IS Sup Forums BTFO


Other urls found in this thread: is the president of the united states

B-but emails and scary minorities.

he didn't ban the muslims and he didnt get rid of hillary

Just you wait Lib-cucks.

Soon the day of the rope will come and Trump will create a global safe-space.

I can safely disregard your opinion because only shills and cucks disagree with Big Boy's opinion-facts. is the president of the united states

Half of this shit is either outright lies or mental gymnastics. No wonder you all lost.

give me super quick rundown of all the lies


Your words are not as good as Trump's words so his words are better and that means he has the right words. LIBERALS want to DESTROY AMERICA with BAD FACTS! SAD!

Update for Hillary voters

1. She lost

He appointed Gorsuch, libcucks btfo


that was inevitable, but how do respond to all the other things

Arguments and logical discussion are no longer required once Trump is president.

Losing the electoral collage means your ideas are no longer valid.

and shes still not in jail, nothing happened




Typical libshits always leaving things out of context.

For point number 2 he says "It's unlikely that we will build a wall from sea to shining sea" Because there are natural barriers for which there doesn't need to be a wall for.

Yeah, honestly it's very sad that Sup Forums was ever on the Trump train in the first place. They were drawn in by his machismo but refused to look at his track record. The only thing keeping Sup Forums from fully disavowing Trump is the misplaced sense of accomplishment that "they meme'd the man into the whitehouse".

good, 1 down 12 more to go , and what about when they say that most illegals come by plane?

And Mexico will pay for it, right?

1. He said there would be no regime change in Syria, he made a calculated strike which benefits far outweighed negative effects.

2. I don't give a fuck what his secretary of homeland security says. I care what Trump says.

3. "OH NOES HIS ADMINISTRATION IS LE RICH PEOPLE". Yeah, because he should fill his admin with high school dropout niggers, right?

4. It's 4 months into his admin, it'll get replaced.

5. 4 months in, kikes fighting kikes will eventually work itself out.

6. I literally give 0 shits about his tax returns. Neither does anyone who supported him.

7. "I made all this shit up on the spot"

8. Clinton was in the pocket of goldman sachs, hiring smart people to do your bidding is smart. A nigger like you wouldn't understand.

9. This is why most people voted for him, is this guy trying to argue for or against him?

10. What is the NSA, CIA, FBI? Who is Susan Rice?

11. Muh failed raid no other President has ever had a failed raid before :'(

12. Trump meets with foreign leaders and law makers during golf. You can do a quick google search and find out what they've said after their meetings discussing business if you weren't such a dumb partisan nigger

13. I agree here with the kike here, every outlet listed is fake news.

we voted because we WANTED everything to burn
and fuck the libs

Well, if you ignore the religious right, the South, Small Town USA, business republicans, and people who will vote for any candidate with an "R" next to their name, us on Sup Forums did most of the heavy lifting.

And yet, still better than Hillary, Bernie, or any of the other non-options that were given.

1. This makes sense
2. But trump doesn’t say anything relevant, as this list shows
3. But this is why people didn’t want Hillary, what makes trump different than Hillary in this case
4. How can you be so sure? He has a red congress and it still isn’t going through
5. How can you be sure about this one as well
6. Your right, nobody does
7. This is true though, but not relevant
8. Hes not having them do his bidding, he’s doing theirs
9. This makes sense
10. Him making the spying claims made look like an idiot
11. This makes sense
12. This makes sense
13. This makes sense

1.Wouldnt bomb Syria.
>One way or another Syria was getting bombed, either ISIS or Assad would fuck up and do something stupid.
>Repeal laws to hamstring American business, and outsource jobs overseas.
>Neocons don't want their PAC' s to lose money WOW who'd have thought?
>Hahaha hahaha!
>Is this motherfucker living in a cave?
>Oh shit, us Trump supposed to sell everything he has, dump his stocks, and demolish his hotels?
>So, hireing FORMER executives and appointing two more= his ENTIRE CABINET.
>How do you do demolition? You don't hire construction workers to prop up a rotton house.
>Going golfing on the weekend=vacations to Hawaii.
>THEY ARE FAKE. Infowars Alex could pop LSD, DMX and shrooms and, ramble and STILL be more honest than CNN.

you are right

>believing the eternal manlet