Cringeworthy as fuck

cringeworthy as fuck

Other urls found in this thread:

he's fucked up in the head for real.
what did you do, Sup Forums?

He sure is


we ruined him

He will not divide us


>why dont you serve me french fries REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

What happened, did he try to order Jew fries, and the cook kept burning his order?

What even happened? Something about freedom fries? He's yelling about racism for some reason but all the black people are laughing at his white boi ass.


At this point I don't know anymore if he's doing it for attention and gossip shit like all celebs do, or if he's really gone

Fyi was hacked.



read the comments in the page source

At least Shia isn't scared to speak his mind and show what he stands for in public. This board is primarily made of Americans who cannot express their doubleplusungood thoughts in their country's public discourse so they resort to circling around pundits and celebs.

Now go fire up that pepe twitter avatar and send a couple of snark retweets under hilariously false pseudonym.

Does the pic of that snicker-licker have anything to do with your post?

he's calling a non white racist, he got made fun of for asking for french fries and nearly got bopped in the head

Why did he get made fun of for that though?

What have you done /pol? he lost his mind.

She's so fucking ugly man

I'm Canadian and I can't stand Hollywood Jews degeneracy

I can't at the moment what do they say


Exactly. Besides, most of them don't speak out simply because they're not even real people, but proxyfags who are not even American.

What's wrong with french fries?

kek. check out the website...

Their French chips not fries

America is the only place where authentic French Fries exist

Every creed be scoring off Shoah now.