Favorite quotes from this fuck

"Uhhh, I heard.... well, I heard about just like you did... from the news"

Other urls found in this thread:


"If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business – you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

It's my favorite because it's the line that revealed his Marxist underpinnings and verified every accusation of his unAmerican belief system that had ever been lobbied at him. Fuck this nigger.

[monkey noises]

>If if if if if okie dokie

"I get my authorization to go to war from the United Nations."


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*sweating profusely and eyes open wide as a sign of desperate realization that an outcome he once thought had a 0.0001% chance of happening was actually going to happen*


*veteran storms the rally with the sign of that which is soon to come*

I've never seen him so rattled.

"Donald trump, at least I will go down as a president!"

*6 gorillion noises*


>Attitudes about my presidency among whites in northern states are very different from whites in southern states

Sounds worse than Bush and he has dementia.


But he is right. Everyone had to use public resources to get where they are. Everyone directly/indirectly benefits from everyone else. If you became super rich you have a certain level of responsibility to society. As without this society you could not become rich. You would live in a cave in the forest and hunt your food.



"You can't rig a US election."

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literally who

If you like your legacy, you can keep your legacy

Yes and thats why people who have small businesses like my family pay a shitload of money in taxes. It keeps the system going.

The problem is telling people that "they didnt build that." Because while the system allowed them to get licenses etc, 95% of the work opening the business and keeping it running was the work of the owner/investor.

It is extremely demoralizing to say something so retarded. Its only true in the most basic way and those retards at city hall fucking around forever to give you a business license then not allowing you to open for months because of some archaic city code are not doing you any favors.

Obama is a fucking idiot and his attitude towards small business people is one reason why the past few years were the smallest economic growth in history.

I just got home from hanging out with some ayys, who is the nigger?

to add, no one else was working 12 hours a day to try and sell a customer that ends up telling you to fuck off. No one else crawled around under a crawlspace in a building in ankle deep shit water trying to fix the leak with a plumber because some retarded employees blew a valve. Its just the most idiotic thing a president could say and extremely offensive to people who own their own business.

I thought he was refering to the Billionaire Class when he said that.

well maybe, i dont know the full context so forgive me, but even then at one point many billionaires struggled to build their business as well.

Well yeah but once they reach Billions of dollars and still try to weasel themselfs out of taxes its pathetic.


true, but don't forget rich politicians made those laws with loopholes to get out of paying taxes. If you are rich I fully support paying as much as the law says, even if it means you are getting massive cuts through loopholes. Only a crazy person would pay more than legally required.

Whats funny is that the democrats want to knock trump for possibly using the loopholes for getting out of paying taxes. If people don't like it then persuade the lawmakers to change the law. (they wont change the law)


“No serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections.”

*crying on live telecast*

"Hope. Change"

Just wait until all is revealed in the upcoming biography of Barack Obama by David Garrow. Unbelievable how little is known about this guy.

we know enough

Man, just think of how quietly reasonable things seemed back when he was president.


he actually did say "hol up hol up hol up" lol what a poser