$1.3 Trillion College Debt Bubble Could Spark the Next Financial Crisis


Hurray! Let it burn. Let it all burn.

What's the reasoning behind such gatherings? Do they just say "let's have a party, the theme is hookers?", seems like chicks here would just be offended.


It will and then I hope the free college meme will die too.

We will surely perish if it happens while Trump is president. Thus far he has shown his true recklessness and incompetence, I have no doubt things will keep getting worse if he continues down the same path he is heading.


He'll pay for the holocaust some day, user.

>t. Roastie
Did I emit any sort of judgment? No.
Tell us how you really feel you fucking dimwit slut.

Hopefully land a guy with prospects and not have to work or do their crafty bag hobby on the side. Or it's a degenerate brain disease with the single goal of consuming as much sperm as possible as well as infecting the host with diseases and then growing a baby that will miscarriage because the parasite in the brain only needs to consume baby fetuses... really quite astonishing
What an old plastic bitch

>Who cares that modern women are whores

Tell us about all those times you've been called a whore, roastie

this bubble will be allowed to burst wide open, likely a month or two before all out war.

no help in repaying these debts will come from the govt and all of them will be immediatly removed from schools.

only choice left for these kids is to enlist.

Goddamn I miss college

>Tfw you will never go to another lingerie party with 19 year old college chicks ever again.

We have to go back.


Look, the reason there's this problem is people who shouldn't be going to university are going to university. University is for:

1. People who know exactly what they want to do.

2. People who want to enter academia and do research

3. People who want to enter a scientific profession, i.e. M.D's, engineers, etc.


4. People who want a profession having large amounts of legal standards/prerequisites that need to be satisfied. i.e. lawyers, accountants, etc.

People who just wanna get in to make bank and major in some worthless field believing that all that matters is that there is a degree shouldn't be there. They are the reason there is this student debt problem. They drove up the price of tuition by going to college en masse. They are the reason that many of the people who should be there have to rack up debt too. They also just end up working at starbucks for several years after graduation, or get fired for being incompetent anyways.

Probably, half the people in college today should not be there. If they weren't, college would be much cheaper and this debt crisis could be avoided. But, it's too late for that now.

Academia should be about science.
What colleges have become is a monstrosity and it must end.
Let the bubble engulf and destroy that aberration

Wrong and bullshit

college loans are guaranteed by the government and can't be defaulted on

Happening fags need to be gassed

It is a citizen's holy right to try to stop the continuing degeneracy infesting its society.


I want my Latte to go please

Man, university was completely disappointing for me.

Nothing like that. ugly women in my classes. Town I was in was shit.

We had ONE toga party in my entire 3 years there.

FUCK. They should tell students to study so they can get into good universities with good parties and hot people.

Stefan moleyneux had an interesting argument that war is used to avoid paying for the welfare state. So using WWI and II as examples, economy is shit due to lefties, can't afford so mich welfare, start a war so "patriotism" turns the blame away from the gov and you can blame it all on the war. Then when massive amounts of men are killed and they avoid paying welfare because of the conflict, they prevent the country from collapsing.

Hence the cycle of America going to war all the time. If you can no longer have a good standard of living because of the gov, you might revolt. If its framed as sacrifice to help protect your boys on the battlefield, then the politicians can avoid getting lynched.

>not going on exchange to places with beaches and party culture.

I agree with you, but I got my "college experience" when I went to Barcelona for an exchange semester

I don't regret going to university as otherwise I wouldn't be the man I am today or have my decent job, but this is true.

Objectively speaking, I would not have recommended my younger self to go to university.

I studied history for fuck sake. The only thing thats good for is if you want to write novels, convert to law, or stay in academia. I wanted none of that shit.

It had just been hammered into my mind since I was younger that I should be going to university.

Thanks, Tony Blair.

They'll never be paid back in full though. Imagine lending some idiots $30,000 and only getting $15,000 back in 20 years.

I feel you mate, I was just arguing on Plebbit with a bunch of guys who claimed that gender studies and such being taught in college even tho it gives NO future work prospects is ok because "they do what they are passionate about".

America thrives off of debt. They always have.

And they're fucking us again.

colleges are not for profit, so they are not looking for a return on their money. And only a minority of loans are paid in that time frame. So it's a win win for all parties.

thank god for greek life

>colleges are not for profit

They literally fucking are you mong. They're actual fucking businesses.

wrong dumbass
maybe in your dumb third world country, paki, but American Universities are number 1 in the world and are not for profit.

>You probably got your degree from a shitty for profit school

triggered dildo ryder spotted

Yeah and this is why they're fucked to begin with. The government is NOT a bank and shouldn't be allowed to issue credit to this degree. You honestly trust that the thousands of liberal arts faggots are going to be able to pay off their loans?

The whole idea behind the government providing student loans is that these people will end up being useful in society. It turns to complete shit when the loans are put towards thousands of gender studies majors.

>doesn't understand the reason college tuition is so high is because the government backs all FAFSA student loans

its just taxpayers that will be forced to bail out the banks because like the mortgages, the government forced and backed student loans. this is just another failed liberal policy

>(((not for profit)))

Yeah and students ARE paying off their government loans retard

Even a liberal arts degree makes college kids far more attractive in the job market than your shitty high school /ged diploma
that's the sad truth you retarded NEETS dont know. That's why you're not marketable in the job market.


Debt is okay, if it's held by people I dislike

>tfw graduating next year with $0 debt

Thanks mom and scholarships

gtfo shill
fucking kill yourself and take a couple of fags and niggers with you while you're at it

How can the be defaulted on? That shit never goes away. Nor should it.

>only take the lottery if you know you will win

> Having to pay 60.000$ for one year of uni.
> Not for profit


I don't know if it's the result of actual college itself, or something other, but this semester I have become fatigued and exhausted beyond all measure. Before, I was lazy but still got my assignments done in a timely manner, usually fulfilling most to all requirements, but this year since it began, I've only progressively deteriorated in mental health and mindset.

I don't want to get up in the mornings like I used to, I don't want to attend class or go to work (I work at my college), nor do I want to even do my assignments anymore. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I just want to suspend myself from college, at least temporarily. I'm so damned burnt out and tired of everything.

>still majored in Communications

Graduating in May with $0 debt also because I got a full ride and saved all of my money since working for 7 years.

The reason college is so expensive and scholarships exist is to provide an incentive for high IQs to go to college and a disincentive for low IQs. The problem is, stupid people just go anyway, then get into a bunch of government debt that they'll never pay off, screws g us all over.

>people who lend money recklessly shouldn't have to suffer the consequences of their retardation
who could be behind this post?

>Oy vey goyim, colleges aren't for profit, we're here to help!

You've realized college is simply spending an atrocious amount of money for a piece of paper saying you are qualified to do some job.

slutty-american-college-girl-from-2006 is literally my fetish.

The aesthetic is so trashy but so irresistible.

>government loans out a trillion dollars to a bunch of liberal arts faggots w/ no skills
>If they don't drop out they take 20-30 years to pay off the loan
>thinking this is a sound investment

How fucking dumb are you?

I bet you also think that everyone deserves a home loan too.

Post yfw you paid your student loans off in their entirety like a responsible adult.

lol, I realized that long before. I knew this since HS (mostly in part thanks to Sup Forums), but I fell for the peer pressure and higher authorities telling me to do it anyways. Had to satisfy my parents as well.

On one hand, I've already invested so much time (and money) into it that it feels silly to drop out entirely, but on the other hand, the longer I stay, the worse my mental health seems to get and stress seems to spike with each subsequent semester. Not even entirely sure as to the particular reason.

I don't know. I just don't even know anymore.

But yes,

Jesus Christ you're a pussy. It's four fucking years of the easiest shit in the world. When you get done you have to join the real world where you have to fucking work all day everyday for years and years and years. Say goodbye to summer vacation. Say goodbye to spring break. Say goodbye to Christmas vacation.

You have no idea the hell that awaits you. Man up you pussy.

I'm going through what you're going through and have contemplated enlisting with trade based MOS or just going to trade school. It's stupid to pay so much when I don't want to deal with the liberal stupidity and mundane course work in college.

It's not that hard to solve. Take the endowments from universities. Their crime is being degree mills and ripping off the American people.

Student debt solved. Liberal universities gone.

>country of 300 million
>can't feed 5000-ish soldiers
>would rather spend trillions of dollars on pointless wars

Master of arguments, indeed.

>make people pay through the ass for marxist indoctrination and useless degrees that cannot land them a job, and lock them into debt slavery for the rest of their life
You just wish you thought of it first, goyim

Business idea: Make being at university a paid position, but make it very difficult to get into university and ensure students have 30 hours contact time per week minimum.

>would rather spend trillions of dollars on pointless wars

That money is not wasted tho, (((THEY))) are literally just spending taxpayer money in exchange for personal profit through the sales of weapons and stuff.

I'm projected at about 6 years now. Plus I do work as well. But again, I do reiterate the fact that prior semesters I had a handle on things, but...this semester is different. I don't know what the precise cause of it is. It's like all my will and desire to care and succeed just simply vanished.

Yeah, me too. I wish that IT was more trade structure oriented instead, rather than needing college education to be taken seriously. I always learned better on the job. Formal class education has always been tedious for me and I just go through the motions, basically, passing the course and understanding what I'm doing, but not really caring.

history faggots should be gassed god youre so stupid what the fuck nigga do you really need to pretend to study something for four years to feel accomplished? kill yourself please.

literally gender studies tier

Look I get it. Stay in college for a little while longer then. I took 8 years to graduate bc I knew that the real world sucks.

I've been at my post grad job for five years now and suicide is looking more and more attractive.

I feel you, man. The line that "the real world is harder" gets tossed around a lot, but it's so insultingly diminutive in terms of observational description. Both can be either hard or easy depending on a variety of factors. College can be easy for some while a career is harder, but inversely college can be hard for some and a career much easier as well, or both, or neither. A lot of it just depends.

I would only say to you if you don't know it already to establish connections and build bridges. Those bridges are what will guarantee a change of pace from the hell dump you might currently be in, not skill alone.

So when's the war then? I'd say within thirty to fourty years.