Will donald trump do anything about the birth control hormones in water?

will donald trump do anything about the birth control hormones in water?

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>Mfw this is what underage girls in US of A look like.

Now that's a nice rack

i hope not i love busty teens

i want tit fuck her so bad

Have a seat right here.jpg

what's the point of young grills when they have bodies like old hags? flat is justice.

Dude my dick

she probably still has baby fat.

because their huge tits aren't saggy yet. 18-20 year old tit cows are perfect

this tbhqq, she will start to sag before she hits 18

Cash me ousside

>disgusting teeth
>not white
but those 14 year old tits right fellas? I mean how many beers right? XDDDD


r u gay

I'll drag you behind some bins..

Howbout that?

A...Are those grills?


i would fuck this

we should go to seperate water for women, made to get them nice and THICC like OP.

Satan... not today

> resolution
> flag

Wowie zowie I'm shocked

what are you implying you fat fuck?

My god

you again with that filthy piece of trash. it's just a little kid.


he's implying cockroaches can't into high quality images because you're a fucking insect and insects can't see well anyways.

> roach unironically thinks blurry images are normal

Really activating my almonds here famboni

You made no point.

Also this, much better explanation I couldn't be bothered to write

I want Hansen vs Predator Season 2 NOW

He'll do as much about that as he will about the american porn industry.

it's a goofy little child with oversized feet and tits.

go on...


Where exactly is this thread heading?

You mean entrapment, the series? Yeah no, it's a funny meme but the show is garbage

yeah its almost like we want women to not dress like whores to avoid this kind of situation. obviously she looks like a kid here but not when her tits are hanging out and shes waving her pussy around in front of a camera

How is that even possible?

Great, another piece of subhuman filth brought to fame to further influence American children into degeneracy.

yeah yeah yeah buddy, it's all roleplaying chatrooms, they wuz good boys, they dindu nuffin

with? she has the body of a child on which the tits look kinda big.

nothing wrong with that faggot, fuck off je moeder is een hoer

Personally I don't find her attractive, her personality renders her far from fuckable not to mention her age. I would however catch her outside and beat her ass.

ok goatlover

She has some great big titties, and she probably has her monthly cycles, eg; she's ready to breed.

Age of consent laws are largely bullshit in the eyes of nature. If she can concieve, she's an adult in the eyes of mother nature, so fuck that pussy dog.

Jouw moeder heeft 9 kinderen en daarom voel je je niet geliefd. Hoe voelt het dat je oudste broer de BMW mag rijden en jij niet?

a pregnancy would break her tiny body

does she take fat shits?

My nigger detector went off the charts from your post user.

unless your a nigger, she's not interested.

also checkkkkkd

>Jouw moeder heeft 9 kinderen en daarom voel je je niet geliefd
dat was niet nodig

She's not exactly tiny bro, and my ex wife was smaller than her at aged 26, AND my ex had a bigger rack too.

fuck off, religion-cuck.

Obvious nigger is obvious. Hows the ghetto this morning? Are you pissed off because the underage prostitute you paid $20 turned out to be a man in drag?

hebephilia is a thing after all

she's like 1.55, thin, no hips. I don't know about your universe, but adult women here are about 1.69 (get it 1+1=69)

pump more into the water so we can finally eradicate the chestlet problem

chestlet holocaust is long overdue

Show me on the doll where the bad tranny touched you user.

idk where you women (because only women care this much about guys fucking younger women) came up with the tranny shit but who cares, get fucked losers. real guys are gonna tap that ass, especially if she's 18.

You just described about 2 billion asian women. Your point?

i like how she acts like a nigger too

she's such a stupid tiny whore, I think she will be starring in her own BLACKED video once she turns 18

Asian women get smaller babies too.

Everything you say proves you are a nigger. Your entire argument is "muh dick" you belong in the ghetto. To answer your question no I am a man I simply dislike ghetto trash and feel it necessary to point it out when I see it as an object lesson to real people.


whats even her name?

Danielle Bregoli


Cumbasket Milkytits

I don't get it. Is pic related? Isn't that that Lacroix woman buy with bigger tits?

Was I the only 14 year old on earth who didn't stop being attracted to other developed 14 year old as I got older?

Probably not, but you knew that and were just trying to bait all the pedos in one thread for your FBI friends to come in and detain

Looks like it worked too nigra

I would lick her asshole though

>This triggers the titlet

I will save you guts the trouble of reverse image searching:
Stephanie Fox

Too big. I like 'em proportional. Not too big and not too small.

get behind me satan.




I like human women. Not cows


her father fucked up. Remember anons spend time with your daughters, read together, do chores, homework together, family dinners and dont let them hear hip hop shit

kill yourself

>he doesn't like cows


Honestly at this point it's just unfair to get mad at people for finding someone underage attractive (without their knowledge) when they literally look like they could be in their 20's which is getting disturbingly common. When I was thirteen girls my age were flat chested (mostly) brace faced uglies. I'm not condoning pedo's ( sub humans who are attracted to pre pubescent children who do NOT look like op's picture) Something really needs to be done about the hormones in our food / water before it fucks up the genetics of our species

>implying she has a father
I actually don't know but there's at least a 95% chance she is being raised by a single mom

kek'd thanks bro

>Something really needs to be done about the hormones in our food / water before it fucks up the genetics of our species
Does an earlier puberty really have negative implications? I think I was an early bloomer and the only negative really was it was kind of embarrassing having hair on my face before most other kids and I only grew like a couple inches height-wise after I was like 14.

Absolutely this, the mother is important for boys and girls up to about 8-10yrs old, then it is the father that becomes the most important.

By the way, are you the user that said females should be aborted in another thread, not long ago?
Liking your work.

Fuck off sin nigger.

Would smash

not me bra but I'm 30 happily married and about to start a family and these kind of threads scare the fuck out of me

>"Hm, Ive been jerking it too much. Maybe I should slow down abit"

roach sprayed

My red sparky nigger

with a name like that what is to be expected

Visiting this thread on no fap was a mistake

They only do that in black neighborhoods.

some of them are already stacked like this when they are only 13-14. and no not because they are fat or anything. something must be in the food and water supply over here.