
Lets talk about the FUCKING DISGRACE and lies that happened in the Yugo wars.

Tens of thousands of mujaheedeen from the middle east came to help the muslims in Bosnia carve Serbia's land and establish a muslim country on European soil.

Literally an army of foreign muslim terrorists, plus local Bosniak muslim scum, murdered and pillaged freely across civilian Christian Serbian lands and when the Serbs defended themselves they got wrecked by US bombers.

Take a second to think about that.

Other urls found in this thread:

Very true. Bump


True, but still Srebrenica was a genocide.

Stop being a cuck.
Serbs were, are and always will be enemies who commit genocide.

Talk about the genocide committed to Bulgarians by Greeks:

Islam is the enemy of all free peoples and the Globalists are intentionally flooding them into Europe.

No it wasn't. Those men might not have been military, but they were fighters not civilians and they were killing their Christian neighbours, your people.

This thread is not about that genocide.

Also, you pre-teen, illiterate commie idiot, we were allies with the Serbs for most of our history, our tsars and princes married into each others' families, we are very similar culturally, religiously, by habit and custom, etc.

The supposed "hate" is very recent and stems several leaders' greed during the Balkan Wars. The mistakes were mostly theirs, but we had our share as well (albeit small). When their mad king attacked us his own soldiers refused to fight their Christian brethren, their king told them they were going to fight t*rks alongside us before that. The so called "hate"comes mostly from the stupid fucking communist scum that wanted to instill derision into both of our nations. Tito was a fucking idiot who hated us and for decades blasted anti-Bulgarian propaganda.

Serbs are our natural allies against the muslim shits.

Albanians are our allies

Daily reminder that false flags aren't something new

>serbs are great
>they hate us
>they started some wars against us
>serbs are great tho

the post
enjoy your stockholm syndrome you cuck

we can have a lot of enemies senpai, don't worry about us

Why did msm support them ?

>Those men
But what about all the women and children?



Mujaheedeen also supported Chechyns
Echoes of Chechnya

I've read about Bosnia from Boz side (Road to Hell or something like that). What is there published from the Serb side?
Literally almost nothing trustworthy published on this conflict.

t. your average serb

bump for answer to my question

These people should not be living in Europe and therefore are not white:

>50% Macedonians
>30% Serbians
>10% Croatians

I apologise for our former leader's blood god.

Half of those pictures are from Albania/Kosovo you fucking degenerate retard. Stop spreading your mad disillusion.

Because the jew has figured out the white man has been made too lazy and atheist to risk his life in a war and uses the fanatical Muslim to advance his aims of ruining Europe and rival states like Syria.

Whites are destined to die out because of generations of weakness that bred war out of them.

>What is there published from the Serb side?
Dont bother, all of it is anti muslim propaganda and typical serbian "we wuz" bullshit

the (((publishing media))) don't want racist books :^) only true MSM approved publications

Because muslimss are at the top of the liberal oppression olympics despite being genocidal monsters. The Saudi money and lobby taste real good.

>t alboroach

No, those are what they say they are, the pics have been checked. Go taqiyya somewhere else, pedofucker.

So OP is full of shizzle?

Srebrenica will continue to be a genocide up until Saudi Oilmoney runs out.

>"evidence" are a random collection of images without any legitimate and /or reliable source
Couldn't expect anything else from a Turk in denial.

They didn't support them for today's issues, they did it to keep the drug and organ trafficking going. Also, USA had people working to undermine Yugoslavia after Tito's death.

Your ilk will soon be removed from the peninsula, alborioach.

dislike the video, fucking ((bbc)) propaganda



>t. Mujo, Ošve Tutin

all the comments on that video makes me puke


haha but hey bill clinton was a great guy right? internet boom and bj's in the oval office bruh pretty good times hehe nobody knows what a serbia is anyways bro.

I fucking hate democrats.

Kek approves.


Also that Clinton and the Neocons were all screaming muh oppressed Muslims and as always taking the islamist side should tell you something

Serbs did the right thing but we're ultimately fucked against the entirety of the (((free world))) and Saudis Arabias muniez

Can't wait for the fucking oil to run out or for another tech to come around. The sand nigs will eat themselves from the inside.

Ironically, that picture (saved for the truth btw) also tells the fate and future of the muslim people. Soon...

Bulgarian here
Some faggot on Facebook got so buttblasted that I said Srebernica should not be remembered or put on a pedestal, as the victims were Muslims (bad enough) residing in what could have been a cancerous melting pot of subhumans in eastern Europe
That's not to say the commie shitter who slaughtered them was any better, though.


also bosniaks are whiter than serbs anyway.

Not that I have a horse in this race, but genes are far more important than your choice of which dead brown jew to worship.

Bosnian serb here, the 90's war was 100% pointless, NOTHING good came from it, NO ONE won, EVERYONE lost a bit of everything they had.
Because of HUGE lack of information, foreign direct and indirect interventions the very worst part of our people were allowed to crawl out and fuck everything up.

bosnia-type invasions are still going on

they just tried to do the same in Crimea, but didn't act fast enough

Well done balkanroaches, yugoslavia got broken up and for what?

Most serbs dont hate croats/muslims, most serbs dont want to kill croats/muslims. I am sick of this situation when serbs take that small percent of muslim/croat apes and then consider every muslim/croat in bosnia a genocidal hatefull maniac.

Oh nooo some b*lgarians got displaced. Big deal faggot displacement wasn't an issue when you WUZ empire and shit right? When greeks reclaim their land though it's genocide

If the soviet union did not colapse and if the balance of power stayed the same, I dont think Yugoslavia would have been disolved

The situation is too fucked up, its beyond any hope of repairing unless some big change in the world happens