Trump Regret General

A general for all those who used to support Trump but now regret falling for his lies

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wow, well done

It's ok. You're able to express your true feeling without being bombarded by shills.

i just wanted political change, not another cycle in clinton bush clinton bush

but here we are, back at bush again

im really sad, anons, this is not a meme post, we're stuck in this cycle and there's no way out, ever

>tfw we got jewed
Fuck it. It is all a rigged game

>shill general
Fixed that for you.

Former Trump supporter here.

Fuck drumpfags, fuck them right in their neocon arses

>£0.02 have been deposited into your account

i've been waiting forever to say this.

Honest question here, did any of you ACTUALLY expect a CON MAN to be your hero?

don't blame me. I voted for Kane

I'm sorry of hacking.

oh man fuk u drumpf she wuz suposed to win.

fuck you drumf


Former trump codes here, it's hilarious watching him crash and burn, but in all seriousness we can't allow him to get his hands on the nuclear supporter.


KEK has been killed.

MOLOCH now controls Trump.

I was once a Trump supporter. I am not lying.

Crashing America with no survivors was always the better solution than electing Clinton, they expect one of us in the wreckage brother

Wtf I hate Trump now.

> Shills attempting to conflate honest people with concerns with shills who'd post that shitty picure

>regretting one's dumbf support
>after giving it in the first place, to an obvious jewbot

that's some severe autism you're operating with there, lads...

wrong, kek will triumph

jews, I knew it was them! even when it was the bears i knew it was them!

I've been a staunch trump supporter since he was inaugurated. It was great at first. but He was just full of wind and none of his promises happened. Wheres the wall rite giys, And then the Russian connections happened, and oh boy did they. That's when I started to falter. I'm not about a foreign state meddling in our affairs no what I'm sayin. From what the media told me Putin pretty much paid to have trump elected. That's bad rite fuys? And don't get me started on this recent syrian missile strike. I mean I know they violated the Geneva conventions by using chemical weapons but to bomb then in retaliation is bonkers. I mean isn't that like another country's job. And did you know he kept Chinas PM waiting like an hour while he did it? So disrespectful. Anyways now we have a battleship on the border of DPRK and China sides with us. Like I've never felt so much regret in my life. Hillary would of atlas let in more immagrants, so much more diversity. Bernie 2020

The truth is getting out. It becomes clear every day.

Assad, Putin, and Trump are all our boys. This was a coordinated effort by all three of them to achieve a number of goals.

Read this thread. Real pollacks, spread the info.

>Back to plebbit
>back to r/the_Cancer
>Neo-Con shill
>Shareblue shilling for kike lover Trump now
>Wow crash and burn nuclear codes
>We WWIII now

Not an argument.
Notice how they substitute hollow buzzwords and rhetoric mixed together with hypothetical delusions.
Notice how when you make an actual argument they can't address any of the points and temperamentally default to doubling down on those emotionally charged buzzwords (classic lefty kike tactics).

Reminder that Leftypol is actively here doubling down with Shareblue to gaslight brainlet casuals because they are scared.

Reminder that all events hurt Israel and China was meeting with Trump at the time and shit bricks.

Reminder that China owns Shareblue so of course they want to hurt Trump because they are scared shitless.

>Being a tool for corrupt politician in 2017

Pretty sad desu. Either side just different cheeks on the same ass.

So far we dont really know what is happening in syria.
other promises are continued to be kept.
Meanwhile ppl are attackiung members of his circles.

Says enough, you sandniggers should get out of england, you dont belong there.

>they violated the Geneva conventions by using chemical weapons
literally 0 proof

lol no. Daily reminder in only 8 years libcucks lost both the house, senate, white house and the supreme court

You know what to do, starts with a

You are falling for the media hoax leaf.
There was a small attack on a airbase. untill you give me some information on trump getting actual syrians killed instead of isis im just going to sit back and see who is being targeted for character assassination.

It is time to admit

Like I said in my own post:

You cannot afford to be so optimistic anymore. Occam's razor. The simplest explanation is the truthful one.

Offer me one good reason why we should think there was coordination under the surface. If we were to examine the public posturing from Russia, they were surprised and criticized the fuck out of Trump.

>it was acting
But now Trump is locked to proceed with foreign policy according to the public status quo. And that is animosity. If he were to act different, he would pay an enormous political price.

Also, why did Russia go through the trouble of moving warships in the Mediterranean if it was just an act?


thats pretty ironic from a mindless russian fool

Right. Those videos of pictures of young children foaming at the mouth and choking on their own spit was odviously a false flag. Totaly wrong to respond in appropriate force.

I got exactly what I wanted. Some guy to just fuck up everything for everyone leaving no one happy. I regret nothing.

I really, really hope this Syria shit was just a ruse by trump and Putin to trick the deep state somehow. We had Libya destroyed 48 hours after the first air strike, so it very well could be.

Will lose faith completely if trump continues attacking.

Not letting this man have the nuclear codes.


Yes, a Syrian airbase. Not an airbase under the control of Islamic State. Deaths or not, it still doesn't paint a good picture for relations with Assad and the Russians by proxy. Can exactly come to the table and say,"Let's work together," after you just attacked them. I don't understand why that is going over so many heads around here. All I get is autistic screeching in return.

replace "kleptomaniacs" to "kikes puppet" and look around

Hillary would have already been balls deep in all the terrible foreign policy we're fearing Trump may be beginning to possibly tip toe into by her first day, so I will never regret voting for him. It's still too early to be really concerned anyways; the strike is military fireworks meant to be a slap on the Syrian wrist, at most. If he ever makes an unannounced attack on Syrians with casualties though, then we should be worried.

It goes in all fields

Well, it's monday again and the Shariablue offices are back in business, folks.

I smell liberal niggers in this thread.

why is the sytem thinking im spam

>trump launches shitty attack
>deep state blows their load thinking trump is going to overthrow Assad, stop hammering him as hard on the domestic front
>russia gets rising gas prices and political capital to move more forces into Syria
>media looks like loony conspiratards
>trump feigns invasion against Assad, really just a buildup of a secret anti-isis coalition before the deep state can warn them

I hope this is his 6d backgammon, but we'll see


Why were you cunts warned to get out?
Why was there minimal damage
Is there a established Russian ctr?

Can we just write down any kind of regret?

>be me
>innaship onnadeployment
>port call in Hong Kong, gonna go culturally enrich some chinks
>walking 'round Wan Chai when I pass what must've been the only black hooker in all of Hong Kong
>decide after much thought that I must partake
>Drop the dough and she touches my benis until I make cummies on her sweet chocolate tiddies
>back on ship, burns when I pee
>had to get an oil check, its the fucking clap
>deal with it and am the butt of all the jokes for the rest of deployment

You know what, now that I finally got it off my chest, I don't regret doing that at all

And seriousness nuclear watching can't here. We hilarious guy crash let the Trump this voter former lie, burn. Trump but is codes. Get all in not gonna fucking this

No. what ppl understand is that they dont have the full picture and indeed it "looks" as such and causes great doubt.

Untill you know what is really going on on the ground you can say anything about it.

Yet many do slandering ppl left and right in a raged panic.

TRUMP IS THE SWAMP: Trump's Jewish Elite MAFIA and The 5 Dancing Israelis (2017)



Trigged in to a global war over some pictures of dying children.

that should be a jewish start on his chest not a money sign

Depends on the result, you are either panicking or shilling.

So Trump is now colluding with a socialist dictator and a muslim dictator in order to achieve *unspecified goal*?

Is it any wonder he cut loose Bannon and his retard army?

I regret nothing. Shilling for Trump was still the best choice.

You posted a minute after I did, so you obviously didn't even watch it clown.

> Israel expansion to the mudslimes territory
As it were something bad

Reminder that Sup Forums is a Trump & MGTOW board, and none of your Putinbot shilling will change this. We are currently being raided by Shareblue and they are trying to convice us to turn on the God Emporor in favour of some random muslim, sharia law promoting, Islamic fundementalist shithead named ''Assad''. You fucks will never win.

>b-but muh secular asshat and his nation that contains christians of christians and seculars
I don't care. We will never fall to your shilling. They'e all sandniggers. They're not caucasian so why do you care? Trump is literally going to carpet bomb the whole lot of you fucks, and ISIS.

>b-but muh Greater Israel plan
Greater Israel? What nonsense. And even if that is a plan, it sounds like a good one to me. Israel is the only country in that region that is pretty much Western. So what if they get bigger and rid smelly sandniggers. Israel also has an army of hot women. Do you really prefer Asshat and his bearded terrorist muslims over the IDF(2nd greatest military of all time behind America)?

How many Jews do you see doing terror attacks btw? Pretty much none.

>b-but the muslims will flock to europe
then shut the borders? Not that I care about Europe anyway. It's full of Muslims and my america is the only white country left. We also have our guns, and god is with us.

So tell me, asshats and putinbots. Why would I care if MY PRESIDENT wants to bomb your shithole? Why would I choose a literal muslim over MY PRESIDENT who's going to #MAGA.

LOL @ anyone who thought a man who let a slimy liberal Jew fuck his daughter was going to be good.

I never said anything about your vid.
I never said he wasnt surrounded by neocons.

You are lashing out at me in paranoia

at least there is something to remember while we are waiting for the bombs to fall

nice flag

>already April
>still no wall

Implying that Trump did not breed with ivanka and Kushner is no homo

Drill for oil, feel the toil.

Dude why should Americans even care about those children honestly? Do you want to fix our fucking country or go fight another sand nigger war because "muh childrens"?

Relax rtards; we have Calypso. We record all of Syria in real time. We can rewind time. Hell we can tell you what car drove down that street two weeks ago. It was a strike against possible weapons cache.

That vid is allot of bull and that chan is pushing the anti propaganda allot. 3e vid i have seen of that chan and might correct on points.
it does lacks factual information and uses allegation to makes its points.

might be correct on some points *

So you have no proof that Assad did it, you're just guessing? or are you just blindly trusting media?
>saddam has WMD's

It's not about the chemical weapon use or the dead kids. It's about swinging our big ass dick because global law says we can

How many kids do we kill?

What about the theory, Assad planes bombed chemical weapons of the rebels ?
Why else so few deaths, a actual attack would have cost much more lives.

I think you mean it's about taking a big ass dick from your jew overlords

whats with all the faggot limeys posting this shit?

Sage and hide shill threads
If it's a legit thread, ignore this post
