Why are white people such Hippocrates?
White double standards
Blacks and Muslims are degenerates that the problem
t. oldfag since 2002
Americans don't get the idea that those shows are suppose to be a form of cultural shaming.
Doesn't work when almost you entire population wants to be famous.
He's dead.
He has a point with the sister wives and married at first sight thing though.
pic related is biased as fuck. sincerely not a white guy
Fucking moron.
'19 kids and counting' and 'sister wives' are publically approved shaming. Everyone makes fun of them. And its perfectly acceptable to do so, even in polite company.
Try making fun of mudslimes or niggers in a TV show or in public, see how it works out for you.
>litreally just makes shit up to make people look like le hypocrites.
Nobody is OK with whites doing any of those things.
>19 kids and counting
Dude's comparing apples and oranges. Last I checked, the family with 19 kids are not on public assistance (beyond tax deductions). A little different than baby momma popping out 8 kids from 7 different fathers, while sucking up Gibs.