Do you ever feel guilty for saying the n word or the k word? Be honest...

Do you ever feel guilty for saying the n word or the k word? Be honest. Dont you feel a little bad about how underprivileged minorites are?

I already hate myself so I don't feel bad for hating others

N word. Sometimes. Kike, never!

I look at them as others.. they are!

Sticks and stones, bruv.

Of course not.

>k word
>underprivileged minorities
nice bait


Feeling bad for them is how libtards deals with racism. They see a black and feel the need to help it. Don't be a weak pussy faggot like them.

I'll take your bait. Fuck this chimpy little nigger and the the entire broken babboon genome that makes up his DNA. Fuck all niggery niggers who are niggishly nigging with extra niggerness.

Also, fuck kikes, heeby jeeby hebrews, shini shekel seeking jews, and whatever other pejorative we can find.

OP is a baiting kike nigger

Nigger, no. It's hard to feel guilty towards a nigger when you've dealt with them most your life.

Kike, on the other hand feels a little silly at best. It doesn't even feel like it has any bite to it, let alone guilt, since I've never met a jew.

>never met a jew

I'm looking for houses in TX now

The only time I ever use racial epithets is on here or when im watching South African news.

It actually makes me feel severely uncomfortable when my friends call blacks kaffirs when im out with them.

It just seems very rude to me.




Empathy and guilt are for the weak.

Where do they do that? What part of the country?

I don't say those words because I'm not a complete dick. Unless you're hanging out with a neonazi for some reason it just makes you look like a shitty person.

My guess would be anywhere but I am from the western province.


Dem niggers and any other "minorities" should care less about the so racist terms.

That's why the world is going to shit, because those terms are considered by people very defiled.

When the world will realize the skin doesn't matters nor if a white guy called you a nigger, then planet Earth will become a lot better.