Gonna become a teacher too redpill the young

Do it too pol and we can swap the narrative

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google.is/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=icelandic debt


In America unless you are teaching in a high paying district you will make 12k-24000k max, but school districts like Westchester pay 90k-120k for entry lvl teachers.

I was interested in becoming a history teacher but the head of the department said I would make more at a min wage job and should just do a straight history degree. I am very glad I took his advice, my sister just got her first job as an art teacher and is making 12k per year in some shitty school in the Bronx.

I'm guessing history?

Public school teacher, confirmed.

I'll do my part even if it's shitty :D

I dont know where you get these figures. I make $25/hr as a sub in Detroit.

Basically i get $25/hr to shitpost.

Teachers in the US at least where I live make no money.

Huh, don't hear much about redpills in Iceland


I am a teacher, not a school teacher but I still subtly redpill my students.

I hear Iceland has pretty decent laws compared to the rest of Northern Europe, you supposedly don't have (((hatespeech)) laws, and it's acceptable to be right wing because it's too cold and desolate for anyone to care, which makes for tough badass people. I'd like to visit but it's ridiculously expensive. You should start every morning class with a pledge of allegience using the Roman salute.

Iceland fascinates me. What is it like living their? You could do whatever you want I imagine, and everyone looks so beautiful. Such a happy place but so isolated and quaint.


This is good, but don't assume that being redpilled = muh NS larping.

Nationalists and rightwingers need to infiltrate every part of society, especially education and media.

Pretty much sums it up, however people in their twenties seem too be leaning left more and more. So i take it as my duty to become a teacher

No larping intended

Make sure that you redpill your students about how Martin Luther destroyed the civilized world

Redpill us on Iceland.

MLK or the founder of Protestants? Wasn't he super redpilled on the JQ before Hitler even came on the scene

Not much too redpill on, youth sort of going bad i wanna fix that shit up

Both are burning in hell as sinners.
And Ghandi to for insipiring the negro and later Mandela to.

Do you feel closer to europe or america?
Plus, how big os your debt?

Martin Luther's reformation heresy became the blueprint of numerous """ revolutions""" in the post renaissance world including the destructive French Revolution and Communism

We tend too be a mixed bag, i lean towards old europe. Debt became an issue for the first time when the left got into power in 2008 since the right came along dept has gone down google.is/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=icelandic debt


drop subtle red pills in class brah?

>you supposedly don't have (((hatespeech)) laws
One simple Google search away, you lazy bastard.
>"Anyone who in a ridiculing, slanderous, insulting, threatening or any other manner publicly assaults a person or a group of people on the basis of their nationality, skin colour, race, religion or sexual orientation, shall be fined or jailed for up to 2 years." (In this context "assault" does not refer to physical violence but only to verbal "assault".)

Yeah, im sure these liberal race mixing art kids would love to swallow a redpill over tyrones cock

For what its worth every once in a while we get a student who has a bit of a idea and i'll help nurture them. Other than that we have a majority of blue hair justs...

i appreciate the (You), you probably won't ever be able to drop this one in class but i might as well share it with you since i just found it.

>pic related

archive . org/stream/congressionalrec103dunit#page/n25/mode/2up

>$25/hr to sub in detroit

Well yeah, you're in Detroit. You're getting hazard pay.

More seriously, how many hours a week? If it's like 20 hrs/month, the rate is also higher because you have to maintain 40 hrs/week of schedule availability regardless of if you are actually called in for paid work.

If you work a steady 40 hrs/week, your $/hour is lower but $/year is much higher because they're buying their labor in the bulk costco sized package instead of the single serve.

>I'm going to be a teacher and teach children socialist values

You and every other marxist faggot.

I've given a lot of thought to becoming a teacher. If I could find a comfy white community I'd jump at the opportunity and get the requisite training.

>i want to indoctrinate children, instead of providing an enjoyable and high quality educational experience
You'll fit right in the public school system.

Nice, you will want to be a teatcher around highschool or university, its were you will have more impact.

>Burger education

Kek never mind I was looking at the wrong too