being submerged, as heavy rainfall would cause a different kind of corrosion on it
the incas for example also tell about a myth with only 2 people who survived. is that the equivalent to adam and eve? even though those two were allegedly before the great flood.

>it seems odd that humanity went on for around 195 thousand years, living in caves and smashing some rocks together, going on a hunt etc, and then suddenly BOOOM civilization

Yeah, the mixing with Neanderthals happened 35-50,000 years ago.

Perhaps that was the 'spark' that created truly modern humans and human behavior.

Since this happened within the last glacial maximum, the end of the last 'ice age' between 18-10,000BC was the period where the climate slowly became more hospitable allowing for larger and more advanced civilizations to develop and spread.

The idea of Atlantis, or something like it, is even more interesting now than it would have been in Plato’s time because of the knowledge we now have of the change to an interstadial 12,000 years ago—which roughly matches the 9000 years before Solon given as the time of the destruction of Atlantis in a cataclysm.

Here's a good video for unretarding yourselves about history.
It's a good way to show he how to see through people's bullshit retarded lies and shit-stirring ways and trying to influence how they deliver history.
Everyone and everything on TV is pure bullshit. If you want true fabrication look no further than the lie-box.

>a great flood is often mentioned
That's because early civilizations all lived along water sources which... get this, flood.

>Several Native American tribes have passed down legends of a race of white, blue eyed people who gave them technology

We Englishmen did that. My ancestors.

possible, but then what about the finding that are millions of years old but are apparently created by something intelligent? it doesnt have to be that it were humans, homo sapiens sapiens, but maybe the neanderthale and the ones before him already were a lot smarter and civilized than we think

but the flood usually engulfes the whole world in the myths. if it was your ordinary flood it would be told as such as you usually will keep seeing land or things reaching out of the water. they surely were able to distiguish from the average flood when they were smart enough to able to build huge cities and temples

>what about the finding that are millions of years old but are apparently created by something intelligent?

Just because interbreeding between Erectus and Neanderthals (and Denisovans, and likely many other recent hominids we haven't discovered yet) might have created what we call modern humans doesn't mean that other human ancestors weren't intelligent or creative.

>communism is such a failure even cavemen 200 million years ago knew it and it wasnt invented yet

thats what i was saying. but this once again would show that our history is fake, as we are led to believe they were some dumb cavemen that were barely able to sharpen a stick if at all.

>if it was your ordinary flood

It wasn't an ordinary flood. The end of the last glacial stage of the ice age brought about catastrophic flooding and sea level rise worldwide.

Humans prefer to settle along coastlines, rivers and other waters. This flooding would have consumed the structures of most civilizations that were active at the time. That they would describe this as "the world being submerged" is not a difficult idea.

Slab of concrete?
Concrete doesn't last for millions of years, it gets eroded away. Man produced sedimentary rock.

I don't know about the dinosaurs OP but 1 thing is sure, there are MANY lies in history books.

top lel

>but this once again would show that our history is fake, as we are led to believe they were some dumb cavemen that were barely able to sharpen a stick if at all.

It doesn't show that "history is fake" at all.
Smashing two rocks together to create a sharp edge is pretty far away from building a civilization. Hell, even chimpanzees and niggers use rocks and sticks as tools.

Indeed, not your ordinary flood.

There's a theory that flood myths may relate to the end of the messinian salinity crisis, when the Strait of Gibraltar re-opened and the entirety of the mediterranean basin flooded again.

pic related is the piri reis map from 1513 it features antarctica, despite antarctica only being officially discovered in 1820. another annomaly on this map is that it seems to feature antarctica without the ice.

but that again would just say we should probably spent more attention to what the ancients have to say, and not just declare everything that doesnt fit our worldview to just be some random story they made up

Go get red-pilled on the Spanish Empire

Masons have been faking ruins and artifacts for hundreds of years. Our history is full of lies.

but there are many things which predates humanity. int the OP i mentioned a few. and some of them surely have to be made by intelligent beings and civilizations. now either the humans lived for far longer than we are told which means the history is fake, or those which lived before us were far more sophisticated than they tell us, which also means the history is faked


>There's a theory that flood myths may relate to the end of the messinian salinity crisis, when the Strait of Gibraltar re-opened and the entirety of the mediterranean basin flooded again.

That's not a theory, it's a hypothesis. And a shitty hypothesis at that.

The Zanclean flood is thought to have occurred roughly 5.3 million years ago--2 million years before the earliest known hominid tool creations.

Language is a far more recent development than either of those.

seems they just repaired it

>piri reis map showing antartica same color as others



What if there were previous civilizations but they were all wiped out (maybe by a meteor, flood etc), but some of their artefacts are left? This is what sounds most likely to me

the official story i believe is that they just restored it. are there accounts talking about stonehenge before 1954? if not its likely they faked it. if there are accounts of it from before they maybe told the truth for once

Interesting that they knew what South America and Antarctica looked like, but not Norway.


what if the ancient civilizations had technology like we do, but called it magic, or whatever magic is called in the specific language.
i mean we have TV which lets us see far away things, like a crystal ball. we can shoot fireballs with flamethrowers, shoot lightning with a teslacoil, even can fly around. then something happened, and barely anything of it remained. whenever someone came up with the "magic" the locals couldnt explain it and thus it became this magical, unexplainable thing. then we came to rediscover some of it, but since it wasnt unexplainable anymore it wasnt magic anymore, so we called it technology this time. and this is where we are now.

maybe those civilizations had a way to harness some energy from the magnetic field or the leylines if you want to believe in that and were actually more advanced than we are. they thus build buildings like the ruins in pic related which underlie the same or similar principle as our computer technology and thus seems like an ancient mother board or some circuits

allegedly stalin made experiments with them where he put just a small pyramid over some oilwell, and suddenly it produced more oil than without. some people say they experienced some feel of pressure while being in the pyramids of egypt. they are if im not mistaken also aligned with other monuments, the leylines if you want so, which maybe transfer information/energy and the pyramids are a way to recieve/harvest those. the pyramids are said to bring the pharao to the stars, but they werent used as tombs. now if we assume its not about an alien spacehangar, maybe it helped with astral projection, or remote viewing as the CIA likes to call it, helping you log into the grid and access the information. lots of questions

>we should probably spent more attention to what the ancients have to say

"The ancients" you're referring to all lived within the last 7500 years, and the vast majority within the last 4000 years. Not millions or billions of years ago, but thousands.

Sure, they recorded myths and oral history that came from long before their time that are worth investigating, but to believe that 200 million year old chinks were making inscriptions about communism is ludicrous.

>290 million year old human footprint
>together with dinosaurs

fuck off, 290 million years ago, neither mammals nor dinosaurs even existed yet

>shilling this hard

>copying and pasting from last thread
But this could explain miracles in the bible and koran and other stuff. However, i dont think that the building/computer chip is plausible, its probably just a coincidence. Also could it be time travel? Someone went back in time with flamethrowers and tesla coils, and people tjought it was magic. Remember the stone saying "Chinese communist party collapses". That could also be someone from the future. Or maybe time is non linear.

>Not knowing /x/ is full of autistic conspiracy faggots who literally make a mountain out of a mole hill

now assuming the message is bullshit, just some ancient shitpost, its still shows there was something intelligent far before intelligent life is supposed to have emerged. maybe not human, maybe not even a mammel, but something.
orif you let my dive into /x/ territory, what if time flows completely different from what we think? what if the past didnt really happen but only exist as some kind of information. like one cycle of humanity ends and a complete new one emerges, the information still exists even though there is no physical connection. the information somehow manifests itself resulting in some artefacts that dont make sense in the context of what we think is history and we get Out of place artifacts. for example what if this progress of history was done almost exactly like this already. another timeline, but instead of running parallel to each other they run after one another. the communist party of china is collapsed and some guy chose to carve that into a stone. the timeline toether with the universe ends and a new one starts. but the information of the stone somehow manifests itself into this timeline and we get this

Occultist Aleister Crowley was visited by demons while meditating in the pyramids, and his wife was promptly possessed thereafter.


who's to say those websites are not owned by those you accuse of lying?

the real earth- and evolutionary history is much more fascinating and beautiful than these depraved, paranoid internet conspiracy theories

what you people always fail to explain is why lie?
what benefit would they gain from lying about the age of dinosaurs? please explain

German bro...you almost have it the right way...instead of thinking everything is equally old...think more like equally young. Then take that knowledge and apply it to the Bible. Then it all makes sense. How they pushed their religion of evolution...yes its a religion...cause it takes a hell of alot more faith than any other religion. Just cause people lacked understanding...and declared that because they could not understand it...that it is not factual of truthfull.

aleister crowley was a drug addict who couldn't even remember consistently the things he believed in, anything you have read by him is worthless

Also...carbon 14 dating...look into that.

>now assuming the message is bullshit, just some ancient shitpost, its still shows there was something intelligent far before intelligent life is supposed to have emerged

No. It shows that you want to believe in 200 million year old chinks who miraculously write in modern chink language so badly that you'll jump through any number of mental hoops to satisfy your delusions.

No different really than young earth creationists claiming that dinosaurs didn't exist because the earth is only 6000 years old, and that the best explanation for fossils is that "God put them there to test your faith".

I mean if you're gonna go full retard, I might as well respond that we don't really know anything about anything because we live in the Matrix and everything is just a made up part of the program. History isn't real, animals and people aren't real, we don't even know what "we" look like. Hell, there is no "we", there is just me and all of you are figments of my imagination.


the bible calls them nephilim, not dinosaurs

Hi, I'm here to btfo NASA shills.

yeah, im lazy. and since it fitted i thought why not? i mean the OP is copy pasted as well, and why go through the effort of retyping exactly the same?
as for the rest, about everything is possible. its certainly worth to entertain the idea as i believe you shouldnt dismiss an idea just because it sounds ridiculous, as it may just sound that way because of the wrong narrative you were led to believe. the stone could have also been from some guy having a vision of the future, or those random words flashing in front of his eye and deciding to carve them into a stone.
throwing some idea into the discussion is always worth it, you can then work on it and see if you find things that support the idea, or denie it. thats how it should be done, and not just "nah, doesnt make sense. dont even talk about it".
(((mainstream))) science does exactly that currently, dismiss anything that doesnt fit the current modell, and if there is something found that doesnt make sense in the modell they just invent some random thing. for example we have gravity pulling everything together, but the universe still expands. so we just invent that dark energy which can not be proven or detected except through the expansion of the universe which is for what they came up with it in the first place.

here is one example where something gets attacked and discredited just because it doesnt fit the mainstream modell, could also hint towards dinosaurs not being as old as we are told

Ok OP so what if your funny story turns out to be true? What changes? People will still sit behind their PC not giving a fuck as long as they feel good, you know? It's kind of like the same people who want the universe to be a simulation so bad, yet, if you ask them what would change, nobody has an answer.

you can find articles about those artifacts on different website, not only those.

if people knew humanity detroyed themselves multiple times already, than they maybe would be come more carefull and more critical. we would give more attention to old myths and legends and wouldnt handle them just as such, some old stories. assuming the old history does proof existence of god and the spiritual things they wouldnt be able to push their satanic shit unto us, their materialism, their egoism. we wouldnt be as easily controllable once we realize there is more to this world.

also maybe they actually once thought that this is true, but when the truth came out they covered it or all the credibillity and authority of their (((scientist))) which they use to support their agenda would vanish, people wouldnt think a conspiracy theory is just that just because some dude on tv tells so since some dudes on tv also told all the time that we are only 200k years old and only have civilization for around 6-10k years. we would start questioning every government narrative out there and would be a lot more criticall.

scientist also dont like to be wrong. they rather discredit a new theory and attack it, instead of admitting they were wrong as i explained in i heared that it is allegedly only accurate on certain materials, and up to a certain amount of time. but other than that what am i supposed to look for?

Why does evolution require faith? You can see it in every plant and animal, the adaptation over time. Look at the stick bug, or the zebra

True but we get woke af
Also if people realisethat this is true the masses won't be manipulated so easily

I don't think very many mega-celebs, bankers, or Globalists would agree with you, desu.

People would also still sit behind their PC with Hillary as POTUS, yet we shilled Trump all day.

Good luck trying to convince the rabid shitskins history is fake, including islam. you probably won't survive.

that is what you have heard...ask evolutionist try and explain metamorphosis. The answers you seek has already been given. Al you need to know is in the Bible. Its not allegory...its not legends or myths. The Bible is the most scrutinized book in all existance. Yet, still cannot be disproven. Read the Bible with all faith. Give yourself to The Lord Jesus Christ...for he is the only one who will show you truth and guide you to eternity.

this is not even related to your own thread m8

What would CHANGE if your story is true? Just answer this, dont bring up other subjects.

you can see that there are animals around which seem to come from the same ancastor as they are similar and so on. however what about the missing link among the primeapes for example. between human and apes there is a sudden evolutionary jump, which should be instead be multiple small alterations. to explain this they just threw in the missing link, a creature which is in between the gap and explains the sudden jump, as it now isnt a jump but a continous progression. however there is no proof of this missing link other than that it has to be there to make evolution work, and to make humans descendents of apes. do you have faith this exists?

not saying evolution is wrong, i just thing it isnt entirely right. and in the end its always a question who do you believe more, in which do you put your faith

clearly you dont think at all, thats your problem
crowley adapted his beliefs from the same sort of pagan shit that globalists love except he was so high that he couldnt remember any of it

freemasons and actual occult lodges all think of crowley as a joke(because he is)

Are we talking about the hypeboers?

The irony

t. Chirstcuck

This is you in real life, isn't it user?
Also, he wrote a bunch of books, so he probably didn't forget things often. Why do you have a stick up your ass about Crowley being a dudeweedbro occultist larper?

that wasnt the OP mate, and i already gave you an answer just replied to someone else who asked the same well satan, i do believe the bible tells a lot more truth than most believe, however you have to realize things were added, were scratched, and altered. it isnt the same book as a few hundred years ago. while many of it still is true, i dont believe everything is. as to what you believe is true is for everyone himself to decide

adaption over time...that is true...but thats not evoltion. Adaption is darwinism. Evolution is something way different. Evolotion states that you transition from species to species. Adaption happens because of the eviroment you are in...and it happens in a shorter timespan than we think. Just ask any evolutionist to explain why reproduction changed from asexual multiplication (a stronger natural reproduction process) to heterosexual reproduction (reproduction that need opposite sexes to reproduce).

>what about the missing link

It's right here, nigger.

It's a complicated subject, but I'll give it a shot.

Only within the last 100 or so years have we really started to obtain the technology to learn about our own pasts. Many civilizations of old were lost to time, because there was no Internet and no way of communicating with the outside world. We had no way of knowing fully what other cultures were doing. We are now finding that these places existed and what went down there. To us it's entirely new, so we have to figure it all out based on evidence.

We are still discovering new things. As the technology and methods evolve, so will our understanding of ourselves.

crowley wrote a lot of books with contradictions in them because his brain was so rotted by his drug abuse.

im trying to help you by ending the source of shitty information that is crowley, if you are interested in that gay shit there are better figures to read about.

Well, as far as my country, I can say Jews have controlled the U.S. since at least 1917. They got us involved in WW1 for the Balfour Declaration. Since then, their control over our country has grown as each year passes.

Most of what we're told are lies.


seems legit

this is true. the issue however isnt with finding new things. if that was the only thing that happens i would just say "great". the issue is with the dogmatic believe that mainstream science cant be wrong, and that anything going against it automatically is wrong or fake

Funny since I'm a shitskin

There's nothing new, maybe there were other humanities, but there's no a fucking rest of them on earth and we will never find out about it, why bother?

As far it doesn't affect us now i don't see why it should be discussed but in a mundane way.

>As far it doesn't affect us now i don't see why it should be discussed but in a mundane way.
he who doesnt know the past is doomed to relive it over and over again


wow, and all it took was 1 minute of being on google

>he issue is with the dogmatic believe that mainstream science cant be wrong, and that anything going against it automatically is wrong or fake
I kind of agree with this. Science is about theories and proving them to be correct or wrong. Anyone is welcome to prove a theory wrong, provided their evidence is solid and holds up to scrutiny.

The problem I think is that people simply aren't interested in learning about our pasts. If they aren't interested then they aren't going to go out and do their own research about it and find alternative sources and come to their own conclusions.

that doesnt disprove it though. it just says there were some confusing reports about it, nothing that shows its fake

Yeah, but lets say we're talking about a hypotetical civilization 50.000 years ago, you will never find about it, never, there's nothing left.

what about the stories of "modern" ancient civilizations? look up what those tell, and look for similarities. maybe they have something important to tell us. for example the aztecs, and i believe others as well, believed there are multiple cycles. according to the aztecs this is now the 5th one. at the end some catastrophe happens which wipes out most of the humans and a new cycle begins. if we find out what causes this cycle we may be able to protect ourselves better from the event the next time it happens. the sumerian kings for example which allegedly reigned for over thousands years, and added together goes back way after the 50.000 years you mentioned. now assuming this isnt bullshit somehow if their kings list predates that far back, then what else did they have to tell about that time?

meant for

So you seriously believe that there were little Chinese fellas knocking about writing CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY in big letters 270 million years ago?

That sounds believable to you?

who knows. it doesnt make sense in context of what we are told how the world works, i agree with that, but we shouldnt dismiss it based on that as what we know about the world works might just be wrong. instead of asking if that makes sense or is believable, we look into wether or not it can be proven to be real or fake and if we find other things to put this into context with which supports it or not.

Napoleon never existed

there were for sure many almost global floods in the past

NA was basically completely under glaciers in the past and what else is in na... yellowstone the flippin super volcano

anyways there was most likely maaaaaaaasssive lakes underneath the glaciers where the volcanos were and when the glaciers started to weaken there was most likely a flood the size of the us

>who knows

I do, its a load of bollocks.

There is zero evidence of the Chinese Communist Party existing prior to ~100 years ago, there is zero evidence of Communism itself existing prior to ~200 years ago, there is zero evidence of Chinese characters existing in any form whatsoever prior to ~3000 years ago, there is zero evidence of homo sapiens existing prior to ~200k years ago, the first fucking mammals only showed up ~200m years ago.

Rather than throw out all of history for which we have mountains of evidence for, maybe we should instead propose the radical theory that some Chinese cunt engraved it into a cliff sometime in the last 100 years.

no evidence is as much as there is for the missing link, yet (((science))) has no problem taking its existence as a fact.
the stone with the carvings at least exists. also there are numerous other examples of advanced technology being used before the sumerians which are allegedly the first to have risen.

also interesting theory.

the pyramids have the speed of light and the size of the earth in relation to the moon encoded with over 99% precission.
at around 1:11:00 it starts about the pyramids.
how were they builders able to know that unless they were far more advanced than we are told